Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:16:32 AM

Chapter 20: The Time Between Them.

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Chapter 20: The Time Between Them.

M.C pov

We reached our destination after half an hour. I paid for the taxi fair I don't drive as I don't have a driving license and a car for that matter.

I exited with Hae-in walking by my side. It would normally draw a lot of attention because of our appearances but I was using genjutsu to not draw attention towards so that to anyone we would look like your average couple.

"Ok, let's go," I said to her who was seemingly lost in thought. She broke out of her thoughts and nodded. We then went around the mall looking through shops. When we reached the clothes shop.

'I wanted to buy some new clothes anyway.' I thought and said.

"Let's see what type of clothes they have." It was a big brand in this world. Hae-in nodded as she wanted to buy some clothes today she said that it was a hassle to buy clothes as people would recognize her and it would always cause a commotion. So I thought of accompanying her to buy some.

We went inside the shop, then an employee came towards us and asked us

"What type of clothes would like to look at?"

I just told him "We'll see for ourselves is it alright?"

He nodded and went back. I looked at Hae-in and took her towards the female section as we started looking through the clothes on display. Hae-in liked plain clothes without much design. So she started picking up what she liked I then saw a pink top with Balloon sleeves. I thought it would look good on her so went and took it. I then showed it to her if she liked it or not.

She nodded with a shy expression which caused me to smile.

"So can you pick this one in your size? I'll buy it for you as a gift." I said while smiling.

"N-No you don't have to." She said.

"Consider it a gift from a friend," I said to her.

After some convincing she finally took it and her face has visibly brightened up she was smiling softly.

"You should smile more you know," I said while patting her head which caused her to be stunned as she didn't say anything for a bit then she just turned around but I can see her ears are red.

'How cute.' I should stop teasing her.

"Let's buy some more clothes for you," I said to her and she nodded we then spent 2 hours buying clothes for her and told the shop clerk to send them to her house. I bought some for Jin-ah as well and told them to send them to the address.

We were now sitting in a restaurant in the mall and having lunch while talking.

"So what do we do next?" I asked her as she was eating.

"You haven't bought anything so we should buy clothes for you." She said.

Hae-in was also looking at it curiously.

"Do you want to play?" I asked to which she nodded and used the claw machine she never used before so I had to help from the side.

She caught a capsule after dropping the claw in randomly.

After we pulled the capsule out. Hae-in was happy that she won. And opened the capsule there were two keychains in it.

It had two swords keychain one white and one black. She then looked at me. and then gave me the black sword keychain shyly blushing. I don't know what to say to her, She is way too cute. I took it and smiled then said.

"I'll treasure it." Which shocked her as she looked at me. then she also showed a beautiful smile.

"Me too."


We were now on our way home after having dinner at the usual place.

We walked towards her house as we reached there, she looked at me and shyly said in a small voice.

"Thank you for going shopping with me."

"It's no problem you can ask me again if want," I said with a smile.

"Umm," she nodded with a red face.

"Well, then I'll go back," I said as I patted her head and turned around.

After walking for about half an hour I reached home and went inside I saw Jin-ah sleeping on the couch.

'Did she fall asleep here?' She didn't even have a blanket on with only a loose t-shirt and shorts does she want to fall sick.

I shook my head and looked at their house to see if uncle came back or not and he wasn't home. I shook my head as I picked her up in a princess carry and took her towards a empty room in my house and layed her down on the bed then covered her with a blanket. I was about to turn around but....


I caressed her head and said "Don't worry aunt will wake up soon."

Her expression eased up when I was caressing her head. I then trned around and went to take a shower.

After that I went to sleep.

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