Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:04:15 AM

Chapter 215: The Missing Sycthes

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Chapter 215: The Missing Sycthes

I am back guys, Well it took me 10 days to sort out things, I lost around 10 chapters because of my mistake and had to rewrite it along with work. Also, comment on the chapters so that I know how many of you are still reading the fic.....

I think I'll die from overwork at this rate and be isekaid, Sigh* enough jokes, So the fic will be back as usual so get ready everyone.

Enjoy the chapter and wish me luck so that I don't die.


"It is just like I thought, You have been acting weirdly since last night so it was because you felt guilty about this situation," Kanae spoke while glaring at Haru.

"Well, kind of yes," Haru nodded.

"You know it is quite disrespectful to pity someone who had accepted their fate," Kanae glared at Haru.

"I think so as well, but..." Haru stopped midway.

"I know what you are thinking, But life doesn't always go the way we want it to, does it?" Kanae asked Haru who sighed.

"You know I won't let anything happen to you guys," Haru said with a serious look.

"But what if something happens? The thing with us four is that even if one of us is gone we would be able to live on since we have you, But what about you? Will you be able to move on?" Kanae asked and Haru remained silent with a frown. He knew what he wanted to say but it would foolish to say that after hearing Kanae's words

"You should know that if you die trying to get revenge, the other three will follow you, especially Queresha she is a bit extreme when it comes to you," Kanae said and Haru could only smile bitterly.

"Three? What about you?" Haru asked and Kanae glared at him.

"I not dying for some idiot who doesn't care about what people around him would feel if he is gone," Kanae looked away with a 'hmph'

"Oh is that so, But don't worry I won't do something stupid like this," Haru sighed but he wasn't stupid enough to die off like this.

"You better not, Then I will be off," Kanae spoke while walking towards the gate after speaking.

"I love you Kanae," Haru said and Kanae jolted and quicken her pace.

"I love you too, Damn Incubus Bastard," Kanae muttered as she ran into the portal with a red face.

Seeing her go Haru smiled a little and turned around. The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

He came out of the building and walked out of the Aether barrier.

"You aren't even trying to hide, so why not come out," Haru said as he turned around and saw a Large Bald man walking out of the trees looking at Haru with a grin.

The red flame flickered around him trying to engulf him but rather than the searing pain Haru felt a calm warmth as if he was at home.

'This feels.......quite weird,' Haru thought as he sat down in the burning landscape and closed his eyes to focus.

Raum was the same he closed his eyes and focused solely on the fire around him trying to get stronger.

In Haru's mindscape,

'Looks like it is behaving,' Kurumi thought while looking at the flame locked inside the seals and chains which was calm at the moment different from its usual rampant behavior.

"If we go like this Ha-kun will be able to at least control 30% of his powers then the next step will be to strengthen his body further so that we can move forward," Kurumi muttered with deep contemplation, she didn't want to use this method since it had its risks but it was necessary and she had made sure to make it safe for Haru.

'Now all I can do is Wait till he finishes his meditation, Acalanatha will help him gain more wisdom about his own ability while keeping the danger at a low,' Kurumi thought as she laid down on a bed she created.

She just kept an eye on the flame just in case it ever went out of control.

While Haru was learning more about his ability in the flames of the Wisdom King Acala.

Alacrya was in a state of chaos because of an incident.

'How did this happen? How can we lose connection to three Scythes in one night and one is confirmed dead already,' Cadell thought while making his way to the audience room to seek Agrona on an important matter since it could shake Alacrya to its very core.


Cadell quickly knocked on the door he was getting impatient since the current situation was urgent. But even if it was urgent he had to follow procedures properly so that he doesn't end up angering their God.

"Come in," A static voice came from the other side calling him in as the doors opened.

Walking into the hall Cadell reached in front of the stairs with his eyes down and got down on one knee.

"Report about the situation," Agrona asked in a demanding tone.

"Scythe Dragoth is dead, his soul plate has been shattered and contact with Scythe Seris and Scythe Melzri has been cut, No matter what we try we can't get in touch with them," Cadell reported all that has happened in one night.

"If I remember correctly I ordered Dragoth to investigate the unusual behavior of the Relictombs in his domain, and Seris and Melzri were sent to the Lesser's island," Agrona muttered while thinking deeply about the current situation, Because if he really lost three Scythes right now his military strength will dwindle a lot and he would definitely be taken advantage of by the Indraths if this is known, They are always looking for a chance to end him to keep their secrets.

'Even if there is a treaty between us it is only viable till the interests are maintained, Kazees won't miss on a chance to bury me along with his secrets if a chance ever presented itself,' Agrona was thinking deeply, he can't do anything about Dragoth being dead other than using his body for some experiments maybe but what was a sore spot for him was lack of information about Seris and Melzri's case.

Agrona closed his eyes and tried to find the two through the soul seal he implanted on them but...

'I can't find them, it is like they are in a separate space. Did they run into the Indrath clan while trying to take back Zenobia, because if so then...'

"...Things will get a lot troublesome from here on out, if they are going to die anyway, I'd rather have them go out without giving out any information while taking out the people who caught them, [Soul Explosion]," Agrona spoke in a cold tone.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!