Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:16:30 AM

Chapter 21: Nothing Much

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Chapter 21: Nothing Much

Currently, there is a sword coming towards my head I tilted my head to the left and avoided it. Hae-In then slashed her sword towards the right towards my chest I stepped back and slash cut through the air.

"You're getting better," I said to her as she appeared in front of me and unleashed four sword thrusts one on the head, one on the neck, and two on my chest and abdomen. I used minimal movement to avoid it.

"But, I still can't hit you. Hah" She said breathing a bit heavily she was a bit disappointed. Then she lifted her sword and attacked again. From a different angle while maintaining her breathing technique. She went straight for my heart and I dodged by moving towards the right then she turned and slashed at my legs causing me to jump.

Then she swung her sword upwards aiming to cut me in half. "how merciless" I said as she cut my afterimage in half.

After going back and forth for about 10 more minutes she sat on the ground panting.

"You have improved a lot. You just need to practice more." I said as I patted her head.

It has been 5 days since the day we went shopping. And we have become a bit closer. I have also cleared 3 B-rank and 2 A-Rank gates with Hae-in. my level increased by 2.

"Um." She said with a red face.

'Guess she is still not used to this.'

"It's good to see that you are getting along." We heard a voice and turned around, even though I already knew who it was.

"C-Chairman," Hae-in was flustered as she was a bit embarrassed.

"Isn't it good to be young?" He laughed while saying that.

I also smiled and shook my head. And asked.

"Did something happen chairman?"

"yes, you wanted to go to clear some gates right. We have an A-Rank gate that is available it is on the port of Incheon. All the other guilds are busy so I was thinking of asking you." He said as he knew about how I played around with a monster with the strength of national rank hunter.

"Ok, then I'll go there in an hour. Hae-in are you coming." I asked her even if I know her answer.

"Yes." She said with a smile.

"Ok then we will be going and I have to ask you, something chairman."

"What is it?" he said curiosity visible on his face.

"I want to make a guild." He heard but didn't show much surprise and nodded and told me what I needed to start a guild and went back.

Then she jumped up into the sky as an attack landed where she was


And rocks flew all over the place. She attacked the lizardman with the momentum of the fall but the lizardman stopped her attack with the shaft of his spear.


Then he pushed hae-in back and as for why I am not concentrating on my fight. I am currently standing on the dead body of the one I was fighting he has a big hole in his stomach but let's ignore that.

The spear lizardman took a stance with his spear and sent 6 stabs from different angles, and hae-in easily parried that


And knocked him off balance.

And then she appear near the lizardman as he was off balance and stabbed him in the head killing him.

(You are strong for a human. Let's see what you do now.) he said as if he was watching an amusing show and didn't move as he thought we won't be able to do much to him the dragon was a western dragon he was 30 meters in height.

"I'm too lazy to talk back so I'll finish this quickly," I said as put my hand on my sword and imbued it with Busoshoku haki, and went straight for the dragon who Roared.


'It is a skill to instill fear in those weaker than him but it didn't work on me.' I was already In front of him and used slashed his neck with my sword leaving a trail of fire cutting his head off in one stroke.

Then I turned towards Hae-in and I can feel some gazes on my back. I turned around and they vanished from where they were.

'Fast aren't cha. Let me see what you can do.' I turned towards hae-in and smiled.

"Let's go back, I'm starving."

After exiting the gate and changing I heard my phone ring.

I saw it was Jin-ho and picked it up before I could say anything I heard.


"sigh* where are you?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!