Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:02:11 AM

Chapter 260: Has It Started?

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Chapter 260: Has It Started?

"I don't really have a favorite author," Dok-ja said, he just wanted this conversation to be over.

"Oh, I see that happens when you like many different books that you can't choose one, I have been there, What about Haru-ssi? Does Haru-ssi have a favriote author?" Sang-ah asked him because she had seen him reading books during break time.

"For me, it would be Franz Kafka," Haru answered.

"Really?" Sang-ah said in surprise since someone like Haru reading Kafka's novels didn't fit well in her head.

"Don't look so surprised will you?" Haru chuckled as Sang-ah's ear turned a little red in embarrassment.

"A friend of mine introduced me to Russian literature since then I have really liked it, and from there I found Kafka's novels, Resha here likes Charles Dicken's works a lot, isn't that a surprise?" Haru saw that Sang-ah was looking a bit worried because of how she acted before so he tried to clear the air.

'Dear can you not throw me under the bus,' Queresha's eyes met Haru and the words went across without any need for words. L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

'Sorry I'll make it up to you, anyway it isn't like I lied,' Haru's words came to Queresha clearly.

The two have really reached a different level of communication.

"That is true," Sang-ah still looked a little on edge, even if the two were friendly they were still her superiors.

Haru may just have the title of team leader but he was very respected even by the higher-ups of the company because of his results. It was clearly shown how much the company valued him when they nearly lay off Han Myung-oh when the two had a conflict.

But Sang-ah had to admit that it was very surprising to know their preferences for novels, one wouldn't be able to picture it.

[A/N: If you did not understand this exchange, I'll try to give you context, Haru who is cheerful and bright likes Russian Literature Which is known to be brutally honest along with a very pessimistic view, most Russian writers like Dostoevsky and Tolstoy to name a few, wrote their novels with purpose and wanted to get their point across, they didn't care about the readers or what the reader wanted but rather what they themselves wanted. While Queresha who is more serious and straight-faced likes Charles dickens's books which are known for being entertaining along with a hooking storyline, Charles wrote books for people who were reading for fun because of the boon of literate people during the industrial revolution in Europe, Charles writing is more leaning on satisfying the reader because he needed it to be that way, the guy needed to earn money after all. And Kafka is a writer who is also heavily influenced by Russian literature, He is also called the prophet of Doom so you can guess how his books are right? Again Gloom and Haru don't go along, But they are really good so read them, I highly recommend them.]

"And I also like reading Webnovels and Mangas," Haru's words shocked Dok-ja.

'How did Haru-ssi say that so easily?' Dok-ja stopped looking into his phone, just earlier he was having trouble saying those words to Sang-ah and avoided the question but Haru on the other hand just said it like it was nothing.

Even though it looked like Haru had great knowledge of literature so if he ended the convo it wouldn't be bad, but to think he would say he likes reading web novels and Manga like that.

"Oh like the spiderman comics?" Sang-ah asked curiously, she was slowly forgetting her unease.

"Yeah something like that," Haru carried on the conversation to not make Sang-ah uncomfortable while Dok-ja looked at them.

'They are very similar, those three. Good looks, doing well at the job, have plans for the future, hard-working. If this world was a novel they will definitely be Protagonist material,' Dok-ja thought, even in this compartment the number of gazes those three attracted wasn't less. And it was only natural after all. He can practically see the spotlight shining on them.

But it was the result of their own hard work while he read web novels.

"See it is fine, now the power will be back after an apology the-" Dok-ja's words were cut off by the shout that came from the speakers.

-Everyone Run Away! Run.....Beep*

With a beeping sound, the broadcast was cut, and this caused the passengers to panic.

"W-what is happening?" Sang-ah asked Dok-ja who seemed to be knowledgeable about these situations but the latter didn't respond.

A bright light flashed from the front of the subway train. There was a loud drumming sound followed by a pop. Something was heading this way in the darkness. And the clock at this moment turned to—7:00 p.m.

Haru who was looking around trying to find some clues froze on the spot, it was like the world stopped for some time.

But as soon as it resumed Haru had some words to say.


Haru's mutters went unlistened by Sang-ah who was too panicked and Dok-ja because the voice was drowned by the screams and shouts of the surrounding people.

But Queresha heard it clearly and became more alert, something was definitely not right.

'Has it started?' Queresha and Haru had the same thought; it was the event they have been waiting for since they came to this world.

They have been living like ordinary humans for the past three years and it looked like the time has come.

Then suddenly a voice was heard.

[The free service of planetary system 8612 has been terminated.]

[The main scenario has started.]

At this moment, the door of car 3807 opened wide, and the electricity returned.

"...Dokkaebi?" Sang-ah muttered.

Dok-ja's head was ringing. he trembled uneasily as the novel he knew and the reality he lived in overlapped before him.

'With two small horns and wearing a small straw mat, the strange and fluffy creature was floating in the air.

It was too strange to call it a fairy, too evil to call it an angel, and too tranquil to call it a demon.

Thus, it was called a 'Dokkaebi'. And I already know what he is going to say,' Dokja was reliving his favorite novel at this moment.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!