Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:06:27 AM

Chapter 173: Back To Xyrus

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Chapter 173: Back To Xyrus

"It is fine, the plan is already moving anyway, We'll have some soon," Haru said with a smile as Jin-woo tilted his head. He didn't know which plan Haru was talking about but seemed like Haru had already planned for it before he said it.

"So is the plan working properly?" Haru asked Jin-woo.

"Yes it going off without a hitch for now, we have built farms on five different planets while I recovered data from the Monarch of Transfigurations hideout, and I have to say it was as you said," Jin-woo said as he looked at haru.

"Well, it looks like we can have an endless supply of monsters and an endless supply of soldiers for your army as well, this way we can keep the world busy for some time," Haru said with a smile.

"Yes, that is true, and as you told me I gave a copy of all the books and data I found from there to Queresha," Jin-woo added with a frown and Haru smiled.

"That's good, So I have something that will be compensated, I have an interesting dead body for you," Haru said with a smile and then looked at Jin-woo who blinked without knowing what to say.

'The way he says it is like he found me a new snack, you know this is the reason I told you not to kill an innocent person before,' Jin-woo rolled his eyes and then they started to discuss further about this 'Body'.

After talking and analyzing the body, Jin-woo had to say that this body was interesting since it used a new type of mana system that can help him upgrade the lower-level soldiers in his shadow army plus it might also help them create some hybrid monsters with more ease.


The stay in this world was short as Haru went to meet Il-Hwan and Kyung-hye who were very happy to see him, Well Il-hwan was angry as usual but Kyung-hye knocked him down a few levels.

After spending another relaxing day here, it was already time for them to leave. Jin-ah had said her goodbyes to her parents, While Kyung-hye wasn't against it as long as Jin-ah visited once a month,

"JUNIOR, DO, YOU, DARE!!!!!" But il-hwan was so livid that he shouted like a angry sect elder while wanting to cut down Haru.

I don't think we need to know what happened to him. The Sect Master took care of him.

It was the next afternoon and everyone was ready to go to a new world.

"So you guys packed up right?" Haru asked.

"Yes we placed it all in the inventory for now," Hae-in answered as the other nodded.

"Waku Waku," Jin-ah was super excited about traveling to another world. While Kanae tried to not show her excitement to others but failed as her eyes were shining.

While Queresha was also looking forward to seeing this new world that had things that interested her and hopefully she would be able to find new breakthroughs in her research to help Haru.

"Well that is good now stay in the Training ground for a bit," Haru said as he sent the four in the training ground where Raum was having fun flying around.

"Ok I am relying on you Kurumi," Haru said as he opened his status once again.

[Got it,] Kurumi answered back as Haru thought that she was too quiet for the two days but he knew that she won't answer so he waited for her to open up about it.

Haru clicked 'yes' and then left this world to go back.


"Why are you surprised? It was obvious," Haru said as he shrugged.

"You shut up, Hmph," Kanae was blushing hard as she pointed at Haru angrily then looked away.

"Oh yes, Haru can you get us these things, we will need these," Hae-in said as she handed Haru a long list of utilities.

"Ok," Haru nodded and stood up.

"Oh! I wanna go as well," Jin-ah sprung up but she was held in place by a hand.

"Did you unpack your luggage?" Queresha asked with a smile.

"I-I'll do it later," Jin-ah said as she looked away, she was too excited looking around the house that she forgot.

"We all know that you aren't going to do it later," Hae-in said as she pulled Jin-ah away.


"If you do it, I'll take you to the Magic Academy later," Haru said with a thumbs up, Haru knew he had to give her a reason or she would never unpack her luggage. Jin-ah was the very definition of procrastination. Her tomorrow never comes it only gets delayed.

"I'll do it, I'll even unpack the neighbor's luggage watch me, UWOOOOOOO!!!!!" Jin-ah was hyped as fire burned in her eyes she ran down the hallway leaving Hae-in behind.

"Well I'll go and explore the garden in the back," Hae-in said as she left the room.

"I haven't unpacked my books and I also have to set up the lab in the basement, I also need to lay down spell formations around the house to fortify the defenses. So My Lord please if you would excuse me," Queresha said as Haru nodded. Queresha left the room while looking at Kanae who tilted her head not understanding what was going on.

Now only Haru and Kanae were left in the room.

"Kanae, do you wanna come with me?" Haru asked as he stood up.




if there are any mistakes or suggestions on how to make the story interesting comment them down.




BYE. This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!