Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:00:00 AM

Chapter 294: What Did Haru Do Exactly?

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Chapter 294: What Did Haru Do Exactly?

Reaching exit no. 4 which was the nearest one to him Dok-ja tried to open the shutters but they were closed.

Seeing that Dok-ja went to the nearest exit from there which was the 2nd exit, And....

'It is open,' He half expected it to be locked but it didn't seem that way and it only helped him. As the shutters opened he saw some familiar people standing there looking at him.

"Oh it is you," Nam-woon said as he sat down on the floor again.

"Dok-ja-ssi you really came back," Hyun-sung walked over hurriedly with a happy look.

"I somehow got back, How did you know I will be coming back though?" Dok-ja asked as he saw Hee-won placing her crowbar back down seeing that he knew Hyun-sung and Nam-woon.

'Looks like there is a new face in the group,' Dok-ja thought as he waited for Hyun-sung's answer.

"Yoo Jung-hyeok-ssi told us that you would come back and Haru-ssi also thought the same," Hyun-sung spoke as his mood got visibly better.

"I see," Dok-ja said while placing the woman against the wall and letting her sit down.

'There is no way that bastard said that I'll surely come back he must've said something like 'He is alive, probably', I don't know why Haru-ssi thought I would come back safely though,' Dok-ja thought as he was a little suspicious of Haru, over the last three days he had some time to think things over with a calmer mind.

And he couldn't understand why Haru agreed with his ridiculous request of leaving the carriage when it was nothing but a stupid endeavor. If things went wrong or it was a short-fused dokkaebis they would've probably been killed or at least some of them would've been killed to be made an example.

And knowing how smart Haru was it seemed like a dumb move on his part to just agree with such a plan, on top of that now Haru seemed certain that he'd come back alive as well which was again a bit weird.

"Who is that woman you brought with you?" Hee-won asked Dok-ja bringing him out of his thoughts, he could see that she was a bit wary of him.

"I found her outside, Um?" Dok-ja looked at Hee-won not knowing how to address her.

"I forgot about introducing myself, My name is Jung Hee-won, I have heard something about you from Hyun-sung, Kim Dok-ja-ssi," Hee-won said as she moved her hand forward for a handshake which Dok-ja complied to. Hee-won didn't push to get more information about the woman for now and was observing Dok-ja.

'She seems strong, but let's see her profile later,' Dok-ja turned his attention back to Hyun-sung and asked a question. The roots of this story extend from novell bìn origin.

"Where is everyone else?" It wasn't Haru alone that wasn't here, Sang-ah, Queresha, and Gil-young weren't with them, and since they seemed to be guarding the exit then...

Exclusive Attributes: Crouching Figure (General)

Exclusive Skills: Demon Slaying Lv. 2, Kendo Lv. 3. Intuition lv. 1.

Stigma: None

Overall Stats: Physique Lv. 6, Strength Lv. 6, Agility Lv. 7, Magic Power Lv. 3.

Overall Evaluation: She is a 'Crouching Figure' with enormous potential. The attribute information isn't verified, but she is on the verge of blossoming her attribute.


'A crouching figure and one that strong at that? How did Haru-ssi pull this off? Was there a character like her in the novel?' Several questions were running through Dok-ja's head and rightfully so. Hee-won's stats didn't make sense to him.

The total of her all of her stats like physique, strength, agility, and magical power was 22 while Dok-ja's own was 33. Most people's total stats didn't even hit double digits around this time which is why Dok-ja was shocked.

And Crouching figure was an attribute that could evolve further if lucky enough one could even get a legendary-level attribute. In the novel Dok-ja read, one of the characters who was counted in the strongest 100 characters ranking also had this attribute.

Such a person was in front of him right now and not only that her attribute was about to evolve, just a little push and the chance of her becoming a really powerful ally would go up. She was already great now but after her attribute evolved she'll be even better.

'Nam-woon and Hyun-sung should've also gotten stronger, Sang-ah as well since she could go out along with Gil-young, Damn what did Haru-ssi do while I was away?' Dok-ja made up his mind and told them about what he saw in full detail, it looked like he'll need to wait a bit before he can see their attribute window.

And as he expected Nam-woon wasn't listening to what he had to say, Hyun-sung was shocked to the point he couldn't say anything, and Hee-won, Well.....

"Those bastards, I'll fucking kill them," She flew into a rage and was about to go toward Cheol-du's group, it seemed like she had a bone to pick with the Cheol-du group. Dok-ja was about to stop her since it wasn't the right time but he was a bit late.

"Stop right there," Nam-woon who was lying down lazily sprung to his feet and stood in front of Hee-won.

"Why are you stopping me? I need to go step aside," Hee-won was furious.

"Go and Do what? Start a commotion? I thought you were smart but here you are acting up like this," Nam-woon frowned looking at Hee-won.

"Should I just let such a thing go then?" Hee-won said with anger on her face.

"We are only three people here right now, wait for everyone to come back. If you go out there and cause a mess it will only be flipped on us since we have no evidence for attacking them," Nam-woon said without backing down.

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