Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:59:28 AM

Chapter 308: Misunderstanding

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Chapter 308: Misunderstanding

"I have some things to do so, No," Dok-ja said with a kind smile but he was cursing in his heart.

"Oh, What?" Nam-woon asked.

"You know just boring things that boring Ahjussis do," Dok-ja said and Nam-woon frowned before he sat down ignoring Dok-ja.

'Well, now I can leave and do my thing,' Dok-ja left the subway station going outside in the poisonous fog.

A little while after Dok-ja left everyone came back since they were done with their business.

"Where did Dok-ja-ssi go?" Sang-ah asked looking around.

"I don't know, he said he was going to do boring things so I didn't bother with him," Nam-woon said lazily.

"Did that guy go outside on his own?" Hee-won said after they had searched the entire station and still didn't find Dok-ja.

"Most likely," Haru agreed.

"Sigh* don't just gloss over it," Hee-won held her head, the outside still ad the poison even though its effect has lessened as they get stronger there was still the chance of Dok-ja being in danger.

It didn't matter if she doubted the guy he was still a team member. Hyun-sung and Gil-young also looked worried.

"If he has gone out on his own, Dok-ja should be confident in himself that he'll be safe," Haru said as he understood the worry of others but it wasn't needed.

"Yeah, If he dies it is his over-confidence that killed him," Nam-woon shrugged, he was washing his hands clean from this matter.

Hee-won sighed heavily and sat down, they decided to wait since they were going to rest here for some time anyway. Gil-young looked even more worried after what Nam-woon said.

"You want some ice cream Gil-young?" Haru asked with a smile.

"...Yes" Gil-young nodded.

"You were supposed to say 'No, but thank you for the consideration kind handsome Hyung,' Why are you taking it?" Haru's eyes twitched as the situation didnt play out as he thought.

"Because I want it," Gil-young tilted his head. The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

"Just give the kid the ice cream cone, what do you expect from the kid?" Hee-won gave Gil-young the ice cream after taking it from Haru. She didnt even retort to the nickname Haru gave himself.

"I guess you are right, a kid doesn't need to worry about such things," Haru shrugged making Sang-ah smile a little, she could see that Gil-young was a little distracted and stopped worrying about Dok-ja for a bit.

"I trust Haru-ssi as well, I do not need to hear about how you did it, all that matter is that Haru-ssi used that skill to save people and such a person can't be someone evil," Sang-ah also agreed and Gil-young gave Haru a thumbs up showing his approval as well.

Sang-ah said that paired with what she had heard about Haru in the office as well as what she had seen from him till now, while Gil-young agreed cause Haru gave him ice cream.

[The constellation 'Demonic Judge of Fire' is touched by your group's spirit of camaraderie,]

[500 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The constellation 'Noble Child of The Sun' is happy you have found yourself such great companions.]

[500 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Desserts For Days' is asking 'What is trust? Is it a new dessert?']

[700 coins have been sponsored.]

"What is with this sappy talk, I was just asking if his skill evolved or something," Nam-woon couldn't understand why they we talking about something as useless as trust in their current situation.

"Skill.....Evolve?" Hee-won muttered.

"Yes, I figured it should be possible, like you know when you reach a certain level with a skill you can upgrade it into something more powerful, since Ahjussi used it without the indication unlike before I thought it should be something like that since one of the skills weakness got removed," Nam-woon said the reason why he asked the question, because if skills do evolve then that is a good find for them given how early it is since the Scenarios started. Hell, it wasn't even a weakness, it is not knowing that you are under the illusion will help you break out of it.

'Although even with that indication his skill is too OP, Like how a skill that lets you control a person's five senses not be OP,' Nam-woon kept this art to himself since he didn't want to praise Haru openly, it would ruin his badass image.

"Then say that from the start you dumbass," Hee-won snapped her face was a little red since she talked about such embarrassing things when the matter wasn't even about it.

"You were the one who made the assumption, So did I get it right?" Nam-woon said as Hee-won held back the urge to smack the former.

"Something like that," Haru agreed, he knew that skill can evolve in this world so it wasn't a lie. This is what he was about to tell them in the first place.

"I see, That's cool," Nam-woon said nodding a bit happily.

"Come on Hee-won don't sulk, I am quite happy that you all trust me," Haru laughed patting Hee-won's shoulder.

"It is good that you know," Hee-won rolled her eyes as the others laughed, The moment may have been born out of a misunderstanding but they meant what they said and that was all that mattered to them.


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