Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:06:31 AM

Chapter 171: Back In Seoul

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Chapter 171: Back In Seoul


"Hmm," Haru was confused as Raum was shouting while looking at the barrier.

[This little kid, looks like he saw it,] Kurumi giggled while keeping her eyes closed.

"Saw what?" Haru asked as he didn't feel anything.

[I guess you'll understand it when you enter this place,] Kurumi said and Haru didn't ask further and just went inside the building where he found a teleporter similar to what he had seen on Dicathen and two guards decked out in armor.

"So what did you guys find?" Haru asked the two as they transferred the memory of what they found about this place to him. He had already known that the Relictombs are underground ecosystems that have multiple exits all over Alacrya and are interconnected.

"Interesting, so the ruler of this place in looking into 4 Different Relictombs, but this is a let-down they call themselves Gods yet they can't even enter this place, Tsk tsk as I said before the people who boast too much aren't worth it," Haru clicked his tongue.

The one who was ruling Alacrya Argona Vritra and the third faction which were Asuras weren't able to enter this place because of the barrier made by Aether. One of his clones had sneaked into the library that was in Eltril domain's lord's house

So Argona was sending in Vritra blooded humans in here to collect Relics made by an ancient race who have also built the Relictombs. The people who went into the Relictombs were called Ascenders. Their job is to bring back relics from the Relictombs, these relics that work on Aether.

'There was only this much in the books, it looks like the main material is in the central domain,' Haru thought as he tapped his chin.

Now about the inside of the Relictombs, The number and difficulties of zones vary depending on the ascender. And the Relictombs adjust themselves to the abilities of the ascenders within a determined zone.

'This is a neat place, but I don't think there will be anything worthwhile in there other than Aether or the relics, I don't think I can expect a strong enemy here,' Haru shrugged and went in the teleporter.

Haru felt like his body passed through a wall of sticky goo, all in all, it was quite disgusting.

And then the surroundings changed, Haru looked around to see a barren landscape without a single tree or a bush.

All he could see was cracked land that stretched for as far as his eyes could see. But this big area was utterly empty.....

"This is interesting," Haru muttered as he looked to the left and an army of dragons flying at him.

About 2,000 dragons were coming at him, Raum was also excited seeing them and flew in the sky turning into a black streak heading towards the dragons.

The Dragons weren't that strong in Haru's eyes but it was still interesting how there were so many of them, the strength of dragons varied some were National Rank and a few were on Kamish level But most of the dragons were A-ranks and low S-ranks if compared to the Solo leveling world.


The ground at Haru's feet cracked as he blasted toward the dragons at full speed leaving behind a blur as he left behind an unhappy Raum.

Haru kicked the air strongly to increase his speed leaving strong airwaves behind him. And in an instant, Haru was already in front of the strongest monster of the pack.

"Yo," Haru said as the dragon who had dark red scales and two horns coming out of his forehead looked at him in surprise. The dragon didn't know when Haru reached him as the sky behind him was painted red.

There were dozens of giant fireballs made of dark red fire coming from behind Haru and it wasn't his doing.

'Well it is totally like Ha-kun though,' Kurumi shrugged as she knew how Haru always wanted to protect his family.

She had been on the receiving end of it as well, although she didn't need protection with how powerful she is even in her current state, it was still a feeling she loved and cherished.

'He takes after Akane in this but minus the extreme part, Akane is just too extreme,' Kurumi smiled as she went into his mind space because she had something to take care of.

Hearing Kurumi's reply Haru pressed on 'Yes' and then vanished from this world.


Seoul, South Korea,

It was currently afternoon as Queresha was in the kitchen making some tea and snacks for herself.

'My Lord liked Kimchi Pancakes a lot,' While thinking about Haru it was a daily routine for her, as she only ate food that Haru liked since he went while also learning how to make them.

And suddenly she felt two arms around her waist pulling her back.

"That looks tasty, can I have some?" Haru said with a smile.

"Of course," Queresha said with a small smile.

"You don't look so surprised? What if it was an enemy?" Haru asked in curiosity. He thought Queresha would at least try to attack him after he hugged her from behind without saying anything.

"There is no way I would mistake this warm embrace to be of someone else other than My Lord," Queresha said with a smile.

"You and your glib tongue," Haru chuckled at her answer but he knew that other than him no one would be able to sneak up on Queresha like this atleast not in this world.

"I learned it from you My Lord," Queresha giggled and prepared more snacks for Haru along with a cup of tea.

"Ok Ok, stop teasing me," Haru shook his head as they went back to the living room to eat.




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