Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:03:46 AM

Chapter 228: Who Are You?

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Chapter 228: Who Are You?

The reason for her to tag along was that Alice Leywin came to the house in a panic early this morning, She was accompanied by Reynolds and the Helstea family after she heard that Arthur was taken away by the council for an investigation.

Alice really thought Arthur had done something wrong that might put him in danger and was very worried about his situation, Even when she was emotionally unstable after hearing the truth about Arthur it was clear how much she cared for him.

So after hearing about what happened she ran to Haru's house who was Arthur's teacher in the academy to know what really happened and if Arthur had really done something.

It took some effort from Haru to calm her down before he sent them back home, Reynolds was really thankful to Haru since Alice and Ellie didn't stop crying since they heard the news, Knowing that Arthur was friends with Randel, Zenobia also wanted to accompany Haru to see what the council was planning.

'I guess, something is going to happen today since the Council made up excuses to bring Arthur there alone,' Haru thought about some possibilities in his mind.

"My Lord you should be more careful at how you present yourself," Queresha on the other hand walked up to Haru and fixed his crooked tie.

"Resha you should know that I am not any good with such things," Haru said plainly, He was never good at dressing up.

"Then it can't be helped, It looks like I would have to look after My Lord all of my life," Queresha said with a smile.

'You do that already, don't you?' Haru thought but smiled nonetheless.

"Cough* We might get late if we delay this any longer," Zenobia coughed a bit to get things back on track, But she was curious about how they will reach the flying castle since they would normally need the help of a lance to get there.

"Well that is easy," Haru said while placing his hand on both Queresha and Zenobia's shoulders.


And the three vanished from their position.


'This whole day has been weird, and who are these two people? They even made the kings and the Lances so respectful like this,' Arthur's mind was tried since he had been through too much trouble today.

Early this morning he was brought here by Lance Bairon and Lance Olfred to give his statement about the incident that happened at Xyrus academy.

This whole situation was too suspicious since there was no need for him to give his statement in front of the royal families. But it wasn't like he could refuse them since it would complicate things even further.

So after coming to the flying castle with Sylvie he had an audience with the Royal Families or more like....

Virion who looked at the two couples looking at the table while shivering understood something.

The incident regarding Cynthia and then how they were accusing Arthur earlier on, All the pieces fell right into place he still didn't know what they were trying to accomplish. He also understood that the Greysunders and Glayders tried to betray their own people. He had a lot to say but it wasn't the correct time to do that.

'Now all that is left is to take Lady Sylvia's daughter back along with that man,' Windsom thought in his mind and waited for Aldir to continue.

Seeing that everyone had their full attention on him Aldir opened his mouth.

"The mai-BANG," But before he could speak the doors were swung open once again startling the royal families with how suddenly it happened. Everyone had different expressions seeing the man that walked in with two beautiful women.

"Oh! Sorry did I interrupt something?" Haru asked with a smile looking at everyone and making their jaws drop.

'What is this guy?' The Glayders and Eraliths didn't know what to say along with the Lances, they knew Haru was eccentric but they didn't think it would this bad. I mean the people in front of them were deities; They weren't people one can interrupt like this.

Seeing Haru Windsom smiled since the prey walked right in front of them.

"So you came here yourself, It is good that you saved ou-," But sadly Windsom's words were cut short by Haru again.

"Who are you?" Haru asked as he tilted his head to the side.

"...Do you not remember me?" Windsom frowned.

"Nope," Haru shook his head.

"You, I met you on a rooftop near the market," Windsom said as his frown got deeper, he couldn't believe that a Lesser forgot about him.

"Ah! You are the one who ran away, Man no wonder I didn't remember you," Haru said as a look of realization dawned on his face.

The room turned silent as everyone could hear Windsom grind his teeth. But no matter what all of them couldn't get one question out of their head.

'Is what he just said true?'

"Compose yourself Windsom, there is no need to explain your actions to the lessers," Aldir said still stoic as ever, hearing him Windsom calmed down but they didn't account for someone else boiling in anger.

"You Three Eyes what did you call My Lord?"

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