Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:00:33 AM

Chapter 285: The Game

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Chapter 285: The Game

"Shut it you old hag, I only wanted to know more about him so that I can use it to murderize him later," Nam-woon snapped but before he could say anything further he was put in a headlock.

"You Brat, who're you calling a hag, I am still in my prime," Hee-won said as veins appeared on her forehead as she kept Nam-woon in a headlock making him thrash around to get free but to no avail.

"Hee-won calm down or the others will wake up," Sang-ah said as she quickly tried to calm down Hee-won by pulling her back.

"Damn it how is she so strong?" Nam-woon muttered as he was in pain. Hyun-sung also didn't understand what happened as Hee-won looked very gentle even after taking her upbeat personality. So it was out of his expectation for her to put Nam-woon in a headlock all of a sudden.

"The nerve of that Brat calling me a hag, If you don't call me Noona next time I am beating your ass," Hee-won huffed in anger as Sang-ah smiled wryly she could understand the anger.

"I am adding you to the list of the people I am going to crush," Nam-woon muttered as he went to sleep, he needed to wake up at 2 A.M with Haru and Queresha since it would be their turn to keep watch while the others rested.

And soon it was 2 A.M. as Haru and Queresha were woken up by Hyun-sung and Sang-ah.

"You guys get some rest as well, we will wake you all up at 7," Haru said to Sang-ah, Hyun-sung, and Hee-won as he came back after washing his face with water.

"Thank You Haru-ssi," Sang-ah said as she leaned back on the wall with Gil-young now sleeping with his head on her thigh and they all went to sleep with Haru, Queresha, and Nam-woon keeping an eye on their items.

Haru and Queresha spent the time sitting down next to each other as Nam-woon sat a little further away from them.

As morning approached people started to wake up while others still slept, these were mostly senior citizens and children who were extremely tired because of what happened yesterday. Most of the people were groggy and they looked burnt out.

It seemed clear that they didn't have a good night's sleep because of what they had done and it made it impossible for them to sleep properly, and them being surrounded by other people also didn't help. The thought of them being killed in the night haunted them for most of the night and when they eventually fell asleep they were woken up by the nightmares they had. Most people have passed their night this way.

Seeing that it was 7 A.M. Haru woke up the others and they all went to the washroom to wash up. A little over 20 minutes later they were all back and ready to start a new day in this new world.

"Alright let's have some breakfast first, we need a lot of energy to fight," Hee-won said as she looked through the bag to find herself a few Kimbaps to fill her stomach.

"I agree and don't take all of the chicken ones," Nam-woon snatched some of the Kimbap from Hee-won because she was taking all of the ones with chicken leaving the vegetable ones. Sang-ah and Hyun-sung only stood near them and tried to stop them from fighting.

"Well, I would suggest you guys don't eat too much," Haru's words drew their attention as they saw him being serious about it.

They all looked at each other and they decided to listen to Haru's warning since they knew he wouldn't say it without reason.

Sang-ah held the crowbar and took a deep breath to calm herself while Hyun-sung looked a bit uncomfortable.

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is pleased by his incarnation's naming sense.]

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is laughing uncontrollably.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Demonic Judge of Fire' is looking forward to see if you can keep your word to your friends.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

"Alright then, I'll be keeping the remaining stuff in the locker," Haru stuffed the remaining items into the locker, and then a voice was heard from behind the group.

"It looks like Haru-ssi is really planning to go out," In-ho came with his signature smile along with his few goons and another familiar person.

"Myung-oh-ssi?" Sang-ah said as she looked at Myung-oh standing behind In-ho.

"Oh! Myung-oh-ssi decided to join our group last night I hope Haru-ssi doesn't mind," In-ho said with a smile.

"I am not his subordinate," Myung-oh spoke quickly but stopped when he saw In-ho looking at him.

"Well, it is as he said, he isn't my subordinate so I can't say anything about who he chooses to follow on his own, though it would've been better if he told us since we were quite worried about Myung-oh's sudden disappearance," Haru said as he closed the locker in front of In-ho making the latter's eyes open slightly.

"I see Haru-ssi is quite open-minded, I'll make sure to give you a notice next time, anyway I won't take much of your time I hope you come back safely, And don't worry about your stuff I would make sure it doesn't get stolen," In-ho said with a smile while looking at the group.

"I'll count on you In-ho," Haru spoke with a smile of his own.

'These two know how to play the game,' Hee-won thought while looking at the two smiling men.


Thoughts and stones, I need em both.....

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