Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:04:46 AM

Chapter 203: Bonus Chapter: S.O.S

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Chapter 203: Bonus Chapter: S.O.S

"I am saying that we should get engaged first, but we can't get married before we are both 20, what do you think?" Arthur said with a smile.

"Yes?" Tessia was even more confused at the moment, she didn't know what was going on anymore, her mind was going blank.

'Engagement? Fiancees? Marriage after 20?' These were the only words that revolved in her mind.

"I know it might a bit sudden but I have to go, I'll be back the after tomorrow, I love you, Tess," Arthur said with a charming smile, he was quite embarrassed at saying those words but he had to make it clear to her, after dropping the bomb he ran off leaving Tessia standing in the corridor alone.

Tessia.exe has stopped working.....

"Kuku, looks like the ship has sailed," Virion laughed as he looked at Tessia.

"Fufu, it would seem so, You know what that means right?" Cynthia said as she put her right hand in front of Virion.

"Tch, damn you old coot," Virion clicked his tongue and gave Cynthia a dimensional ring.

"Fufu, winning feels so nice, but you should check up on Tess," Cynthia fufu'ed and pointed at Tessia who was mumbling.

"Marriage at 20, we are going to have two kids one boy and one girl... boy's name.... girl's name... Fufufufufu,"

"Damn that brat, Little one pull yourself together," Virion quickly went to bring Tessia out of her imaginary world where she was already playing with her great-grandchildren while Cynthia went back to her office.

On the other hand, Haru looked at Arthur leaving the academy grounds as he wanted to go back to his home and talk to his parents.

"Say Haru was it really a good idea to tell him that," Kanae asked since Haru filled her in on the situation, They knew that this world was also the same as their world, A world that existed in fiction but became real. It wasn't a big surprise, I mean what else can be surprising after you find out that you are some characters in a novel for some people and your story is out there for people to read?

"The result of this discussion is how he faces it, but I think that it was needed. This guy won't do things unless he had no other option all he needed was a little push, and since I also felt something similar to him so it was a choice that I think was the right one," Haru said while sitting down on his chair in the office.

"Is that so, You are such a softy," Kanae smiled as she looked at Haru who also thought that he had taken over the original Haru's body at the start.

"Maybe I am," Haru shrugged at Kanae's words making her look away with a pout as he didn't respond to her teasing(?).

"OWWIEEEEE," Jin-ah let go of Haru and crouched down on the floor rubbing her head.

"You don't need to hit her like that," Haru had a wry smile, Kanae just hmph'ed away seeing how Haru was so lenient.

"It is because you act like this that she is so spoiled," Kanae pouted when she saw Haru patting Jin-ah's head.

"No you are too violent Kanae-Unnie, Why do you always hit me on my head?" Jin-ah asked with a pout but it turned into a full smile when Haru gave her what she wanted.

"That is because you didn't finish your training for the day," Kanae said while folding her arms.

"That is a blatant accusation and abuse of Authority, I demand an Apology," Jin-ah said while pointing at Kanae as she hid behind Haru.

"Ho! So you are saying that you finished your training for the day?" Kanae raised her eyebrow with a small smirk.

JIn-ah pointed at Kanae while leaning back as she stood sideways striking a pose.

"That is Correct, so let's move on to the ap-"

"Yo, Hae-in did Jin-ah do her training?"(E/N: Again if you imagine Kanae speaking let it me in a masculine way,) Kanae asked Hae-in who just entered the room while cutting off Jin-ah who was stuck mid-pose now.

"No she was in her room reading Manga," Hae-in said plainly, Kanae nodded and looked at Jin-ah who was still stuck in mid-pose.

"-propriate rest, yes that is what I mean, Since Kanae-unnie has had such a tiresome day you should have some rest how bout I give you a massage," Jin-ah changed her tone real quick.

"Oh! Is that so, how about we do that after you finished your daily training along with a little bonus spar to see how much you have improved," Kanae said with a smile sending chills down Jin-ah's spine.

'This isn't good, I have to use Mission SOS (Save yOur Self) (E/N: This is all I could infer since I don't know the real meaning of the joke Ed Used)' Jin-ah thought as she wanted to run away but.

"Where are you going?" Kanae asked while holding back of Jin-ah t-shirt.

"Mhm, faster, I need to get out of here," Jin-ah was trying to run away but was held in place it was quite comical.

"Then I'll take my leave," Kanae said to Haru and took off with Jin-ah was who still trying to run away.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!