Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:16:33 AM

Chapter 19: A Date?

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Chapter 19: A Date?

Third-person POV

'Ok, so can you both talk rather than just looking at each other.' This is the only thing on Haru's mind right now.

It has been 10 minutes just say something.

"Haru, can you bring some snacks for the guest, I'll keep her company while You're gone," jin-ah said while looking at Haru.

"......Ok, do you want something?" Haru asked as he can see she is in a bad mood.

"No, just bring what you usually bring," jin-ah said.

"I'll be back in a bit Hae-in," Haru said to her with a smile which caused her to look away as she nodded.

Jin-ah's eyes narrowed while looking at this.

'Perhaps, she also.....No, it can't be...' This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

Haru left the room to get some snacks that Hae-in and Jin-ah liked.

After he left the room both girls had a serious expressions and spoke at the same time.

"What is your relationship with him?" which caused them to narrow their eyes and look at each other.

'To ask someone what their relationship is....'

"Then I'll say first," Jin-ah said as Hae-in nodded.

"I'm his neighbor and childhood friend. Well..." Jin-ah said as she remembered that he kissed her Yesterday which caused her face to become rosy. Hae-in looked at this and thought.

'Then why are you blushing.....'

"Then I'll go next I'm his...." Then her face became red as well as her eyes darted around the room.

'Could it be...' Jin-ah's heartbeat quickened as she thought it would be something she didn't want to hear.

".....Friend," Hae-in said shyly while blushing. Jin-ah nearly fell off the sofa as she stood up and said.

"Then why are you acting like you're his wife you nearly gave me a heart attack" Jin-ah patting her chest to calm herself.

"W-W-Wi-Wife N-No it-it's to e-ea-early," Hae-in said while covering her face with her hands as smoke was coming out of her head.

'it is as I thought she as well....' Jin-ah clenched her fist as she at the woman in front of her.

Hae-in calmed down after some time and looked at jin-ah again.

After some time both of them sighed.

"So you want some tea or coffee?" jin-ah asked her.

"Tea will be fine," Hae-in said as jin-ah stood up and went to pour tea that Haru made some time ago it was still hot.

Meanwhile, Hae-in was looking around the house her only impression was.

'It's a simple house. But it has a cozy and warm feeling.' Then jin-ah came back with a cup of tea for hae-in and they started about talking a random topic but it was somehow always revolving around Haru.

From which hae-in learned a lot of things about Haru from jin-ah.

'So he lost his parents as well.' She said while thinking about her parents. and she also understood what Haru meant for jin-ah.

For Jin-ah, Haru was her emotional pillar someone she can fall back to and depend on. 'I wonder how it feels to have something like that.'



'I just hope they aren't fighting.' I thought as I know that it is unlikely because of hae-in personality but jin-ah can be extremely childish sometimes.

I paid for the snacks that I bought for them.

Haitai Calbee Honey Butter Chips, Binggrae Strawberry Milk, and Samanco Ice Cream for Hae-in.

"Yeah sorry for coming earlier," I said.

He nodded and said, "It's alright, come in and make yourself comfortable."

I said hello to the girl who was looking towards me with narrowed eyes. And went in to sit down on the sofa and the girl sat in front of me while looking at me. we didn't say anything and just looked at each other. And then the girl said.

"Haru can you get us some snacks?" to which Haru nodded and went out to buy snacks. And we talked a bit and understood who she was but when she asked this question I didn't know what to say. As I don't know what he is to me. I ask this question to myself every night thinking that I will find it out the next day but I couldn't.

My heart is in turmoil as I don't know what to name this relationship I have with him but one thing that I know of is that I don't want to lose this feeling I have.

After he came back. We ate the snacks he brought it was my favorite.

I can see she looks at him the same way I do. As for why I know how I look at him like that is.

Because Master Choi took a photo of me while I was looking at him. and he was teasing me while showing me the photo. I told him to delete the photo 'kindly' and he did.

'So she is feeling the same as me?'

And we started talking again but this time Jin-ah asked something that caught me by surprise.

"...Is it a date?" I choked on my snacks.

Haru then gave me a glass of water and patted my back which helped me calm down. I didn't know what to say if think about it.

It is similar to a D-Da-Date.

'What am I going to do now?' I was panicking again.

"Are you alright?" he asked while looking a bit worried. And I just forgot what I was thinking and just nodded while looking away. He then went to change his clothes.

"It is a date right," Jin-ah said to me.

"N-No it's not." I don't know why but I regret saying that.

"I don't believe you." She said while looking away.

"We are just going shopping, and maybe dinner," I said to her.

"Isn't that what a date is?" she said to me with a blank stare.

"I-is it i-I don't know." I was nervous once again.

I saw her shaking her head.

Then Haru came out of his room.

After he changed his clothes into a black t-shirt, a white bomber jacket with black stripes on the sleeves, and black pants. With his hair now tied in his usual high ponytail.

"Ok, let's go Hae-in," he called out to me.

"When will come back, Haru" Jin-ah asked him.

"I'll be back by 7 p.m," he replied to her while wearing black shoes.

"So behave while you are home ok." He said to Jin-ah patting her head. Her face turned red as she looked away pouting.

And we left the house together and took a taxi to coex mall that is at Seoul Gangnam-gu Yeongdong-daero 513.


OK so i have something to ask you guys how many harem members are we taking from solo leveling.





comment on which one you want.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!