Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:17:19 AM

Chapter 2: Thoughts!

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Chapter 2: Thoughts!

Calm down! Breathe slowly, IN AND OUT.



After 5 minutes,

I finally calmed down and went out of the room I was in, Walking towards the kitchen i noticed that this house is big for one person to live in.

Why am I here?

Who brought me here?

Ah fuck. My head.

I felt like my brain is being ripped to pieces.

I got memories of someone else in my head and only after 5 minutes did the headache stop. I sat on the sofa in the living room.

'I'm in another world. How did I get here? I haven't heard anyone sleepwalking to another dimension. Wait on second thought I know someone who might do that, Well jokes aside...'

Ok enough mopping around. From the memories I have now.

I live here alone. And the parents of the one whose memory I have died 6 years ago in gate incident.

They left the boy with enough money to last ten years easily with the house that I live in. and some property around Seoul.

'Was that dream true then? Do I have those powers?' I thought as a blue screen appeared in front of me.

[Beginner gift pack, Do you want to open it?]


I touched on Confirm.


Standard Nichirin katana (E): A normal Nichirin katana used by the demon slayer corps.

Training Ground (C): An alternate space the user can access where you can train your powers without affecting the real world.

Demon slayer uniform with Haori (D): Made from special silk that is resistant to cutting and very comfortable to touch. can repair itself over time.

Points: 1,000


'Ok, so now I have a weapon and equipment for hunting' I thought it might be a little odd to wear this in modern times, But it's the best I have and I have to start quickly if I want to be ahead of everyone, Because the world I am in....

Is Solo Leveling, I remember some parts but not the whole story. There are many dangers in this world but...

I don't care I'll live how I want. Even after getting the powers of Naruto, Madara, and Whitebeard at their peak if I still act like a coward then I don't deserve this life.


Ok, it is easy to understand this, the mana is showing in the same place as Chakra so I can assume that I don't have to worry about having a different energy source than others. It's convenient. and what is this '???' i tried thinking about opening it but it didn't work I even touched it with my fingers and guess what.....

It still didn't work.

I'll just leave it be. I want to focus on other things.

There is also a store, I want to know what I can buy from this.

I thought about opening the store and it opened. So I can control it with my mind it's better than letting people think that I am an idiot while poking at empty space. Not that someone in their sane mind would do that.

The shop opened.

What I saw was an online shop-like interface in which there were categories,

Such as Ingredients, Weapons, Accessories, Potions, and Armour.

There was no skill section guess I can't buy skills.

I clicked on Ingredients and it opened and showed what was available.

Fountain of youth(SS+): If someone drank a mouthful of it, the person will gain eternal youth. It is an ingredient that can't be found in the mortal realm anymore.

PRICE: 21,000 Points

Branch of the World Tree(S+): The branch of the World Tree is used to make magic staffs.


'So there is stuff like this, huh? I don't need it now but maybe later.'

I scrolled a bit in Ingredients and saw there was raw meat, metal, herbs, and more.

I scrolled through other sections as well and there were items like this.

The weapons section had weapons like swords, spears, katana, hammers, shields, you name it.

Accessories had stuff like grimoires, rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets.

Potions are pretty self-explanatory as they have potions for SS-rank to F-rank potions for healing, diseases, status effect, haste, Hair growth serum, and Viagra as well.

And Armour section had different armors from full metal, chain, leather, armor-like clothes as well as bikini armor. The better the quality the higher the price.

After seeing this I made up my mind to train I have to go to evaluate my rank in 2 days even if I know the result, it's better to do it fast so that I get to level up.

I am powerful but I need to adjust to it since I have no prior experience in using powers, Like come on, I am from a completely normal world.

'Father, Mother please watch over me.'

Man, I feel like a child again.

With this thought, I opened the training ground.

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