Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:01:05 AM

Chapter 276: 276 Out For A Walk?

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Chapter 276: 276 Out For A Walk?

Powerstones? Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.


[You are the first to defeat the Tier 8 Monster 'Lightning Wolf']

[You have received 6000 coins as a reward.]

[You have received 1000 coins as an achievement reward.]

[Some Constellations aren't happy with how you came out unscathed.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is interested in the way you fight.]

[200 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Desserts For Days' is saying you are still too weak and telling you to eat more sweets.]

[300 Coins have been sponsored.]

Haru ignored them as he flicked off the blade and sheathed his katana before quickly smashing the head of the last wolf who was still on the ground with his foot and running into the convenience store.

'The blood will surely attract more monsters, so let's do things quickly and go back,' Haru thought while stashing food items into a plastic bag. Biscuits, instant noodles, packed lunch boxes, gimbap, chocolates, cookies, and all.

But before putting them in a bag Haru tasted one of each to see if they were affected by the poisonous fog, the answer?

'At least we won't have to worry about food for a while,' Haru thought as he continued to stash food and filled up the large bags full of them. And at last, he went toward the freezers and opened them.

"Heh~," Haru took a few tubs of ice cream with a silly smile placing them in his plastic bag.

[The constellation 'Desserts for Days' is happy with your reaction.]

[500 coins have been sponsored.]

Haru didn't notice the constellation's messages since there was only one thing in his eyes right now.

'The backup generator should keep the freezer running for a while,' Haru thought as he turned off all of the lights and equipment in the store aside from the freezers.

Unwrapping an ice cream cone, Haru started to eat it while walking outside of the store with two bags full of food in his hand.


Haru looked to his right to see a giant praying mantis the size of a house looking at him.

"...I am not giving you my Ice-cream?" Haru said with a defensive stance.

'So he already trusts that he will come back, and he didn't deny him being the leader as well,' The man thought while looking at Nam-woon.

"You didn't go out with him?" The man asked thinking that it wasn't like Nam-woon to be this calm, especially at the start.

"No, he won't let me cause I am weak and if I tried to cause trouble I would've gotten beaten up," Nam-woon said with an annoyed look, he didn't like it but he had to admit it.

"But Ahjussi is stupid, imagine putting yourself in danger for others, the only reason he went out was to get food for the group, He is strong but he is also stupid....." Nam-woon kept on talking as the Man was in his own thoughts.

'I don't know about his combat ability, but he would need good strength to keep Nam-woon like this, he also does have a good ability, but if he depends on it too much he won't live long,' The man thought as he saw Nam-woon was still talking and asked.

"You want to get stronger?"

"Of course I do, I won't be able to live in a world like this if I can't," Nam-woon said like it was natural, in the current world the weak will get killed or will be at the mercy of the stronger ones and he didn't like either of the options.

"Then join me, you're growth will only be slow here, I'll make you stronger way faster," The man said.

"Can you defeat him?" Nam-woon asked.

"...Yes, I can," The man said after thinking about Haru's abilities till now, even if his ability was troublesome he believed he could kill Haru if he wanted to.

"You are doubting your own words, and I don't see you beating Ahjussi don't just take his ability at face value he is strong physically as well," Nam-woon said since he didn't like someone saying the person who defeated him was weak, aside from him no one can defeat the person who beat him up.

"Your answer?" The man asked again he didn't want to play the stupid guessing game, Nam-woon was one of the people with the most potential on earth so having him as a subordinate will be better. He had decided to leave Hyun-sung alone for a while under Dok-ja if he comes back alive. But he somehow didn't want to leave Nam-woon under Haru. Even though Nam-woon would eventually join him he felt compelled to make his move now for some reason.

"I'll join you if you can defeat that Ahjussi," Nam-woon said plainly.

'.....Looks like he got attached in a weird way, I'll see then, if Nam-woon can't reach his proper potential, I'll have him join my team no matter what,' The man thought as he was about to turn away but the shutter opened and Haru walked in with three big bags in both his hands.

"Yo, Nam-woon what are you doing here?" Haru asked nonchalantly like he had just come back from a stroll through the neighborhood, completely weird if you think about the current situation but it wasn't far off the mark.

'He is fast, I just sensed him on the top of the stairs and he already opened the shutters the next second,' The man thought.

"I was bored of sitting down, so came out for a walk," Nam-woon said while looking away.

'That isn't what you told me,' The man thought but didn't voice it since it wasn't necessary.

"Oh, you are here as well, came for a walk too? Nam-woon can you hold the bags for a second," Haru said while handing Nam-woon the bags and quickly closing the shutters before he wiped the blood out from his eyes. The man frowned a bit at the friendly attitude Haru was showing him.

"How did you get your sword?" The man asked a question.

"Just like you got yours," Haru said while pointing at the sword at the man's waist.

'So he deduced that I got my sword through a constellation, He is quite sharp, alright let's test it,' The man thought as he spoke.

"You know that gifts can only be given by constellations which are supporting you, and since you have a katana it is very simple to know where your supporting constellation is from,"

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