Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:06:00 AM

Chapter 181: 100 Beasts vs Haru

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Chapter 181: 100 Beasts vs Haru

"Wait! Wait! The Amaterasu I've read about isn't that strong," Queresha said with doubt because from what she had heard Haru's mother was too strong to be Amaterasu.

"Of course, the one you read about isn't that strong, The one I am talking about lives in the Outerverse and is stronger than any of her counterparts that are present in the Myriads of Multiverse out there," Kurumi spoke with a yawn.

"Wait! then doesn't that mean that Haru is like the god Kagatsuchi that killed his mother at birth?" Jin-ah asked.

"You can say they are similar but Akane isn't dead, so there is that," Kurumi chuckled as this was something she had used to tease Akane on various occasions. This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

"Then what about Haru's father?" Jin-ah asked.

"Fufu, You can ask him when you meet him," Kurumi said with a playful expression.

"So what you are saying is that The Amaterasu that is Haru's mother and the Amaterasu we know are different beings? Like us in this world and the ones in the Manhwa Solo leveling?" Queresha asked after sorting out her thoughts, She was extremely interested in the topic of Multiverses.

"Yes, but also no, The thing about you guys is that you are now in a timeline that has branched because of Haru's involvement, this also means that there are various versions of you in parallel universes, But this isn't true for Akane there are many different versions of her across different worlds and each is a different entity even while sharing the same name and source, and even if there are many different versions of her across the multiverses, there is only one Akane who has reached that level of power, So she became a unique existence different from the others," Kurumi explained while everyone tried to understand the words.

"Then other gods from different Myths should also exist there right?" Kanae probed and Kurumi nodded.

"Not only gods but even Transmigrants, Reincarnators and Regressors that have reached the proper standard are able to go there, But It is complicated, so don't worry about it, You'll get there one day. So you can think about it at that time," Kurumi said with a laugh. As the four were dumbfounded at the answer, They were confused and wanted to ask some more but.

"So that ends the questions right," Kurumi said and the four looked at each other and then nodded, They could see that Kurumi wasn't in the mood to answer anymore.

"Then it is decided that I am the first wife," Kurumi said and the others couldn't help but roll their eyes.

'How did you reach that conclusion exactly?' They all thought but didn't object to it, to them it didn't matter who was first or last.

"Fufufu, Good now that I am the first wife, That means that I am going to give birth to the first child," Kurumi dropped the bomb and the other four stiffened.

"..." A brief silence prevailed over the room.

"YOU TRICKED US ALL YOU DAMN FOX," Hae-in, Kanae, and Jin-ah roared in anger as Queresha sighed helplessly.

'It is bound to be a noisy night today even without My Lord, Cough* what am I thinking?' Queresha coughed with a red face as she looked at Hae-in, Kanae, and Jin-ah trying to argue with Kurumi who was lost in her own fantasies not paying them any attention.


It was the next few days everyone went about their daily life normally without any changes, everyone was having fun together trying out different things that Xyrus had to offer while training constantly.

Everyone had breakfast in the morning, then went to do their own thing with Kanae and Hae-in training while Queresha went to continue her research as for Jin-ah...

"I am looking forward to it," Haru spoke with a grin while expecting a good challenge since Kurumi had prepared this for him.


Raum showed his excitement as well.

Haru entered the entrance and for once didn't feel the feeling of passing through thick mud.

And in the next instant, Haru found himself floating in space.....

'Wait what?' Haru looked around and all he could see was outer space with stars glittering in the distance He didn't know what was happening but he liked the view.

Just when Haru was admiring the view, In an instant 100 Beasts made of fire with blazing red eyes appeared a few kilometers away from him, which included a butterfly, an eagle, a gorilla, a fox, a tiger, a lion, and an eastern dragon.

And they weren't normal-sized beasts but were 100s of times bigger than their counterparts. The whole Army of 100 beasts were looking at Haru from above.

All of them looked at Haru who was standing still, he could feel something in him trying to break out but it was stopped suddenly.

'All of them are excluding a temperature that is close to the surface of the sun (5,505 °C). But why does this feel so familiar?' Haru thought as he narrowed his eyes.

'So this is the Monsters that I will have to fight? They are almost at Antares level, and they also have Aether in them. This will be troublesome,' Haru had a serious look on his face.

[Listen carefully Haru, give it your all, don't think of anything useless, You can think of this as a test. The result here will determine if you can meet your parents again or not, and if you are able to use Aether you will also be able to revive Hae-in and Kanae's parents after training it,] Kurumi spoke in Haru's head and he took a deep breath.

[I can't back down if you say that, Thank you for this,] Haru said and Kurumi smiled.

[I am the First Wife after all,] Kurumi said proudly but she wasn't lying about what she said, The result here will determine the directions things will go from now on.


Haru's Mangekyou activated as an 8-pointed star pattern appeared, Haru let his Haki flow without holding back.


The space was painted red as explosions were heard all over the place but the 100 beasts weren't affected in the slightest.

'Seeing how they have so much spirit power concentrated in them, I thought I could disrupt a few but nothing happened,' Haru smiled as he took out his Katana and a dark black aura covered the entire Katana.

Then suddenly Haru saw that the surroundings changed in an instant.

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