Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:59:22 AM

Chapter 311: New Members?

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Chapter 311: New Members?

"Also, what is this lame-ass name 'Three musketeers'? I thought I made it clear that you should call us the Three Divine Generals of Chung-Muro," Jin-ah frowned unhappily completely not noticing the angry gaze she got from Queresha.

"Pst, Jin-ah now Haru is here we need to change the name," Alea whispered to Jin-ah who eagerly nodded. This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

"You pretty lady in the back do you want a room?" A man ignored the others and asked Queresha.

"I can smell the stench from your dirty mouth even here, So do the world a favor and shut it," Queresha said with a chilling gaze that scared the shit out of the two men and even the people around her stepped back.

"S-She is a feisty one, isn't she?" One of the men laughed but he had sweat rolling down his brow right now.

"You two can stop bothering them, we'll take care of introducing them to the surroundings," Jin-ah waved off the two people before Queresha roasts them, in every sense of the word.

"Come on we need to make a liv-" The man who was about to talk stopped as a sword was at his throat.

"If you value your life, listen to what Jin-ah Unnie says," Ji-Hye looked at the old man with her eyes glowing a little red making them back off.

"T-This rude brat," The two guys stormed off with pale faces.

"Jin-ah Unnie and Alea Unnie are two really going to handle these newcomers?" Ji-Hye sheathed her sword and looked at Jin-ah and Alea.

"Yeah, we have been waiting for them to arrive anyway," Alea said with a smile.

'They have been waiting for us? Or more like waiting for Haru-ssi to come,' Dok-ja looked at Haru wondering how the girls knew he would come straight towards them.

"I see, then I'll go ahead," Ji-Hye remembered the two talking about waiting for someone, she looked at Haru one last time before turning around to leave.

'Jung-hyeok should be around the station somewhere,' Dok-ja thought as he looked at Haru, if he was alone he would've just straight up asked Ji-Hye but he needed to wait for a little.

"Why are you all looking at me?" Haru asked since everyone in the group was looking at him.

"I mean we are waiting for the introductions for our new group members," Hee-won said as she crossed her arms.

"Why do you think so?" Haru was curious as to why Hee-won was so sure about this, the others seemed to be thinking the same. But hearing him Hee-won wordlessly pointed at Alea and Jin-ah who were practically glued to him at the moment.

"Oh!" Haru seemed to have understood why they thought so.

[Several Constellations that are interested in the Incarnations 'Alea Triscan' and 'Sung Jin-ah' are wary of your presence.]

[The Constellation 'Noble Child of the Sun' is narrowing her eyes.]

"I see, so these two are really joining our group," Hee-won nodded, she didn't seem to have any problem with the two as they seemed extremely chill and Haru knew them. This was the important part, for most members of the group at least. And they were strong...

'I wasn't even able to react when they showed up near Haru,' Hee-won was the closest to Haru at the time but she didn't even know when these two arrived, Of course, Ji-Hye was also trouble in Hee-won's eyes.

[The Constellation 'The One Who Hates Food' is disappointed.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of The Golden Headband' is unsure what to do with all the popcorn.]

[200 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is snickering.]

[200 coins have been sponsored.]

"Yes, the name's Alea Triscan, just call me Alea," Alea spoke casually.

"Yo, Sung Jin-ah Nice to meetcha, I am the second youngest here so just call me by my name," Jin-ah was also very casual with her speech.

"I would say you are the youngest in mental age, Gil-young is more mature than you," Haru said to Jin-ah.

"I see then I'll eat all of the Mont blanc I found by myself," Jin-ah shrugged.

"Hey, How can you do something like that?" Haru shouted in shock, he has only been eating ice cream and chocolates because the few dessert shops around Geum-ho station were demolished.

One of them was famous for its bagels and fresh bread, the other one was famous in the neighborhood for its macrons.

[A/N: They are actually delicious, I've had a chance to try them so if any of you live in Seoul (Highly unlikely) Or if you are visiting there (Also unlikely, come on don't deny it) Just walk straight after coming out of the first exit of the Geum-ho Subway station, The first shop isn't even 10 minutes away, and then if you walk a little further and take the first left you'll find the second shop after five minutes,]

'Curse that damn Mantis,' Haru felt his blood boil since he barely held himself back from killing the damn bug. Remember the four-story building that he said was cut apart by the mantis; yeah sadly it was the bagel shop.

Well anyway let's get back on topic, because he had only had ice cream for a few days, he has been craving something different.

"I don't know because I am mentally less mature than a child," Jin-ah smiled as she knew she got Haru perfectly.


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