Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:05:06 AM

Chapter 195: What Happened?

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Chapter 195: What Happened?

"Ok, then go back to what you have to do," Haru looked at Arthur, Tessia, Randel, Claire, Curtis, Kathyln, and Elijah who had changed into their normal uniforms after taking a shower to continue their day.

"Ok Professor," They answered and left the room after saying goodbye to Queresha.

"That was really something," Curtis said making everyone nod.

"I feel like my strength increased," Claire said while opening and closing her palms.

"You too," Elijah asked and the others also felt the same, it was like some they have become lighter and more refreshed even after they were fully exhausted just about 30 minutes ago.

"But the real surprise is that food made of Mana Beasts meat," Kathyln said and the other couldn't help but agree, it is not like no one has ever tried cooking mana beasts before, But the ones they ate today were ones that weren't beasts that people could fight much less eat. It would be possible for the Lances to hunt them but cooking that meat was another mountain to climb. N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

But not only did the food they had was delicious but it was made from S or A-rank beasts.

'It might be because of the food and the result of us being under that type of Pressure that we feel stronger than before, But the thing that is concerning me is.....'

'You can't become stronger if you half-ass things like this,' Haru's words kept ringing in Arthur's ears.

'Sigh* he is correct if I want to achieve what I want I will have to give it my all,' Arthur thought with a firm expression and glanced at Tessia.

"But I can't get over one thing," Elijah said bringing the other's attention. As they looked at him curiously at what he was talking about was it Haru's methods, his strength, or perhaps his looks?

"How can he have Four wives? This is so unfair, Lady Queresha is so beautiful she deserves better than this," Elijah said with a frustrated look making others roll their eyes, so it was this? They can't say they weren't jealous considering how good-looking and gentle Queresha was Arthur was even reminded of Sylvia because of how similar their natures were, But having multiple wives was pretty much the norm among the nobles leaving a few. And considering Haru's looks and strength it is even more normal.

"I totally understand you, this Pretty bastard should be single for the rest of his life," Randel said hatefully.

"Yes, Miss Queresha is so gentle and graceful, It is almost like she isn't from this world and isn't meant to be seen from this close, her Beauty can only be admired from a distance so as to not taint her divine visage," Elijah gave a passionate speech then looked at Arthur with a bit of pity confusing him.

"Sorry, Arthur but she is the real Lunar goddess," Elijah said with a pat on his shoulder.

'What is he on about?' Everyone including Arthur thought not understanding what was going on.

[Papa, Small glasses is acting weirdly again,] Sylvie said while lazily lying on Arthur's head.

[When has he not acted like an idiot?] Arthur rolled his eyes and Sylvie laughed with a 'that's right'

"Art wasn't the training great, it has been a while since I felt like I improved so much," Tessia talked to Arthur who nodded.

[The thing is I wanted to ask if you have made up yer mind about the thing we talked about,] Rahdeas asked and Randel fell silent. He closed his eyes for a moment then opened them again for

"Can I have more time to think about it?" Randel asked with a complicated look.

[Sure, but you should know that not anyone can become a lance's student, It is because you are my student's son that I am asking ya, So think about it carefully I don't want you to waste your talents like your father did. Don't forget what the humans did to your Father and send my regards to your sister,] Rahdeas said and the call ended.

'I know what you mean but sigh* What do I do?' Randel thought and slumped on his bed closing his eyes.


In the evening, Haru and Queresha came back home after the day at the academy ended.

"Resha what did you think about the magic system here?" Haru asked as they entered the house.

"The mana theories are well developed here but it isn't something special, I would say it will be very helpful to Jin-ah since she is still new to magic, but after a while, it would be useless for her since Jin-ah is a genius when she is...learning," Queresha answered while taking off Haru's coat and they walked towards the living room to see a sad Jin-ah and Kanae while Haru sensed Hae-in to be in the kitchen.

"Haru," Jin-ah quickly flew into Hara hugging him.


"What happened here?" Haru asked with concern as even Raum looked down.




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