Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:04:04 AM

Chapter 219: Meeting Agrona

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Chapter 219: Meeting Agrona

"I am not against inviting Professor Haru here but I don't think he would come here immediately, we should ask him if he has the time first," Merial suggested and Virion nodded since it would be quite rude to ask Haru to come out of nowhere.

Hearing the answer the Greysunders frowned.

"What do you mean if he has time Merial? What is more important than the future of the continent?" Glaudera asked with a deep frown on her face alongside Dawsid.

"It is as I am saying, But if you feel like you can provoke a person who can make three Lances sweat a waterfall with just a glance then be my guest," Merial spoke with a small smile, The others were shocked at the words they had heard since they didn't know anything about it and looked at Merial to know where she knew about this.

"It was my daughter Tessia who told me about it, So you should be thankful that I helped you before you guys sour your relationship with him," Merial spoke with a smile, She had heard about this incident from Tessia herself on the day it happened, she herself was surprised but even Alea who was one of the Lances present confirmed and even went as far as to say that he can beat all of the Lances alone with ease. The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

"...I really appreciate it," Dawsid said as he looked at Blaine who shrugged it looked like he had heard about it as well. But the way Merial spoke irked Dawsid since he knew the meaning of the words well.

"So, You are saying that we have another one like 'Lady' Zenobia on our hands?" Glaudera spoke with a clear look of contempt on her face.

It wasn't a secret that Zenobia and the Greysunders didn't exactly start on good terms since Zenobia who is a Human was famed as a better Weapon forger than Dwarves who were known for Forging since ancient times. But in the public's eye, the relationship improved over time and the Greysunders even gave Zenobia the title of the Best Blacksmith on the continent.

Even while it looked like they were on friendly terms publically it wasn't a secret how much these two sides hated each other, especially after the congratulation banquet held for Zenobia after she was given the title by the Greysunders.

Even while knowing how rude the comment was everyone got the message it contained and it was true. No, in a way Haru was even more dangerous than Zenobia since he had real power with his eccentric nature, while Zenobia only had political power and sway over public opinion which was also something the royal families had.

"Then can we leave it to the Eraliths since you guys seem to be close with him," Dawsid said.

"I'll do it after the meeting ends," Merial said with a smile, The Greysunders and The Glayders looked at her in surprise thinking when did the Eraliths have such a close relation with Haru to make the queen of elves talk to him herself.

"Ah, we can ask the little one to convey the message for us since she meets Haru daily for training, that is a good plan Merial," Virion said while stroking his beard.

'This way these idiots won't do something that will get us in trouble,' Virion nodded he was satisfied with this method, he knew that the possibility was low by it was still there.

Alduin looked a bit impressed at his wife as she was able to think of a solution so quickly since asking Haru to come here would be a tedious task.

"You are quite rude to not even have a seat for your guest," Haru said with a smile.

Hearing him Agrona smiled but Cadell shouted.

"You do you know whose presence you are in? Kneel Right no-" Cadell was going off but Haru looked disinterested in his words and spoke.

"You will have to do I guess," Haru yawned before Agrona and Cadell could even react, Cadell was already on his four limbs in front of Agrona and Haru sat down on his back facing Agrona.

"It is quite uncomfortable but whatever," Haru shook his head as Agrona looked amused.

'When did he do that? What type of power is this? Something like mind control? No that would be selling it lightly,' Agrona was thinking about Haru's powers as Cadell looked up in shock.

"W-What? Did you do to me you bas-hmp," Cadell's mouth snapped shut while he was talking it was clear it was Haru's doing.

"I don't like speaking chairs," Haru said plainly as he looked at Agrona who had a little surprise on his face.

"Your soul is really strong, You aren't even affected by my attack," Agrona said with a small smile.

"Oh! Did you try something?" Haru asked with an amused look.

"Yes, you didn't feel it? I tried to attack your soul in order to kill you," Agrona asked with a little confusion.

'Then how was my attack stopped, Did I perhaps overestimate him?' Agrona thought but he got the answer the very next moment.

"No I felt something, But your 'attack' was so weak that I missed I didn't register it as an attack," Haru said while looking at Agrona.

'Weak? Interesting,' Agrona's eyebrow wriggled a little in annoyance.

"So then, let me get right to the point since I have things to do after this, Why did you send your subordinates to capture Zenobia?" Haru asked simply without mincing his words.

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