Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:04:51 AM

Chapter 201: Who Are You Talking To?

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Chapter 201: Who Are You Talking To?

"Well, it only amounted to this, even after with the intent to kill you weren't able to make me move from my place," Kanae said as she crossed her arms.

And once again everyone was more scared than they have been, Because even while fighting two of the strongest Mages of the continent Kanae didn't even take a step from her place, But still dominated the fight with only hand-to-hand and a basic fire spell. If they don't fear a person like this, Who are they going to fear?

Oh! Yes, you need to fear the Husband of such a Woman more than her.

"Who are you talking to? They passed out," Haru said as he stood up. The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

"Y-You shut up," Kanae who realized that Olfred and Bairon passed out shouted at Haru with a blush.

"Guh," Elijah felt critical damage from that.

'She is so cool but also such a Tsundere, Damn it my heart can't take it,' Elijah was on his knees as Alea went to check on the other two. Haru went over to check if Kanae was ok.

"Looks like you are fine," Haru said.

"Hmph, Do you think I am that weak," Kanae snorted.

"I was just worried," Haru said with a smile only for her to pout.

"As much as I don't want to interrupt the sweet moment these two need medical attention," Alea said with twitching eyes.

'Damn it! Why do I have to see this scene from up close, I feel even more bitter now, I want that,' If Alea didn't have to uphold her prestige as a lance she would be chewing on her handkerchief looking at the sweet couple.

"They are not that seriously injured," Haru said plainly making Alea smile wryly, She knew the injuries weren't deep Olfred had broken ribs and a shattered shoulder, While Bairon also had broken ribs and his jaw was broken along with his cheekbone. Not serious at all Right? RIGHT?

She used her healing stones and patched them up before turning to Kanae.

"You are really strong Miss, I didn't expect there to be such a master of martial arts," Alea said with a smile.

"My martial arts are only so-so, I still have a lot to improve on," Kanae said as she clenched her fist. Haru just smiled because he knew the reason she said it, while the others had their eyes twitching in disbelief.

'She beat up two lances like ragdolls and says her skill is just So-so, what does this make those two then?' They all thought that if Bairon and Olfred were awake they might pass out because of anger.

"Anyway her main weapon is a sword, But this doesn't take away her high skill in martial arts," Haru said with a smile and Kanae blushed a little but she was more proud than anything.

"Why are you being such a child?" Kanae crossed her arms and scoffed at Haru.

"Oh don't you want me to eat your cooking? You have been preparing since Morning anyway," Haru said with a smile.

"W-Who is going to go through all that trouble for you? I-I made too much when I was making food for myself T-That's it," Kanae denied and looked away.

"Sure, But I know it will be delicious, I can't wait," Haru spoke cheerfully.

"J-Jeez, let's set up the table for everyone, You just can't do anything without me," Kanae pouted seeing Haru who was so happy to eat the food she made.

'Maybe I should practice cooking more, N-No why should I waste my time for this Idiot,' Kanae shook her head waving away her thoughts as Haru winked at everyone.

'Professor we love you so much,' They were all really grateful to Haru for how he shifted the attention from training.

And Haru didn't lie the food tasted fantastic as everyone nearly fought over the food, But thankfully in Haru's words 'Kanae has cooked a lot of food by mistake, so no need to worry,' His teasing words nearly got him a plate to his face by a blushing Kanae.

But the lunch was awesome and everyone went away after that, Alea went back first after leaving Olfred and Bairon in the infirmary since they haven't woken up yet.

This left Haru and Kanae alone in the training room with Arthur who said he wanted to talk with Haru about an important topic.

"I'll wait in your Office Haru," Kanae said and made her exit after seeing Haru nod.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Haru asked as he sat down on his chair.

"Well, it is about the Question you asked me before," Arthur said while looking at Haru.

"Is it about your beef with Lucas when you were the Adventurer Note?" Haru asked and Arthur nodded, he was a bit surprised since Haru knew who he was even though his identity was hidden but he let it slide seeing how powerful Haru was it easy for him to have access to information. And he had already openly brought this topic up when talking to Bairon so it wasn't that surprising.

Seeing that Haru was listening Arthur told him about what happened in the Elderwood guardian's lair and the reason he hates Lucas so much.

"Ok so that is what happened," Haru gave a flat response while petting Sylvie who was resting on his thigh in her fox-like form.

"Professor You don't seem too surprised even though I told you that I would be going against a Lance," Arthur smiled wryly seeing the lack of response from Haru, But it was understandable because he remembered how two lances were beaten like kids just a while ago in front of his eyes.

"Do you think I care for someone on the level of a Lance? I don't really care who you go up against as that is your choice, Just don't do something that will make you regret your decision later," Haru said with a smile.

'...Why did I say that?' Haru was a bit confused at his own ramblings; he felt a little uncomfortable but couldn't quite put a finger on it. But he left it aside for now and looked at Arthur

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