Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:01:32 AM

Chapter 267: Innocence?

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Chapter 267: Innocence?

Looking at Haru and Myung-oh Dok-ja was reminded of something.

'Myung-oh-ssi never really liked Haru-ssi they've had a few altercations during work, I think it is because of jealousy, it isn't a secret that Myung-oh-ssi was only able to get the job in the company because of his family connections, Haru-ssi, on the other hand, worked hard and produced results to get his position in three years, But I think Myung-oh is saltier because of how Popular Haru-ssi was will the female workers,' Dok-ja thought but now wasn't time to be thinking about this.

"Oh, Shut up, your voice is annoying the hell out of me," Nam-woon shouted with a grimace on his face.

"Y-You Brat, didn't anyone teach you anything?" Myung-oh was appalled by how he was treated by a kid.

"Where was all of this bravado during the scenario earlier? All I could hear from you were scared squeals," Nam-woon grinned.

"A-At least that is better than you," Myung-oh snapped back and Nam-woon frowned but before he could go off.

"You are a grown man Myung-oh don't throw a fit," Haru sighed because Myung-oh just made the situation a lot more complicated.

"H-how can you say th-" Myung-oh who was in the middle of his complaining was cut off by Queresha.


"Y-Yes," Myung-oh tensed up, like Haru who was easy going Queresha was known to be harsh and didn't mince her words.

"I'll try to say in words even you can understand, Please Can it," Queresha said disrespectful words very respectfully and moved back leaving a stunned Myung-oh.

'That is what you'd expect from the 'Poison-Tongued Beauty of Mino-soft',' Dok-ja refreshed his mental notes to not mess with her, aside from being dubbed as 'Shadow' Queresha had another nickname 'Poison-Tongued Beauty' and as you would expect from that name she was known to be very direct with her words. But this somehow only increased her popularity which was still a mystery to Dok-ja himself.

"Hey, Don't you think you are forgetting something?" Haru walked in front of Nam-woon and asked.

"I don't think so, I have my knife and bag here," Nam-woon said innocently.

"Don't make me say it again," Haru said with a smile.

"Why should I apologize for something that was natu-OW! Why are you hitting me?" Nam-woon shouted as Haru hit his head.

"I won't apologiz-OW"

"I-I'll Have you know I have a strong Constellation backing me u-OWWW,"

"Why do your punches hit harder than befo-OWWWWWWWW,"

"W-Why am I getting my ass beat so bad even after getting an awesome Constellation?" Nam-woon was squatting in the corner holding his head after he reluctantly apologized to Sung Min-Hye who was the old lady he tried to kill before.

"We need to get out of here,"


"G-Go Outside, Are you insane?" Myung-oh cried in shock.

"See? It wasn't that hard getting to the point, you should've said it earlier to save our time," Nam-woon slung his bag over his shoulder ready to leave at this very moment.

"B-But..." Even Sang-ah wasn't sure about this and was looking at Haru hoping he would reject it.

"Let's listen to the reason first shall we," Haru said calming the others down.

'Nice Assist Haru-ssi,' Dok-ja was happy at the unexpected help. His argument of leaving surely didn't make any sense since the outside was more dangerous with monster roaming about but it was necessary for them to leave. As the people calmed down a little Dok-ja followed through.

"How long are we going to stay here? Have you thought about your parents? Do you think your families are safe in such a mess?" Dok-ja asked and everyone's faces changed aside from a few people.

"T-The line has been dead for a while, No kakaotalk....." Sang-ah said with a distressed look on her face. With Hyun-sung and Myung-oh's faces darkening as well.

'Indeed Confucianism is strong in South Korea.' Dok-ja thought while holding Gil-young who hugged him tightly.

The Granny also looked worried with Nam-woon picking his nose. This guy seriously needed to learn how to read the room.

"But moving now will be dangerous," Hyun-sung said remembering that the Dokkaebi told them to stay here.

"D-Do whatever you want, I am not leaving this place," Myung-oh shouted making Dok-ja a little impatient, but Myung-oh didn't matter all he needed was Hyun-sung and Haru to agree.

"Shouldn't worrying about your parents be your top priority given the current situation Myung-oh-ssi?" Queresha asked with a flat look.

'Oh, That one's gotta sting,' Dok-ja hissed in his mind while Sang-ah smiled wryly. The others surely didn't understand what was just said but as people who have worked in the same company, Sang-ah and Dok-ja understood what that meant.

"W-What do mean by that?" Myung-oh roared in anger.

"Isn't that simple? Why are you overreacting?" Haru asked while tilting his head.

'Haru-ssi is too pure,' Dok-ja and Sang-ah thought.

[The Constellations are baffled by your innocence]

[1000 coins have been sponsored]

'What is going on? And why are you looking at me like that you two?' Haru's eyes twitched as he didn't understand the gazes of Sang-ah and Dok-ja along with what the constellations were on about. But It wasn't time for worrying about that.

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