Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:05:09 AM

Chapter 192: Teach What?

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Chapter 192: Teach What?

The next day, Haru was in the academy walking down the empty Hallway in the training building.

'So it is this one,' Haru looked at the big gate in front of him and there was his name written on the left side.

Opening the door Haru walked in and saw a group standing inside. It was Claire, Kathyln, Tessia, Arthur, Curtis, Elijah, and Randel.

The room had a small forest-like area deeper but has a fountain and stream on the right side, all in all, the place looks like a small isolated forest. Haru asked this room to be made like this, there is no training equipment here yet and it might come in a day or two.

"Good Morning Professor," Everyone except Randel greeted Haru.

"Looks like you guys came in earlier," Haru said and looked at the enthusiastic faces of everyone again except Randel, and Elijah was happy for a different reason.

'AHHHHHHHH! I must have been a saint in my past life, there is no other way I would be able to be in a class with so many beautiful girls, The Moon is so close,' Elijah thought as his nose flared making Arthur look at him.

Seeing Arthur was looking at him Elijah gasped.

"No No the moon belongs to you," Elijah said while nodding sagely making Arthur look at him weirdly.

'We ate the same breakfast, didn't we?' Arthur thought and looked at Randel who walked up to Haru.

"Yo, Randel long time no see," Haru waved with a smile.

"What are you planning Evil Pretty Boy?" Randel asked while pointing at Haru.

"Eh?" Everyone in the room was dumbfounded even Haru didn't know what was going on.

"Don't play dumb with me, You want to get into my sister's bed by trying to impress me, I have been through this too many times let m- OUCH," Randel who was in the middle of his speech was hit on the head by Haru.

"What are you on about? Did you hit your head or something," Haru asked as Randel squatted down on the ground holding his head.

"You are the one who hit me, anyway what are you planning Evil Pretty boy?" Randel said while shielding his head.

"What are you on about?" haru tilted his head.

"Don't think that playing dumb will work, You want to impress me to get into the good books of my sister right," Randel said making Haru sigh.

"So, you think that to get your sister I am trying to impress you, Is that it?" Haru asked and Randel nodded.

"Do you think I need to do that though?" Haru asked while looking at Randel.

' right, Damn it! He is right,' Randel thought after looking at Haru up and down.

"So you are telling me that I am useless in this situation?" Randel said and blinked.

Haru nodded to his words making Randel take in a sharp breath. The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

"Damn pretty bastard you are horrible," Randel said and walked back to the line. Everyone was shocked at how Randel behaved in front of an S-rank Adventurer But Claire, Curtis, and Kathyln didn't even blink at his antics since they knew him from childhood. In fact, if he didn't refuse the spot in D.C Arthur would have to replace someone else on the squad.

"So, You are Elijah knight," Haru walked up to Elijah who nodded at his question.

"Professor, are you a woman pretending to be a male?" Elijah asked and the room was shrouded in silence.

'Maybe I should stop eating the food in the cafeteria,' Arthur shrank back seeing Elijah's idiocy. Even the others had their mouth open in surprise. It was one thing after another.

"Ho! why do you think so?" Haru asked with a smile.

"He is definitely doing this on purpose," Randel muttered while being carried off by Arthur was the first to get out.

"Ouch what is going on? Does this have a purpose or is he angry that I suspected him to be a woman," Elijah was groaning with a few bandages on his face and Arthur was the same.

"No, I think Professor has a purpose," Arthur said while deeply thinking.

"So you mean to say Pretty Boy is not just bullying us to feel good?" Randel spoke while icing his swollen right cheek.

"...Of course not, Do you remember what Professor said at the beginning," Curtis asked Randel who had a face that looked like 'Why the pause?' but nodded.

"He said that he will teach us how to run away But why would we need to run away, see it doesn't make any sense," Randel said.

"It makes perfect sense," Arthur rolled his eyes as Curtis nodded.

"How?" Elijah asked making Arthur sigh.

"When do you think we need to run away?" Arthur said as he looked at Elijah and Randel.

Elijah was reminded of the Elderwood guardian.

"When we meet a stronger opponent we can't face/ When my sister gets angry," Elijah and Randel said, but Hearing Randel's words the other three looked at him with straight faces.

"Why does every topic with you end up reaching your sister? Are you a siscon?" Elijah asked with Curtis and Arthur also moving a bit away from Randel.

"Shut up Small glasses just think about that Pretty bastard going after your sister and then talk to me," Randel said furiously making Arthur and Curtis think.

'My Dear Ellie take this take this chocolate and if you say yes there is an even bigger one waiting for you,'

'Yes, big brother Ellie loves chocolates,'

Arthur imagined Haru trying to hit on his sister and his heart was shattered into millions of pieces.

'Kathyln, Do you feel cold want me to warm you up?'

'That sounds like a good idea Professor,'

Here Curtis was also imagining his sister smiling and running into Haru's arms.

Both Arthur and Curtis were silent for while, they were in deep contemplation.




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