Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:59:23 AM

Chapter 310: The Reunion

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Chapter 310: The Reunion

Dok-ja used his skill 'Character List' to see her attributes.

[Character Summary]

Name: Lee Ji-Hye

Age: 17 years old

Sponsor: Maritime War God

Exclusive Attributes: Scarred Sword Demon (Rare)

Exclusive Skills: Sword Training Lv. 3, Demon Slaying Lv. 1, Absolute Sense Lv. 2, Ghost Walk Lv. 1.

Stigma: Sea Battle Lv. 1, Large Army Command Lv. 1.

Overall Stats: Physique Lv. 13, Strength Lv. 12, Agility Lv. 13, Magic Power Lv. 9.

Overall Evaluation: A person who evolved into a Scarred Sword Demon after killing her closest friend. The sponsor behind her has an affinity for Dok-ja and his colleagues. Currently, she has two people she looks up to as role models. *Starter Pack is currently applied*

Dok-ja took a moment to process the information before him, and he noticed that nothing had drastically changed aside from the last part.

He glanced at Ji-Hye, who seemed a little shocked for some reason. He soon found out why.

"Haru, you're finally here!" A cheerful voice broke the tense atmosphere, and Dok-ja was wide-eyed as the voice came from near him. There was a person right next to him hugging Haru without him even knowing.

"Jin-ah, why did you leave me behind?" Ji-Hye was even more shocked as she saw another person run past her like the wind, stopping in front of Haru.

"Because you were taking too much time for your makeup, Alea you even changed your clothes," Jin-ah said without even turning back.

"It is because Haru is here, you know I had to bring my A game out. Couldn't you at least have waited for me?" Alea said in exasperation. She actually changed her outfit into a light green sweater top with wide sleeves and cream-colored pants. Jin-ah didn't reply to her, she also wanted to change into a different pair of clothes but she got too excited and came out in a grey hoodie and black jeans.

Alea saw Jin-ah enjoying the hug which caused her to dive in as well because Haru didn't stop her from doing so. Since there was someone who else who would.

"I see, You two are as lax as ever, So whose brilliant idea was this?" Queresha's voice caused not only Alea and Jin-ah to stiffen up but also the others. Her voice was just that scary paired with the smile on her face.

'We clearly talked about meeting at the station, these two only get in trouble for little things,' Haru shook his head as he looked at the three.

"U-Unnie calm down," Jin-ah moved back with sweat on her forehead, she got too excited knowing that Haru was coming towards her first, and in her excitement she forgot who was coming along with him.

'He is dangerous as well,' Ji-Hye quickly looked forward, she actually thought Haru was more dangerous since he was the one who stopped Queresha and the scary woman backed off without even a little resistance like a docile cat.

So the power dynamic looked something like this.

Ji-Hye < Jin-Ah and Alea < Queresha < Haru

'It is just an observation and has nothing to do with his appearance, Nothing else, You hear me!' Ji-Hye was shouting in her head trying to convince god knows who.

She had a lot going on in her mind and it wasn't her alone, the others were as confused if not more confused than her as they all walked towards the Chung-Muro station in silence.

[You have Entered Chung-Muro.]

[#GIR-8761 Channel is Live.]

[#BIR-3642 Channel is Live.]

The group reached the station in less than 5 minutes with Ji-Hye at the front, right now they were all standing on the platform looking around.

"This place is eerie," Sang-ah felt uncomfortable because of the silence and muttered.

"It almost feels like we've stepped into a swamp," Hee-won spoke while being on full alert since this was a new place it wouldn't be a surprise if they are attacked.

'The number of channels has increased as well, The scenarios will continue to get larger from here on out,' Dok-ja looked ahead and saw a number of people sitting near the stairs that led into the station.

"Don't get too nervous you all," Haru said to Sang-ah and Hyun-sung who were a bit stiff with their movements, though he couldn't blame them for it because of the circumstances.

Both nodded at Haru's words but it was still hard to not be nervous in the current situation.

[The Third Main Scenario is currently in progress.]

"Oi, Oi, did our three little musketeers brought in newbies?" A middle-aged man who was standing a little far away from them, he walked over with a little unsteadiness in his steps along with some redness on his face. A few others also followed him standing in front of Haru's group.

"You guys are drinking again?" Ji-Hye frowned looking at them. The guy's just shrugged it off not really paying any attention to them.

"Also, what is this lame-ass name 'Three musketeers'? I thought I made it clear that you should call us the Three Divine Generals of Chung-Muro," Jin-ah frowned unhappily completely not noticing the angry gaze she got from Queresha.


400 powerstones for the bonus chapter,

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