Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:06:01 AM

Chapter 180: Haru Is The Son Of.....

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Chapter 180: Haru Is The Son Of.....

"You see his flames continued to eat away at the seal, So you can say that Haru was nothing more than a ticking time bomb that could go off at any moment, and that is where I come in, My task was to guard the seal and make sure that Haru is able to control his powers or till his parents are able to find a way to strengthen his body, But the latter is almost impossible," Kurumi answered.

"Then how much progress has he made?" Kanae asked.

"I'd say about 1% and even that is unconscious use of his powers," Kurumi said.

"Damn it," Kanae cursed out.

"How much time does he have left?" Hae-in asked.

"There is enough time for him to learn, I have plans to fasten his process of learning, I won't let anything happen to him," Kurumi said with a serious expression.

"Kurumi Unnie is so Cool!" Jin-ah spoke while looking at Kurumi with stars in her eyes.

"Then what about the powers My Lord uses are they the 1% you are talking about?" Queresha asked with fear because if that was 1% then she could imagine Haru at his full power.

"No, those were given to him by the people who are after Haru," Kurumi said.

"Ok, so it is that Cliché, where there are villains who are after the protagonist to have the hidden bloodline in him," Jin-ah nodded sagely while the others looked at her with twitching eyes.

This was how

"Where did these powers come from?" Jin-ah asked curiously.

"Well they came from Anime and mangas," Kurumi said.

"Oh, I haven't seen the power Haru uses anywhere? And Another Cliché Neat," Jin-ah spoke with a serious expression.

"It is from the ones that exist in Haru's world," Kurumi shrugged.

"Wait really? I wanna see them, And do I need to say it again, Another One," Jin-ah was a bit too enthusiastic but about the wrong thing.

"Are you sure you want to?" Kurumi asked with narrowed eyes.

"Why are you asking it like....that?" Kanae asked with an uneasy expression as Queresha's eyes widen. N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

"....Don't tell me," Queresha asked Kurumi who nodded and the room was bathed in silence.

"Wait I am a character in a Manga? Isn't it awesome or is it?" Jin-ah shouted with a confused expression.

"Yes you are, the name of the Manhwa is 'Solo Leveling' do you want to know about it?" Kurumi asked and everyone nodded. They were curious about that as all of them have read fantasy novels that had similar settings.

So after a few hours,

"Don't take it seriously, And yes it was your brother's fault," Kurumi said lazily.

"Then why did they seal his memories as well? From what I had heard from you Haru's parents or her mother is too overprotective of him, so why did they leave him alone with his memories sealed," Kanae asked with narrowed eyes.

"..." Kurumi stayed silent for a while then sighed.

"Whatever I say next will stay here, because if Haru finds out things won't end well, for you and for him, So make sure Haru doesn't know of this," Kurumi said seriously making the four gulp in fear. But they nodded regardless because they wanted to help if possible.

"Ok," Kurumi nodded and told them about the reason.

After explaining to them for about half an hour Kurumi stopped.

"So that's how it is," Queresha nodded with a worried expression.

"I don't even feel surprised at this point, a 14-year-old burned down a full universe because his childhood friend was hurt," Kanae felt a headache rising in her head.

"Well technically I wasn't hurt, But yeah that is what happened and then we had a lot of things to worry about. Haru who had about a few thousand years to master his powers had only about a hundred years left after that incident, and to say it fairly it wasn't possible for him to master his powers normally and if we left him with his memories he would continue to use his power unconsciously and worsen his own condition even more," Kurumi explained.

"So you sealed My Lord's memories of the incident and before that so that he doesn't end up remembering it and worsen his own condition?" Queresha asked and Kurumi nodded.

"What about Haru's parents why did they leave him behind?" Jin-ah asked.

"The main reason for that was because us being close to Haru risked the seal on his memory and power to break earlier than the time we planned, So I went inside Haru's mindspace to stabilize the seal while his parents were making sure that he wouldn't have any trouble living in the world even without them, They had to leave so that they can search for a way to strengthen Haru's body because that was the only safe way left for him at that point. I had a way but Akane rejected it countless times, so after I stabilized the seal properly I went to sleep waiting for Haru's parents to come back, But well I wish I didn't go to sleep," Kurumi said with a sigh.

"Hmm, but things don't add up," Hae-in said and Kurumi looked at her.

"What do you mean?" Kurumi asked.

"How did Haru end up being sent to our world? Seeing how protective you and his parents are it shouldn't be possible," Hae-in asked as Queresha agreed with her opinion.

"...We were careless that is all, You see when it comes to him we end up acting like idiots," Hearing the answer the others looked at each other and didn't ask further.

"And which goddess is Akane? Considering her name she should be from the Japanese myth but I haven't heard of a god with that name," Kanae asked as she has been trying to figure out who Haru's parents were.

"She could be a god that doesn't exist in our world," Jin-ah speculated.

"No there should be a mention of her real name in your world," Kurumi said with a smile.

"Real name?" Hae-in tilted her head.

"Yes 'Akane' is an alias if someone who knows her real power takes her name it can be catastrophic, You remember the name Haru got in Japan right?" Kurumi said and everyone was shocked.

"Haru is the Son of Amaterasu," Kanae spoke with wide eyes, her words surprised the other three as well.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!