Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:04:32 AM

Chapter 209: False Alarm!!

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Chapter 209: False Alarm!!

'W-wait is this an I-Indirect kiss,' Alea froze halfway and her face was a little red.

'N-No, don't think like a kid Alea you are a grown woman of a marriageable age, You should have a kid of your own by now rather than thinking like one, Don't get flustered over an I-Indirect kiss,' Alea hyped herself up in her head and looked at Haru.

He had a serious expression on his face with his bangs fluttering softly with the wind. Haru looked way too Handsome at the moment.

And feeling Alea's gaze on him Haru looked over with his Madder Crimson eyes that could scorch someone with just their sight both literally and figuratively. [E/N: well, His Mangekyou can do that for sure,]

He still had that serious look on his face as he looked into Alea's eyes.

Alea didn't move and just looked at him then.


"NYOM," A blur passed by and...

"THE INDIRE- NO, THE CAKE," Alea snapped her head in the direction to see Randel gulping down the cake he had just stolen.

"Hahaha, Too bad for you Sislea you ain't getting any chances," Randel laughed like a mad man as he looked at Alea who glared at him since she understood the intention here.

"You damn brat, How can you do that to your sister?" Alea ran towards Randel who was lying on the ground since he didn't have an ounce of strength left.

"You ruined my chance before it even came," Alea was angry.

"Anything for my big sis," Randel smirked widely making Alea pout and she started to tickle the defenseless Randel. Haru thought that is a horrible attack and didn't want to be on the receiving end of that one.

"And Hae-in, when are you going to stop taking pictures of me like this?" Haru asked Hae-in who was taking photos of him since he turned to look at Alea.

"Well, That is a hard request since you looked so good that I can't help myself, Here take a look," Hae-in said and showed Haru her phone screen.

"You already made it your wallpaper?" Haru sighed at this.

"Fufu, Of course, speed is essential, but why do your eyes look redder than normal," Hae-in spoke while leaning in close to Haru.

"Do they?" Haru asked not knowing if that was true.

"How do you not notice that? It is obvious, you are so worried about us but you can't even take care of yourself," Hae-in said with a frown.

"How do these two things correlate?" Haru tilted his head and turned to look at his students who were walking toward them with a tired look on their faces.

"Hey, you guys do I look any different?" Haru asked the six and ignored the background noise of Randel who was laughing hysterically under Alea's attack.

"....No(I see the same Disgustingly Handsome face,)" they all said clearly with Elijah having a disgruntled look.

"What is with this overreaction?" Haru rolled his eyes.

"Surely a devil won't understand this, Quickly get away before you taint her sacred presence," Elijah scowled at Haru who rolled his eyes, he had become quite close to these kids so he doesn't really take offense in friendly banter.

"It looks like you are a little too late kid, I have already been tainted by him," Hae-in said hugging Haru and giving him a wink.

'Hae-in are you sure you need to make such indecent jokes in front of kids,' Haru thought while looking at the kids who were blushing even Alea was red like a tomato, Randel was too tired to say anything, and Elijah was frozen on the spot.


Elijah's glasses broke as he lied on the ground and started crying.

"Damn you 'god' why did you not make me deaf and blind, I didn't want to hear or see The angel being tainted by this Devil, Someone kill me," Elijah laid on the ground with lifeless eyes, Elijah has had enough of this shit.

'You didn't see shit,' Haru thought.

"Fufu, kid don't worry you'll be able to get your little angel one day," Hae-in said with a giggle.

"Really," Elijah looked up and he could swear he saw pure white wings opening behind her with a golden halo on her head.

"Hey guys do you see the wings and halo, She is a real angel the devil can't do anything to her," Elijah whispered to Arthur, Curtis, and Randel who dragged himself over.

"No, you need your glasses back," The three said with a straight face while the girls sighed in exasperation.

"Umu, I thought you were sensible kids but it doesn't look like that, you have Haru as a professor, a guy who has 4 beautiful wives and you didn't even think of taking some advice from him," Hae-in said and the four boys eyes lit up.

"I can see it, The halo and the wings, It's real," The three boys said with devout looks on their faces.

"Hey, Hae-in that is dangerous they might die if they learn that from me," Haru said worriedly.

"Professor surely you jest," Elijah said in a respectful tone.

"I am not joking, I suck at this," Haru said with a sigh, he didn't know how these kids would fare if they used his methods.

'They might even die in a week,' Haru thought with fear.

"Professor can you not attack us, You are saying you suck at wooing girls, You have four wives, you know FOUR WIVES," Randel said with a smile that wasn't reaching his eyes.

"Don't Emphasis I know, But I can't do this," Haru said with a look of sadness.

"Important things need to said twice and why can't you help us?" Randel asked with some annoyance.

Haru sighed while looking at the boys and made up his mind to save them from their horrifying future.

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