Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:03:56 AM

Chapter 222: The Scythes Again?

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Chapter 222: The Scythes Again?

Ok, So the update schedule is going to be from Monday to Saturday, which means we have 6 chapters a week with Sunday being an off day for bonus chapters. Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

For one Bonus Chapter, you will need about 650 Power Stones (Yeah, good luck with that it is as good as no chapters on Sunday,) That is all I needed to tell you all now, Enjoy the chapter since I am trying some things here.

I don't know when I'll learn my lesson since me trying things never get good results.


"And now that I am back here, I don't need to worry about facing him directly," Agrona said calmly he knew that he personally had no chance of winning against Haru in a fight, He was lucky that Haru looked down on him and didn't kill him there.

'Why did I go out there in the first place? That was really risky,' Agrona thought deeply but now that it had happened once he won't let it happen again. He was safe here in his home there was no way for Haru to kill him.

At least that was what he thought, Agrona didn't know that he can be killed anytime Haru wanted it and that he was watched a few times before.

Back with the cause of this problem,

Haru and Raum were now resting after they had finished their daily training under the Avatar of Acala.

[Ha-kun why did you let him go after you went through the trouble to get him there?] Kurumi asked curiously, she had a guess of her own but she wanted to hear it from Haru.

[If I killed him then and there it would only mean that I killed one of the many brainless idiots that will try to attack me, So I let him go with an incentive so that he will gather all of the brainless idiots together, this way I can take care of them at once and this won't leave any loose ends,] Haru spoke lazily; he was a bit tired at the moment since he had cranked up the intensity of his training by a few notches.

[So, basically, you are too lazy to search for idiots and deal with them yourself so you are letting him gather them for you,] Kurumi concluded.

[What do you mean lazy? I would rather train myself than waste my time on them, Agrona is a smart guy he will know how to play his cards correctly, I am stopping him from getting what he wants and he won't try to deal with me on his own since that will damage him more while putting him in a vulnerable position in his thoughts that is, but leaving that aside his next choice is to involve someone else and I am going to give him the perfect chance for it as well,] Haru spoke as he stretched his body to get ready for the next set of training.

[Do you think that 'smart guy' will fall for your trick?] Kurumi said with a yawn, she was feeling sleepy right now and curled up in a ball on top of Haru's head.

[It would be a bit harder normally but Agrona is too obsessed with Aether right now which makes it easier for me to get my desired result, Ok enough of that, now let me start training now,] Haru said as he looked to his right and saw 100's of his own clones ready for battle.

[I didn't know my little Ha-kun has become so evil,] Kurumi spoke with a giggle making Haru roll his eyes, Seeing that she won't distract him any further as he continued to train late into the night.


"You could've at least freed them from that," Haru said awkwardly while looking at Queresha.

Kanae was angry since she had to witness this as Zenobia was looking around to distract herself.

"Stop squirming like a bug and it wouldn't tighten," Queresha spoke to Melzri coldly making her stop on the spot.

"You Gasp* How dare you talk to Gasp* me that way?" Melzri glared at Queresha.

"Oh! Are you suggesting I serve you tea and cakes after you intruded on My Lord's house?" Queresha spoke calmly while looking at Seris and Melzri.

'Intruding? Wait don't tell me,' Seris was horrified as she looked at Zenobia and Haru.

"What bullshit are you spouting? Hurry up and tell me how did you bring us her-" Melzri's shouting was stopped by Seris.

"Stop it Melzri, we've been fooled, we never left this place to begin with," Seris said with a bit of panic in her voice. When? How? Who? Her mind went numb as she tried to figure out what happened to them.

"I see you are somewhat smart," Queresha said, her words angered Melzri to a great degree.

"Aren't you the dumb ones? Do you really think these ropes will be able to hold me down?" Melzri spoke with a mocking grin, she felt that she can still use mana just fine the dumb idiots in front of her didn't seal it.

'Let me see if you look so confident after I am free,' Melzri strengthened her body with Mana and tried to break free, the keyword 'Tried'.

"AH~! W-Why Gasp*? T-This," The ropes around her tighten sharply making her gasp, she felt humiliated since there was a man in the room watching her.

"Melzri I told you to stop moving, Hng~!" Seris who was trying to move felt her ropes tightening as well.

'I can't move, this feels weird, No this isn't the time to be thinking about this we both need to get out of here fast,' Seris was a little taken aback since she felt uncomfortable down there.

"I am trying but you wouldn't understand it is so uncomfortable around my chest," Melzri said but she was still squirming because of the feeling coming from the ropes around her chest. Seris looked at Melzri's ample breasts and then looked at her own.

Flat, It might be because of this that she was able to keep herself together.

'As I thought they are useless lumps of fat, But I don't know why but I feel the urge to leave her behind here?' Seris looked at Melzri coldly since her comment was unneeded.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!