Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:00:20 AM

Chapter 289: Surely Something Happened

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Chapter 289: Surely Something Happened

The lights were off and they used their flashlights to make their way over to the locker where they found a group of people standing next to the locker Haru left their items. Hee-won gripped her crowbar tightly ready to attack while the others also got alert. The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

The people turned their flashlights to Haru's group. There was a brief silence as if they could fight at any given moment.

"Thank you for guarding the locker you all, I forgot to lock it, I owe you one," But Haru's reaction was totally opposite of everyone's as he talked with a big smile like he was seeing a friend.

"Tch, we are leaving," Cheol-soo who was also present clicked his tongue and went away with his goons which included Myung-oh. Seeing them leave Hee-won's grip on the crossbar loosened and she went to check the locker.

"They were really guarding it," Hee-won couldn't believe it.

"There really is nothing missing," Hyun-sung said while going through the items as they all looked at Haru.

"Told you, didn't I?" Haru smiled.

'That doesn't explain anything,' Everyone thought but they didn't talk more about it.

Haru and the group went towards their spot on the platform under the eyes of the people who had relieved looks. They weren't happy because the group came back safely, rather they were happy that they could eat their fill for the day without having to live on some biscuits. In-ho reduced the biscuit packets to one per person this morning and it was ridiculous to think that they could live off that when they could continue to eat fully with some coins.

The group settled down after placing all of the things down before they took turns to go to the washroom and wash their face or change their clothes if they wanted to like Nam-woon.

After they came back they started to sell the food to the people that came to them, while they all thought about things that they have come to know after stepping outside.

Some might say that it would've been better if they didn't go outside, so that they can live in ignorance, thinking that the only people who died were in front of them and many others have survived.

This way they can think that their family and friends are also alive and weren't in danger, when they very well might be all dead and they wouldn't even be able to see them again since some random monster ate them leaving nothing behind of them, just like what happened to the corpses they've seen outside.

Ignorance is bliss after all, but it is also the cause of suffering.

Last night they thought that only 20% of the population of Seoul must've perished, But after stepping out and seeing things with their own eyes, it was hard to even convince themselves that 20% of Seoul's population has survived.

This is what made Haru a compelling leader to them, as nice and carefree as he seemed to be he was never ignorant. He knew what was at stake and never assumed things would work the way he wanted. Although it could be said that he made the mistake of leaving Jung-Hyeok and Nam-woon alive, Both tried to kill him but he let them go because he didn't want to kill them.

But that also can't be seen as a mistake since he seems to be sure that he could handle them both if they try to attack him again. And oddly enough both Nam-woon and Jung-Hyeok only have their eyes set on him without looking at the whole group, so his actions haven't put the group in any danger.

Even when he told them about his ability at the bridge, they realized that it was to calm them down and it would be a lie if they said that they didn't fear him at that moment. He could've just kept his mouth shut and expected them since they didn't have a choice but to follow him, nonetheless he didn't because that would cause more problems for the group as a whole as there will be a sense of distrust between them.

When he chose to use the tunnel instead of the roads to get to Geum-ho station he clearly knew the pros and cons of doing that.

"It was to show you guys that I am strong enough, even though I went out alone last night no one has really seen what I can do, so I wanted to do that in order to give you guys more than just words," Haru explained his reason.

"You just wanted to show off, didn't you?" Hee-won narrowed her eyes.

"Well kinda, but you get the point," Haru said with a shrug.

"That is the stupidest reason I have heard," Hee-won deadpanned.

"I don't need to hear that from you, your reason for putting your life in danger was because you didn't want to look for another group," Haru said plainly and Hee-won just ignored him focusing on her food.

The other members of the group just looked at the two going back and forth, they could only shake their heads but they were kind of used to it. A few minutes later they all finished their food and cleaned up.

"So, we'll be going to the bathroom," Hee-won said as she, Queresha, and Sang-ah picked up the three white bags they filled at the store.

"Why do they need to take those big bags with them? Also, why are they all going together again?" Nam-woon asked while lying down on the floor.

"They need to do something," Haru said without going into details.

"I'll never understand women," Nam-woon muttered with an annoyed look and closed his eyes to get a little nap.

Hyun-sung just kept silent as Gil-young was keeping an eye on the exits waiting for Dok-ja to come back, he has been doing that in his free time.

A little while later there was a little commotion on the platform with every woman rushing towards the washroom after a few women came out and told them something.

The men were flabbergasted at the scene and backed away so they don't get caught up in the swarm.

"I can't even sleep," Nam-woon was stirred awake as he sat down looking at the women lining up outside the washroom as if they were waiting for their turn for something.

"Quite lively, isn't it?" In-ho said with a smile as he approached the group with a few people.

"That it is," Haru nodded as the others just stared at In-ho.

"Also thank you for keeping an eye on the locker," Haru gave added with a bright smile.

"...Well I did promise to do so," In-ho's smile twitched a little.

'Something surely happened while no one was looking, But it seems we didn't lose, so it is fine,' Nam-woon thought.

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