Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:04:30 AM

Chapter 210: God Is.....

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Chapter 210: God Is.....

"That is because 'God' helped me, it will only work with me, so give up, you aren't the 'Chosen one'," Haru said plainly.

"Why can't we be the Chosen ones, What type of discrimination is this?" The boys asked since they thought Haru was playing hard to get.

"I mean if you were then you would've had your wishes already right," Haru said making Curtis, Randel and Elijah looked at each other.

"Curse you god, why can't you help those in need?" Curtis shouted.

"This is so unfair, why can't I be the Chosen one?" Randel cried while lying on the floor.

"You damn god I hope you stay single for the rest of your life," Elijah shouted in anger. [E/N: I can see what is going on here,]

"Come on everyone food is ready," Hae-in called over as she had finished setting up the table and placed all of the food.

"Coming, Damn you God I'll settle things with one day," The boys said as they ran to eat because the girls had already taken seats.

'Looks like we found a new way to curse you without breaking the wall,' Haru thought in his mind but didn't receive a reply.

'Looks like we are playing the part,' Haru shrugged as he walked over to Hae-in.

The lunch became tenser as everyone was fighting for food, literally. Today's food was made by Queresha and Hae-in so it was extra Delicious, since Hae-in is also a great cook plus Haru didn't have to worry about his portion since he got it straight from Hae-in, she was putting the dishes he liked in his plate without him even needing to ask.

After a sumptuous lunch, Alea went back to her Squad saying goodbye to everyone.

'Damn this brat Randel, Anyway, I am going to have my chances in the future,' Alea thought as she made her to her squad stomping on the ground.

Haru dropped off the kids at the academy using teleportation; he didn't really care if it got exposed since he didn't have time to do things the normal way.

"Also Professor we will be going to the expedition with Professor Glory tomorrow," Arthur said with the others nodding.

"You can have a day off tomorrow then, just take it as a rest day," Haru said making the kids jump in joy, they have been training non-stop for half a month and they finally get a break.

"Seriously who thinks of a dungeon expedition as a break?" Randel said in a salty tone.

"If you don't want it then you are free to come back and train," Haru said plainly. The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

"No Professor you don't need to worry about this fool, we are really happy," Everyone else yanked Randel out of the place with nervous smiles.

"Well Ok," Haru shrugged and the kids sighed in relief.

Seeing the kids walk back with smiles as they discussed what they would do during the day off was quite the sight.

"Hmm, Ok then I'll just give you the whole Demon slayer manga but you have to promise that you won't laze around after getting it, Kay?" Haru spoke while Jin-ah looked a little disappointed.

"What you don't want it? Maybe I can give you a new manga series?" Haru muttered while rubbing his chin.

'Why is he only dense when it suits him?' Jin-ah pouted angrily.

"I don't want manga," Jin-ah said making Haru look at her in surprise.

'W-What happened to Jin-ah?' Haru was horrified as the usual reaction to this would be her jumping around happily like a kid.

"....Don't look so surprised," Seeing the shocked expression on Haru's face made Jin-ah's face twitch.

'Does everyone sees me like a child?' Jin-ah wasn't having any of it.

"Ok ok, So what do you want?" Haru asked.

"I want a child," Jin-ah said with a bright smile with a teasing look.

"Eh?" Haru was surprised by the sudden words it took him a while to figure out what Jin-ah just said.

"Wait what?" Haru asked again since he thought he heard it wrong.

"Fufu, I want a child why are you acting like you heard it wrong," Jin-ah spoke with a teasing grin.


Before Haru could say anything Jin-Ah was whacked on the back of her head making her cry in pain.

"W-What are you two talking about?" Haru looked at a blushing Kanae who had a furious look on her face.

"Kanae Unnie can you not hit me on my head?" Jin-ah asked while rubbing her head but only got a death glare from Kanae which meant 'I asked you a question'

"I-I was just joking," Jin-ah said making Kanae sigh.

"That is good you are too young to be talking about having a child," Kanae said as she glared at Haru, He was like 'What did I do?'

"I agree as well, there is still a long life ahead of us, But I get why you are saying that," Hae-in who just walked in spoke while lying her head on Haru's lap.

Seeing her like this made Jin-ah and Kanae squint their eyes since Hae-in was always reserved and she didn't behave like this normally. There were exceptions to this.....

'So they did it before coming here,' Jin-ah and Kanae thought while looking at Hae-in who was acting a little spoiled. Jin-ah looked at Haru with squinted eyes while Kanae just looked away.

And the room fell into brief silence.....

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!