Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:03:27 AM

Chapter 239: Annoying

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Chapter 239: Annoying

"You had friends? Why didn't I know of this?" Jin-ah's words pierced Haru's heart dealing him damage.

"I-I had some you know," Haru said with a wry smile.

"Was it in Haru's past world?" Queresha asked.

"Yes, My Resha is the smartest," Haru smiled brightly kissing Queresha on her forehead.

'So you did accept that you didn't have friends in our world,' Kanae, Jin-ah, and Hae-in rolled their eyes while Queresha was too far into her mind to catch Haru's words.

"So who were they?" Jin-ah asked with curiosity, she knew better than anyone how Haru was. Haru could become friends with people easily with his friendly and cheerful aura but he rarely called anyone a friend so seeing him call someone his friend was a very interesting thing.

"Hmm, one of them was annoying cause he barely spoke and the other one was also annoying cause he spoke too much," Haru said with a thoughtful look.

"So you had two friends? And both of them were annoying?" Kanae asked.

"Well even if they were annoying they were good and helped me when I needed it," Haru said with a small smile.

"Oh, they helped you?" Jin-ah spoke in surprise.

"Yeah something happened and I needed the help of the talkative one but that guy actually charged me, Hmph never mind he wasn't my friend," Haru pouted but he wasn't really mad since what he asked for was quite ridiculous.

'I did ask him to help me find my parents' body after the incident, it was quite hard to do even with my influence,' Haru thought back about how he asked someone who had a lot of influence in the world. Well in the end the guy did as he promised and Haru didn't lose anything.

"What? He charged you and he was annoying? Was he a devil or something?" Hae-in questioned.

"Devil? Hmm? that might be a perfect description for him," Haru laughed.

"What seriously? You were friends with someone like that? Wasn't he bad?" Kanae frowned a little, Hae-in and Jin-ah also didn't understand Haru can be friends with someone who qualifies to be a devil.

"There can be good devils you know, And the concept of good and bad changes from person to person, What one person might think is repugnant, another might think is ok some might even like it," Haru winked at Kanae even if it flustered Kanae a bit she understood it as it was the very same thing that was making Jin-ah uneasy.

For Hunters like herself Hae-in, Queresha and Haru killing someone who looks human or other humans is something that happens often since conflict is a normal occurrence. Not all humans used mana for good, and to deal with them other hunters need to step up.

But what about Jin-ah? She was a normal person half a year ago but even if she has mana now Jin-ah's mindset is still stuck back when she was a civilian which is making her averse to killing another human. The roots of this story extend from novell bìn origin.

"Windy come out teach the others about Aether again," Jin-woo called out and many figures came out of his shadow.

They were Beru, Bellion, Tank, Igris, and a few more of his main fighting force.

[Yes My Liege,] A humanoid figure completely made of shadow wearing a military uniform kneeled in front of Jin-woo.

"How many times have I told you to not do this?" Jin-woo sighed at windy.

'It is good that Haru isn't looking,' Jin-woo sighed since if Haru saw it he wouldn't see the end of it.

'I raised that boy,' Beru looked proud at how the new guy was giving his respect to Jin-woo. Bellion and Iron nodded along with Tusk.

'Look at what you've done,' Igris side-eyed a proud-looking Beru.

After training for a long time Haru and Jin-woo left the Relictombs to go back home.

"Did you make any progress?" Haru asked Jin-woo as they sat down in the living room.

"No it is very hard for me to learn about Aether, it is like my body itself is rejecting it," Jin-woo shrugged, just cause it is hard to do isn't going to stop him. He'll be able to use Aether sooner or later.

"Hmm, I guess you have quite a bit of resistance to it because of the cup of reincarnation," Haru speculated and Jin-woo nodded since he thought the same, The cup of reincarnation turned time back by 10 years repairing the world and reviving everyone who lost their lives. It worked pretty similar to Aether which is known to have 3 different types. Those are Spatium, or Aether of Space, Vivum, or the Aether of Life, and Aevum, Aether of Time. There was also the Aether of Fate which Agrona was trying to get his hands on.

Although it had its effect on the monarchs and the rulers as well since t could revive them but that was about it. it couldn't interfere any further than that. The monarchs and Rulers had their memories intact while everyone else forgot what happened so it was quite natural that they had resistance to it.

"You should ask Queresha for help she was able to use Aether," Haru told jin-woo making the latter a bit surprised.

"What? She can already use it? Seriously and here I have been working on this for as long as her, I can only feel it in the air," Jin-woo sighed and Haru laughed wryly.

'Maybe it was because of the system?' Haru thought it was true that the system provided some help to them but that wasn't the only reason Queresha was able to use Aether.

If it was like that then Jin-ah, Hae-in, and Kanae wouldn't be struggling with Aether till now.

The main reason Queresha was able to do it was because of the countless hours she put into studying Aether so she could help Haru with it more.

Queresha didn't want to be deadweight which caused her to train like crazy to get stronger. And her efforts were paying off since as she was now she can fight toe to toe with Antares instead of holding him off using tricks and deception like last time.

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