Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:04:28 AM

Chapter 212: Hypocrite

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Chapter 212: Hypocrite

'Ugh, I forgot this one likes to torture, I don't want to look in a mirror after seeing that smile,' Haru groaned at the maniacal smile that was on the Clone's face Aka his face.

[I think you would look handsome with that smile though,] Kurumi chimed in.

[Love really makes people blind, doesn't it?] Haru shrugged as it applied to him as well. [E/N: This is correct,]

[That is correct, So what are you going to do with him?] Kurumi asked.

[Let's see...] Haru's thoughts were interrupted by Uto

"Oh, Which one of you is Haru? She was calling this name before, like are you her lover or something, Is it this guy that was angry before, or is it you the one who is frowning now? Don't tell me both of you are tapping that, For someone who was so uptight she seems rather loos-" Uto was about to continue but.

"Looks like you can only use your mouth," Haru cut him off as he waved his clone and he went away with a pout since he wouldn't be able to join in the fun.

[E/N: I am loving the phrasing here,]

"He is gone now, And what is wrong with speaking the truth?" Uto spoke with a grin.

"Hmm, Since your so honest, I'll give you two options then," Haru said while raising two fingers and Uto had an amused look on his face. This was the exact thing he did to Alea before and now Haru was doing it to him.

"One you die and Two you die," Haru said while lifting his two fingers.

"Oh, But honestly I don't like the options so I will choose neither," Uto said with a grin, He was looking for a chance to escape since Haru didn't even seal his mana.

'Does this pretty idiot have no brain? How can you make such a rookie mistake,' Uto thought as he was looking for an opening.

"Ok third option, torture it is," Haru said.

"But I don't like this either," Uto spoke sarcastically.

"Oh! that is too bad, But you don't have any say in this," Haru spoke as Uto grinned widely.


'Gotchu pretty boy,' Uto thought as he looked at the giant metal spikes heading for Haru.


Haru didn't even move and the metal spikes were shattered into countless shards.

"You fell for it," Uto's voice came from behind Haru as he aimed the metal spear in his hand at Haru's head to kill him.


The spear landed and did.....

[E/N: This sounds great without context,]

"So Cannon Fodder-kun, do you know how many ways a human can Die?" Haru asked making Uto frown again.

"I don't know, I never went past slashing, ripping, and impaling people," Uto spoke with a thoughtful look.

"Well~, this is why you are just a cannon fodder, Now then Let's go through the list, I am quite keen on hearing your thought about being ripped to shreds by a group of vultures and getting mincemeat while from toes to the head with knives while you are fully conscious, But before that..." Haru paused looking at Uto with a grin.

Uto felt uncomfortable for the first time in the whole conversation.

"Try not to break would you, I would be really disappointed Cannon Fodder-kun~," Haru spoke while leaning forward coming eye to eye with Uto





"She @%^*@^ Core %&$##"

'.....What..... is this... noise?' Alea thought as she felt like her body was heavier than usual. It was too much for her to even move she could barely make out any words that entered her ears.

Alea opened her heavy eyelids to see an unfamiliar ceiling.

"Oh, Your awake," Alea who was feeling drowsy was jolted awake by the sudden voice that came from near her.

She felt someone grab her hand and looked to her right and saw Jin-ah who looked happy seeing her.

'Am I.....dreaming right now?' Alea thought with a bizarre look, she should be dead now and in Haru's Arms no less.

'That was a banging exit I am not gonna lie, I don't know how many women would accept death to do the same,' Alea thought with a tinge of sadness, She looked at Jin-ah who ran out of the room to tell others and couldn't help but feel like this wasn't real.

She accepted that she was dead and this might be heaven cause it was too cozy to be hell.

'I can feel my right hand and my legs, I am definitely dead,' Alea thought while moving her toes and fingers.

And the worst part was that she couldn't feel mana anymore.

'Maybe I should've just said I kind of liked him since I was going to die anyway,' Alea cursed herself for not being able to say it even when she felt so secure in Haru's arms.

'If possible I want to do it again,' Alea thought and then the door was swung open startling her as she looked at the door.

Queresha, Jin-ah, Zenobia and Randel came in with the Elven Royal Family to check up on Her condition.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!