Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:59:14 AM

Chapter 314: Bonus Chapter: Drama

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Chapter 314: Bonus Chapter: Drama

If Haru didn't use the illusion to make appear that he caught the bullet, but he actually caught it with his hand. Then that meant...

'His physical stats are no joke, Who is that guy? Both unnies and Master are paying attention to him,' Ji-hye thought as she saw Haru walking in their direction.

"Oh, it is the frowny guy," Jin-ah said while looking at Jung-hyeok who barely showed any reaction to her remark.

"Oh! we forgot about him, That is Yu Jung-hyeok, he is Ji-hye's teacher or something like that," Alea muttered the first words to herself but quickly spoke acting like nothing unusual happened.

[These two joined him? Seems like they know each other, lucky bastard,] Dok-ja could hear Jung-hyeok's thoughts thanks to his skill called 'Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Lv. 2'.

'Is he talking about Jin-ah and Alea? Are they that strong?' Dok-ja was shocked by Jung-hyeok's thoughts.

And most importantly...

'I can't see their character profile as expected,' Dok-ja who was sighing suddenly flinched as he saw Jin-ah look around in confusion which nearly gave him a heart attack. But it looked like he was safe given Jin-ah stopped looking around.

"We know him quite well, Right Dok-ja?" Haru said looking at Jung-hyeok with a smile.

[He is still irritating as well,] Dok-ja just laughed since he somehow felt happy seeing this getting annoyed and wanted to ask Haru to do it more.

"Anyway, it is good to see you in one piece," Haru laughed as he walked past Jung-hyeok patting his shoulder.

Even Ji-hye and Pil-du had their mouth wide open when they saw the way Haru acted with Jung-hyeok.

[I'll kill him,] Dok-ja panicked seeing the anger flash on Jung-hyeok's face as he reached for his sword. Dok-ja seemed to have forgotten how Jung-hyeok was.

"Y-Yu Jung-hyeok," Dok-ja spoke up bringing the other's eyes onto himself, he got a bit scared since Jung-hyeok was about to really draw his sword to attack which put Hee-won into attack mode and even Hyun-sung was lifting his shield in wariness.

"...So you survived as well," Jung-hyeok said with a little frown taking his hand off his sword.

[The character 'Yu Jung-hyeok' is feeling annoyed.]

'I want to punch him so badly, will Haru-ssi save me if I do so?' Dok-ja's anger flared as he looked at the message in front of him. In the end, he decided to not make a move and just followed his group back to the 1st basement floor under the dumbfounded gaze of everyone.

"This place is really....cozy," Hee-won spoke while sitting down on a chair made that seemed to be made of branches but was very sturdy and comfortable.

"It took some effort to build this," Alea waved her hand but one can see the smugness on her face, practically dripping.

They were all currently sitting inside a safe zone that can hold up to 15 people, the place now had 15 chairs that were built in front of them. It was shocking seeing tree branches come out of nowhere and take shape.

Anyway, they've seen weirder things like a demon trying to impregnate a man with its child, so it didn't have much of an impact as they thought it would.

They were just having some food a bit before and were now drinking some iced tea.

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is shouting 'Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo']

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of The Golden headband' is cackling wildly.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is smiling thinking of the possible drama.]

[The Constellation 'Demonic Judge of Fire' is looking at the scene with gleaming eyes.]

[800 Coins have been sponsored.]

The constellations were having a field day with this one, it was like they were watching some high-budget drama.

A little over an hour later, it seemed like everyone had gathered their thoughts and relaxed enough.

So now it was time for the serious talk.

"Where did you find these? I want more," Haru demanded while holding the box in which the Mont Blanc came in.

"I thought we were about to have a serious conversation?" Hee-won said in confusion.

"This is 'Serious'" Haru said in all seriousness making Hee-won's eye twitch.

"That shop was destroyed by monsters so we can't get any more," Jin-ah said and Haru's shoulders slumped down.

"Sigh* Alright," Haru sighed as the previous goofy attitude went out of the window and he looked like he was in his leader mode.

"Currently we have no need to worry about anyone on this station being a threat to us," Haru's first serious words were enough to shock them.

'I get that Pil-du isn't a threat given what had happened but...' Dok-ja didn't know what to think of the statement.

"It would seem like you disagree with my statement Dok-ja," Haru looked at Dok-ja causing him to pause a little before he answered.

"I think Jung-hyeok isn't someone we should underestimate, he nearly drew his sword back when Haru-ssi was talking to him," Dok-ja tried to make it seem like Jung-hyeok is a mad bastard so they should be on their toes.

'Well that is true in some capacity,' Dok-ja thought as he saw how everyone was looking at him.

"Why do you think he didn't take out the sword then?" Haru asked with an intrigued smile making Dok-ja think about it for a second.

Why would he not do that if he was that annoyed?

Dok-ja understood Jung-hyeok's mental state at the moment, so it wouldn't be a surprise if he actually tried to kill Haru. But, what was stopping him?

'Am I missing something here?' Dok-ja wondered as he heard a voice.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!