Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:03:49 AM

Chapter 225: What Happened Here?

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Chapter 225: What Happened Here?

"Well on the topic of professor, You guys have gotten a lot stronger while training under Professor Haru," Kai said while looking at everyone who studied in Haru's class.

"Well, Professor is really good at training us," Claire spoke with a wide smile, Kathyln, Curtis, Arthur, Tessia, Elijah and Randel nodded even if the last two didn't want to admit it.

"I can see that you guys have improved a lot from the first day," Theodore nodded with his arms crossed.

"My Rival it looks like you are catching up to my level," Feyrith spoke to Arthur who rolled his eyes.

"Hah, I didn't know Fey Fey was that strong," Doradrea spoke with a smirk.

"D-Don't call me by that," Feyrith blushed and looked away.

"How about we confirm how strong Fey Fey is? It has been a while since we sparred together, How about we do it before heading back for some food?" Kai suggested trying to make Theodore and Doradrea take action.

"That is a good idea, I also want to compete with you all, How about it Randel?" Theodore asked with shining eyes, he was overly hyped for this.

"Eh? I'd rather not," Randel placed his head on the table lazily, Theodore sighed muttering 'Why are you always like this?'.

"Come on don't be a spoilsport, Let's do this," Claire nodded and agreed since she wanted to compare her progress with everyone.

'I want to go back and have some sleep,' Arthur was dead tired from training with Kanae, He asked for her help to increase his ability to fight multiple people at once. Since she told him how to improve during one of her visits Arthur actively started to train with her even when the training was brutal.

"I want to do it as well," Tessia was excited since she also wanted to test her level with everyone.

With Tessia, Claire, Feyrith, Doradrea, Theodore, and Kai agreeing they all went into the training room.

"Kai activate the Barrier, Today I will drop some fools Kekeke," Randel grinned widely, He didn't want to do this but since he had no other choice he was going to beat everyone up.

"My how scary~" Kai spoke with a smile as he saw everyone gather inside the barrier area.

'Now the fun begins~~,' Kai thought while turning the switch on and a red barrier enveloped everyone.

They were surprised since the barrier for training is supposed to be blue but it is red which means....


"Hey what happened?" Elijah asked as he banged the barrier which was preventing them from going out.

"Did something happen outside? Kai? Kai! Are you there?" Claire shouted in worry.

'What is up with him? How is he this strong suddenly? The level of mana he has is more than most professors in the academy,' Arthur thought and swung his to right hitting the face of one of the attackers and knocking him out.

"Slippery little rat, aren't you? Your luck won't save you again," Lucas spat out hate-filled words as veins appeared all over his neck and face.

'He is almost like that fat guy, his mana just keeps getting higher and higher,' Arthur thought and his eyes narrowed.

"You know my teacher is faster than that in his sleep," Arthur said with a blank look.

"Your teacher? Ah! that Bastard who has nothing but a girly face, Hehehehe, Once I am don't with Imma head out for him and settle my score with him, I'll make him beg under my feet for humiliating me," Lucas spoke with a deranged look.

Everyone who had just dealt with the first wave of the intruders looked over after hearing Lucas.

Silence the whole room was shrouded in silence for a brief period of time.

"Claire We only need to neutralize these guys right?" Arthur asked as many new attackers came toward everyone.

Elijah, Curtis, Kathyln, Randel, and Tessia waited for the answer, Their eyes held unsurmountable anger at the moment.


"ARGHHHHHH," The sound of a masked person resounded in the room bringing everyone's attention to it.

They all saw a man with his arms and legs mangles crying and sobbing loudly.

"Yes we need to, But since we are still kids there are bound to be mistakes," Claire who was responsible for what happened to the man spoke coldly while looking at Lucas.

"Everyone let's 'Neutralize' these bastards," Claire shouted and everyone attacked with full force making the inside of the barrier full of painful screeches.

After 15 minutes Arthur and everyone rushed out of the club buildings to see the outside dragging a half-dead Lucas. they really went all in since Lucas dared to disrespect Haru in front of them.

"W-What happened here?" Tessia asked in a shocked tone because....

"Has the academy always been this red in color?" Elijah spoke while looking around uncomfortably.

The whole place was covered in red blood with chunks of beasts smeared on the walls and the ground.

"W-Who did this?" Theodore was shaken at the brutal sight along with Doradrea; Feyrith was barely holding his vomit. There were many S-rank monsters that everyone could identify along with powerful A-rank beasts among them.

"I don't think we need to guess who did this, Let's go to where the students are gathered," Randel said since the identity of the culprit was as easy as 1+1=2. The image of the red-haired professor came to their minds immediately.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!