Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:04:01 AM

Chapter 221: Pathetic?

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Chapter 221: Pathetic?

"It is as you're thinking, I do not care for what you do since I don't see you as a threat," Haru said, Hearing his words Agrona frowned a little, so it turned out to be like this.

"...I see," Agrona responded, he kept his cool even when he was fuming inside.

'It looks like this guy is quite arrogant, But....' Agrona looked at Haru and started thinking again.

CAW* CAW* Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

The solemn atmosphere was disturbed by Raum drawing over the shocked eyes of Agrona and Cadell.

'Since....When?' Both of them had the same thought as this was the first time they noticed the crow that was sitting on Haru's shoulder. They weren't able to spot it even when they were talking just now.

"Yes yes, We will be going back in a sec," Haru patted Raum who wasn't happy that his fun time was being interpreted by Agrona, The fun time being Raum training with Haru under the flame of Acala.

"Ugh," Cadell groaned in pain as his eyes met with Raum, and fell on the ground writhing in pain. Haru stood up before Cadell's fall and saw burn marks start to appear on his body letting out smoke like he was being burned alive.

'Could this beast be that one...' Agrona thought shakily while at Raum, This was the same beast that he was looking for all this time. Agrona looked at Raum's golden eyes he could feel the danger

But Agrona didn't have much time to think about this because he felt his whole body burning up both inside and outside. It was like he was filled with flaming coals while being burned at the stake.

' purely mental,' A pained expression passed on Agrona's face, just from looking at Raum one would get a mental attack that would hurt way beyond what a physical attack would, and if a person doesn't have a resistance to it like Agrona they would end up like Cadell.

"Argh, Ugh," The burns started to manifest on the physical body because of his low resistance.

Even Agrona wasn't faring that well his breathing hiked up with sweat on his forehead, The mental attacks are always the hardest to deal with and Agrona was able to resist it somewhat but it was extremely painful.

"Pathetic," To the surprise of everyone Raum spoke harsh words... in a cheerful tone.

Agrona nodded since he had already knew that after he saw the burns appearing on Cadell which were similar to the ones from before.

"Let's go back we need to do a lot of things now," Agrona spoke slowly as Cadell started to make a portal for them to go back.

'No matter how powerful you are at the end of the day you are alone, I am pretty sure that the Asuras from Epheotus are also after that Beast and they are actively searching for it on Dicathen,' Agrona was making his plans to get Haru busy so that he can snatch Zenobia away with Tessia since having a backup ready will also be helpful, he didn't want to waste a lot of time like what happened with the Aether Artifact before, And he still wasn't sure if his plan would succeed a 100 % with Zenobia even if he has her brother as leverage to make her comply.

'Zenobia herself is an enigma because I don't know a thing about where she came from, I was able to read through the other's memories but it didn't work for her, But that doesn't matter her compatibility with the Aether is the best I have ever seen in my life, there is no way I am letting her go,' Agrona thought while shaking his head trying to think of ways to increase the success rate.

But even if he failed with Zenobia he was sure he would have a 95% success rate with Tessia afterward. He had planned this scheme out for a long time, just the edition of another powerful being that isn't going to stop him.

'I will have to make Kazees go against this guy so that I would be able to benefit from the chaos, it won't be easy but there is no other choice, It is time to step into phase two and get Dicathen under my control, I may have been foolish to show up like this once but it won't happen another time,' Agrona contemplated about his moves while looking at the Relictomb entrance building.

He was sure that Haru would continue to use this place so this gave him a little advantage when Kazees will come to him in the future.

'I won't let anyone stop me from controlling 'Fate', that is the only way for me to....' Agrona thought with a cold face as he walked into the portal and arrived at his throne room.

"Cadell summon all of the Sovereigns," Agrona spoke as he sat down on his throne; Cadell was shocked by the order.

'To summon all of the Sovereigns? This is too big of an event, everything is going to be thrown on its head,' Cadell even though shocked still did his job and walked out of the hall. Cadell was too caught in the order to think about Seris and Melzri at the moment.

Seeing Cadell run out of the hall Agrona decided to think up his moves, he had many pawns in Dicathen who would follow his orders, so to make the most out of everything he needed to use them properly.

'I don't need to worry about Seris and Melzri right now since they are of no use, At this point, the war isn't going to stop with the lesser fighting each other, With this guy's involvement I would need to rope in the Asuras as well, there is no need to think about the lessers for now,' Agrona knew that the world was going to be razed to the ground if the Asuras stepped in but it was necessary now but it is not like he cared, There was no other way.

If it was Haru alone Agrona thought that he would be able to deal with him with the Vritra Clan but with the addition of the beast, things got a lot more complicated for him.

Even fighting Haru alone with his Clan was just an assumption he came to since he doesn't know the full power of the person in question, but even if it was possible to kill Haru with the help of his Clan, Why would he do it alone? And at the expense of his own people?

He would surely take a heavy hit and Kazees will take advantage of this to silence him with the help of the other Asuras. So his choice was rather obvious...

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