Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:15:33 AM

Chapter 27: Idiots!!

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Chapter 27: Idiots!!

I woke up and saw her looking outside the open window as the night wind made her long her flutter.

"Jin-woo is that..... you." She asked in a soft voice. This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

"You've grown up. Just how long was I asleep?" she said while looking at me with warm eyes.

"4 Years..." I said while trying to stop my tears as my hands were trembling.

"4...Years?" she said a bit confused Then asked.

"How's Jin-ah?"

"She's doing well," I answered and lifted my head.

"Looks like both you and Haru kept your promise." She said while smiling.

She then took my hand then said.

"Because son it must've been difficult for you."

I wasn't able to stop my tears anymore as my lips were trembling, and I felt the familiar warmth that wasn't there for the past four years.

"....Yeah," I said while crying.


Park Kyung-Hye POV

After Jin-woo went away to inform the doctors that I woke up.

I looked at the person who was standing beside me.

"I wasn't wrong, you were still alive," I said as I looked at the person I wanted to see for a long time. When I first heard the news that he didn't come back from the dungeon. I didn't believe that he would die because.....

'I'll be with you no matter what it takes.' That was the promise he made when he proposed to me. and he has always kept his promises. So I knew he would keep his word. The tears that I have kept inside me for 6 years started to spill out. As I was crying he looked at me in surprise and wiped my tears with his fingers and said.

"Sorry I have made you suffer even after I promised to keep you happy." He said with a downcast look he wasn't meeting my eyes.

'What a fool.'

"Did you think you broke your promise?" I said while cupping his face in my hands as he looked up I smiled and said.

"Do I look unhappy to you?" after hearing what I said. He hugged me tightly and said.

"I'm sorry. you must've regretted being with me"

"Ok don't apologize now I knew what type of man you are and I still don't regret falling in love with you," I said as I hugged him tightly as well.


Back to m.c

The next morning,

"HARU HARU WAKE UP." I woke up and saw Jin-ah with an impatient face.

'Guess, aunt, woke up.' I thought.

"What happened Jin-ah?" I said while yawning.

"M-Mom Woke up." She said while hugging me.

"O-OK," I said trying to sound a bit surprised.

"We have to go. Come on wake up." She said while pulling out of my bed.

"Yeah yeah. Calm down." I said while patting her head. Then I went to wash my face and changed my clothes.

After 5 minutes I was ready and said to Jin-ah.

"Ok let's go" she nodded and we went towards the hospital.

She just shook her head as she thought they needed some discipline. But that will have to wait.

Kyung-Hye then put her glass down and said.

"Do you both like Haru?" I moment she asked this the movements of both Jin-ah and Hae-in stopped. As they looked at her with a face like.

'is it that obvious?'

Kyung-hye just giggled and said.

"Yes, you are too obvious."

She then said while shaking her head.

"So any progress?" when she said that hae-in's face turned red which didn't escape her eyes she looked at her and said.

"Looks like you made some." Jin-ah was also looking at Hae-in with shock.

"What happened unnie tell me." she then started to shake Hae-in who was blushing.

After some time Hae-in told what happened that day and Kyung-hye laughed.

"You're lucky to have a man who takes the lead." She laughed and thought about her husband.

"So what did you say?" she asked Hae-in and she also noticed how Jin-ah's face looked at this moment. She just shook her head.

"..." Hae-in was silent. Which caused Kyung-Hye's eyes to widen.

".....You didn't say anything?" and hae-in nodded which made both Kyung-hye and Jin-ah to be stunned.

"W-why unnie?" Jin-ah asked in a shaky voice.

Hae-in just looked at her and looked down again.

And Kyung-hye understood what happened.

"Ok, I get it. And...." She paused and said

"Both of you are idiots. The biggest ones I've seen in my life." When she said that both hae-in and Jin-ah looked at her in shock. They didn't know what to say when they saw the angry look on this gentle woman.

"What is your and Haru's profession?" she asked looking at Hae-in.

"...Hunters." Then her eyes opened wide as if realization hit her.

"It is a job in which life and death isn't something you can guarantee there are many dangers in this job and the dangers aren't limited to monsters." She said while remembering how her husband went missing 10 years ago.

Both Jin-ah and Hae-in were thinking that they weren't taking this into account.

Being a hunter although an attractive profession is extremely risky and you can die at any time.

Now that they thought about her words it started to make some sense. They didn't know what to do. They looked at Kyung-hye as if asking what to do.

"I'm not going to tell you anything in this matter you can talk among yourself. I just wanted to tell you this as someone who went through this that's all." She stood up and was going towards Haru's house.

"Mom where are you going?" Jin-ah asked.

"There is someone who needs a bit of discipline you see." She said smiling gently. But Jin-ah knew it will be bad for whoever is going to receive her discipline.

"O-Ok M-Mom. Unnie let's go." Jin-ah said as she dragged Hae-in towards her room.

Kyung-hye opened the door to Haru's house and saw her husband chasing after Haru trying to hit him. When haru saw her he came and hid behind her back and said.

"Aunt look uncle is bulling me." trying to sound as pitiful as possible. Kyung-hye just pulled his ear.

"OWWWW, It hurts it hurts." He shouted while holding her hand that was pulling his ear.

"I'll deal with you later." When she said that Haru looked at her and nodded his head with the expression of someone who was caught.

"Now then you two on your knees." When she said that both Jin-woo and il-hwan started trembling because they knew what is about to happen.

That night 2 S-Ranks of Korea were crying tears of blood in front of a woman.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!