Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:59:37 AM

Chapter 304: End of the Warden

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Chapter 304: End of the Warden

'This is taking too much mana,' Dok-ja thought as he saw the warden was about to send more tentacles his way but suddenly it wobbled nearly falling as it tried to stabilize itself with its tentacles.

"Dok-ja now," Dok-ja looked to the right and saw Sang-ah and Hyun-sung pulling on what looked like glowing threads.

'Mana threads? But when did she do that? No, I need to end this guy first,' Dok-ja quickly shook his head as he activated his own skill.

[Skill bookmark has been activated.]

It was the skill that let him use other characters' skills only if he had a certain understanding of them.

[Activating the skill Weapons proficiency lv. 1.]

Dok-ja rushed forward at a speed way faster than before and attacked the warden with his sword.


Dok-ja went past the warden leaving a deep cut in its abdomen.


The warden fell down on the ground bleeding out as Dok-ja's blade went back to normal.

[My gosh, constellations did you see that? Not only did this incarnation defeat the warden but also used an ether blade this early in the scenario.] Bi-Hyung came out blabbering to the constellations.

[Hey, wtf are you doing? kill that thing,] Bi-Hyung messaged Dok-ja.

[Not doing it,] Dok-ja answered back as Bi-Hyung fumed in anger.

[Several constellations are confused at the choice made by incarnation 'Kim Dok-ja']

[Why aren't you killing it? you will get a huge amount of coins if you do so,] Bi-Hyung spoke aloud since the constellations were going off in the chat.

"Myung-oh-ssi don't go near it," Sang-ah shouted as Myung-oh stabbed the warden's head with Hyun-sung's broken spear.


[The tier 7 demonic species, Warden of the dark has been slain.]

[You are the first to successfully hunt a tier 7 demonic monster. You have achieved the impossible.] The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

[You have received 8000 coins.]

"H-Haha, To think you this foolish Dok-ja, did you think no will kill him first in such a world, With this amount of coins I can also be strong," Myung-oh laughed loudly while Sang-ah wasn't sure what to say.

She thought something was up since Dok-ja didn't kill the warden, which is why she tried to stop Myung-oh. But this wasn't something she expected.

"Yes, monster meat can't be cooked through normal means, so I am just trying to see if this works," Dok-ja smiled, he already knew how the device worked and he also knew how to cook the monster meat but...

"Dok-ja-ssi, how do you know that monster meat can't be cooked through normal means?" Dok-ja didn't expect Sang-ah to ask this question, although he knew it was just a spur of curiosity on her part, but it was hard for Dok-ja to answer this.

'How do I answer this? I have read the novel that is how I know, that isn't a correct answer in any scenario,' Dok-ja thought but he got help from the person sitting next to him.

"Ah, Dok-ja-ssi did you also try to cook monster meat and eat it like Haru-ssi?" Hyun-sung asked while still looking at the shield in his hand.

"Y-yeah something like that," Dok-ja answered as he was shocked more than ever.

'Haru-ssi ate the monster meat cooked by normal means? What the hell, how is he ok then?' Dok-ja knew how lethal the monster meat was because of the poison in it.

This poison couldn't be cured by normal fire and one needed to have the mana brazier to cook the monster meat for it to be consumable.

So the question in Dok-ja's head was, How did Haru eat it and survive?

"I see, that makes sense," Sang-ah nodded with a small smile.

'I am glad Haru-ssi isn't here,' Dok-ja shook his head and put the meat on the flame.

A few minutes later,

"Umm~ this is so good," Sang-ah relished as she took a bite of the ground rat's leg after she cooked her. The area was filled with the pleasant smell of cooked meat that could make anyone drool.

Everyone had to agree with her on this, this meat tasted so good that they can't stop themselves from eating more.

Gil-young was also eating with a smile when he barely showed anything while eating before, it showed how tasty it was.

Even Myung-oh who was devastated because of what happened before seemed to have forgotten it all after taking a bite.

'Reading about it and experiencing it yourself is totally different, well now to the main reason I came here,' Dok-ja took another bite as he looked at the treasure box not noticing Sang-ah looking at him.

"Alright let's all go outside," Dok-ja's mood was uplifted since he got what he wanted. No, it would be accurate to say he got more than he thought he would.

[Item Information]

Name: Unbroken Faith

Rating: Constellation Grade

Description: In the past, it was the sword of the hero 'Kaizenix', who led the Grusiad during the Great Demon Age. The great ether dominance of Kaizenix allowed him to create a 'Blade of Faith' that contained fire, darkness, and divine power respectively.

As an additional option, it increases strength and physique level by 2.

'It was the same as in the novel, to be able to get an item that above the alphabet rating this early is a great boon to me,' Dok-ja looked at the long sword on his waist, he got it after he placed the Warden's core and the broken faith inside the treasure box before closing it. Jung-hyuk didn't know of this method so he didn't use it.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!