Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:03:47 AM

Chapter 227: To The Council

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Chapter 227: To The Council

"Where did he go? I mean I am not complaining since I can go and rest," Randel said with his arms folded.

"Yeah he seemed to be in a hurry to leave since he came, Professor Haru was livid when he arrived," Professor Glory added.

"Is it possible that there are still spies in the city?" Claire spoke with stars in her eyes.

"That can be possible," Kathyln agreed and she started to come up with the theory behind Haru's quick exit with Professor Glory, Claire, and Curtis.

Arthur was looking at Lucas, he didn't know how to feel after this happened.

"What is it Art?" Tessia called Arthur, she knew about the bad blood between the two and was worried if this will affect Arthur in a negative way.

"Nothing," Arthur shook his head and went towards the others who were still trying to find out what Haru was up to.

'Professor is after the real mastermind that is in the city,' This was the popular theory at the moment.

Randel just rolled his eyes at them, He was sure that Haru wasn't up to anything but he didn't say anything.

'He might really be doing something important,' Randel thought rubbing his nose.

In the Noble district, Haru appeared in his house.

He walked through the hallways with an annoyed look on his face.

'Why did they have to attack at such a time? I was about to have dinner while watching the Aurora Constellate,' Haru was angry since he had kind of forgotten about Draneeve's group that was hidden in Xyrus because he was too focused on something else.

And because of that, his dinner with everyone was interrupted. He would of course be angry because of this.

'Maybe they all finished the food already? I should've tortured those idiots,' Haru thought while opening the door to the terrace where everyone was.

"Oh! My Lord you are back," Queresha said, she skilfully took off his coat and stored it in her inventory since there was no rack on the terrace.

"Yes, it took me longer than I thought," Haru spoke with a sigh, Those Lances were even later than the police in movies.

"What are you sighing for? Come and sit or the food will go cold, Queresha went through so much trouble to keep the food hot for you," Kanae shouted from the table in half annoyance.

'It wasn't troublesome,' Queresha thought in her head but didn't say it since everyone will refute her saying she was biased.

"Hmm, What? You guys didn't eat yet?" Haru asked while looking at the table which was the same as when he left.

"Everyone insisted on eating together," Kanae said and looked away.

"I guess it is good that he is thorough, That way I will have fewer problems to deal with later," Haru yawned and sat up stretching his body since he had an appointment with the council today.

Haru walked towards his room to change his clothes since he was wearing a white Yukata at home. Seriously he just wanted to go in what he was wearing but his company wouldn't let him do that.

"My Lord please change into this," As soon as Haru entered his room Queresha who was waiting for him inside pointed at the clothes placed on his bed.

Queresha herself was dressed in a purple military-type uniform that did justice to her phenomenal curves, with her long wavy hair up in a bun letting her bangs fall on her forehead and along the side of her face.

"Is it really necessary?" Haru asked looking at the black vest and pants with a red shirt and a long black cape with golden designs on the borders it screamed as if it belonged to royalty. He was seriously feeling too lazy now since he had been home for two days.

"If My Lord feels lazy I can help you change," Queresha offered.

"Oh! Look at the time if I don't get changed we will definitely get late," Haru spoke quickly as he pushed Queresha out of the room and closed the door. He has some bad memories for these types of situations.


Far away in a distant place,

"ACHOO," a purple-haired woman with a voluptuous figure sneezed loudly.

"What happened to you Raikou?" A red-headed woman looked back in annoyance since she was disturbed.

"Fufu, I Wonder if Ha-chan is missing me," Raikou said with a laugh.

"WHY WOULD HE MISS YOU?" Akane who is Haru's mother flared in anger.

'Fufu, Ha-chan Mom also misses you,' Raikou thought lost in her own head ignoring Akane jumping around in anger with poor Yanagi trying to calm her down.


'Why do I feel uneasy?' Haru shuddered a little and looked around before shaking his head.

"There is still time left," Queresha smiled sweetly while looking at the clock outside the room.

'My Lord is so cute when he gets flustered,' Queresha hummed happily while waiting for Haru to change his clothes.

Haru changed into his clothes after a quick shower and walked out in 15 minutes.

"Resha and Zenobia sorry to keep you guys waiting," Haru said waving at the both of them.

"I just arrived here so no worries," Zenobia said with a small smile, She was also going to the council to attend the meeting, She has dressed appropriately in a white shirt with a grey vest and pants along with a pure white cape with her family insignia on the back.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!