Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:05:10 AM

Chapter 191: Everything Is Planned Out?

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Chapter 191: Everything Is Planned Out?

"I have suppressed the Beast will and it won't cause you trouble like this time again, all you have to do is assimilate it properly," Haru told while looking at Tessia who nodded.

"Thank you, Professor," Tessia said and bowed thankfully.

"Really thank you very much, Professor," Followed by Merial who was overjoyed after hearing that something like this won't happen again.

"I said I would help, anyway it still boils down to if she can subdue the Beast will on her own now," Haru said making Virion and Cynthia nod.

'So the beast will does have a soul seal as well, That guy is surely making moves,' Haru thought in his mind as he sat down on the sofa.

"Although it is a bit late please accept this as a meeting gift," Alduin said and placed a jar of tea leaves that Haru was familiar with.

"You didn't have to bring this though," Haru said making the elven couple smile a bit.

"We heard from Lady Zenobia that you are really fond of these Tea leaves so we prepared some in advance," Merial said with a smile.

"And we couldn't really come and meet Professor Tsugikuni empty-handed anyway," Virion said with a smirk.

"You didn't really need to, and don't call me so respectfully you are an elder after all Haru is fine," Haru said he liked Virion's character personally.

"Oh come on, you are someone that kid Zenobia acknowledged, so I can't really talk rudely to you," Virion said with a teasing smirk.

"You did just call me a Brat a few seconds ago though," Haru joked making Virion chuckle a bit.

"That has become a habit," Virion said with a smirk.

'It was a good idea to meet him early so that I can stop the council before they do something stupid,' Virion thought and looked at Cynthia.

"Then we won't take more of your time," Cynthia said and Haru nodded before giving her a paper.

"What is this?" Cynthia asked.

"Send these students to the personal Training ground tomorrow," Haru said and Cynthia nodded happily.

Even Virion looked excited as they walked out with the others.

"Hey show that to me,"

"There is no way~"

"Grr, you old coot,"

"Ah! Using magic now, what a childish old man,"

Haru sighed while listening to Cynthia and Virion outside his office.

But he pushed that out of his mind and tapped his desk.

"Yes, it took me some time but I was able to understand my Fathers words," Queresha said softly and Haru smiled.

"Because of my dream of becoming a Great ruler that will make my father proud, I became too fixated on the sword that the previous emperors including my father held, even if it didn't suit me I still used that sword to prove myself being worthy of the throne, but in the end, all it did was hold me back. I was only able to understand it now," Queresha spoke and Haru listened to her.

'And the battlefield wasn't the only place where this obsession held me back but....' Queresha thought while looking at Haru.

"Well that is good," Haru smiled as he sat up and patted Queresha's head gently who moved in and kissed him deeply. Which was a little surprising considering Queresha rarely makes the first move.

After a few minutes, she moved back and rested her head on Haru's chest. Her face was red as she hugged him tightly.

'If it wasn't for you My Lord, I may have never understood it,' Queresha thought with a sweet smile.

"My Lord," Queresha called out to Haru. He looked at her waiting for her next words.

"For today onwards I would like to serve you as your wife rather than your subordinate," Queresha spoke with a blush.

"Weren't you wife from the beginning?" Haru asked making Queresha blink.

"Pfft, I love you so much My Dear Husband," Queresha laughed and kissed Haru again.

"Oh! What is happening here?" The sudden voice made Queresha stiffen as Haru looked at Jin-ah who had an 'Oh My' look on her face.

"Queresha is getting better at planning these types of things now," Hae-in said with a smile as well.

"Is this why I found new Training Equipment in the training area," Kanae asked with narrowed eyes, and others couldn't help but roll their eyes.

'Aren't you a little too easy to distract?' Hae-in thought while Jin-ah was like 'Gotta write this down,'

"Anyways let's have dinner," Haru said and everyone went to have dinner together, when Haru reached the bedroom after taking a bath he only found Queresha there in a purple bathrobe.

Looks like things were really planned out....




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