Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:05:12 AM

Chapter 188: A Corrupted Beast Will?

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Chapter 188: A Corrupted Beast Will?

"Professor, how long have you been here?" Kai asked as he was trying to get more information.

'Why do I feel so uneasy in front of this guy, There is no way he knows right? No, that can't be his strength is only stated to be Lance level at best in the report, And it doesn't matter even if he is stronger than the Lances, One more ant isn't much to worry about,' Kai pressed down the fear in his chest because the way Haru looked at him was as if he knew who he was.

"I have been here since you took Gwader to the entrance of the room to scare the newcomer," Haru said plainly and Kai gulped in fear once again.

"Ok enough of that, let me tell you about what my role is in D.C." Haru said and everyone nodded. Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.


After the ceremony, the students were going to their respective classrooms to attend lectures.

'That Professor sure is amazing, it is like I lose him the moment my eyes leave him but his presence is even more authoritative when he is speaking,' Arthur thought as he remembered Haru who had a very commanding presence when he was giving the speech at the ceremony.

But even with the overwhelming charisma and presence one could feel at ease around him, it was like a sense of security one would feel when you sit next to a bonfire on a cold night, seeing as to how he scared the D.C officers and then calmed them down instantly without a hitch was also an example of how people warmed up to him easily.

'It is also quite scary when he is looking at me,' Arthur sighed as he didn't understand why he felt really scared when Haru looked at him, it was like he knows everything about him just like Sylvia. It was quite a complicated feeling for Arthur.

'Whatever, my only goal now is to get stronger so that I can settle my scores with that Lucas without putting my family in danger,' Arthur thought as his eyes got colder and he entered the classroom while ignoring the gazes on him.

"Arthur here," A boy with short-trimmed, jet-black hair falling low across his forehead and wearing square-framed glasses called out to Arthur.

"Elijah, why are you looking at me like this?" Arthur asked because how Elijah was looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"I am comparing," Elijah answered shortly.

"What?" Arthur didn't know what Elijah was up to now, but it was surely something dumb.

"I am comparing you with that Supervising Professor of yours of course, I can't believe a man can be that good-looking," Elijah spoke in jealousy while chewing his handkerchief.

Arthur couldn't help but roll his eyes because Elijah was up to something dumb as he thought, but it was true he saw even the boys blushing at Haru's smile let's not even talk about the girls.

"Damn you, Why are you rolling your eyes? Every girl in the academy is talking about him. Grrr, I didn't know there was someone who even makes you look like an average person," Elijah was getting more jealous when he looked at girls in his class talking about Haru with flushed faces.

'He is going to be like this for a while now, isn't he?' Arthur sighed while looking at Elijah who kept on complaining about how Haru was being drooled over by all the females in the academy.

After their talk, the class started and thanks to Professor Glory Arthur, Claire, and Curtis were up against Lucas, Clive, and Tessia respectively in a mock battle.

'Hmm, it is alright,' Haru thought while looking at the fight going on in front of him.

[Don't be so pessimistic did you forget your goal of coming here,] Kurumi spoke lazily.

[Yes yes, I get it I need to observe how people with limited mana use it,] Haru said and rolled his eyes, he just wanted to send a clone of his here but Hae-in, Queresha, and Kurumi insisted that he goes to the academy in person to learn more about how to use mana more intricately.

It was because Haru has almost inexhaustible reserves he had never really had to worry about running out of mana. So it was a good opportunity for him to observe.

[And you were even able to find many things since you came here in person,] Kurumi said making Haru nod his head, it was good that he came here himself.

'Kai Crestless, huh. They even infiltrated the academy.' Haru thought.

So while Haru was looking at the fight between Arthur and Lucas, his attention went to the fight between Tessia and Curtis.

'This isn't good,' Haru thought while looking at a giant fire beam that was heading for Tessia who was unable to protect herself because something happened to her core.

'A corrupted Beast Will, Things are getting a little interesting here,' Haru smiled.




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