Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:59:10 AM

Chapter 316: Fear

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Chapter 316: Fear

"Are you just a tag-along in that group?" Jung-hyeok looked at Dok-ja with displeasure clear on his face.

[It looks like that annoying guy didn't share his thoughts with him,] Jung-hyeok thought while looking at Dok-ja who was caught off guard by the comment.

'Did Haru-ssi catch his plan already? In such a short amount of time,' Dok-ja was perplexed at what he found out now.

"I know you need Pil-du for the upcoming scenario. But you don't need the entire landlord coalition, do you?" Dok-ja said to Jung-hyeok who frowned in return.

"If you have a problem with them, go to your leader and ask him to solve it for you, or are you telling me you don't even have enough standing to do so?" Jung-hyeok raised an eyebrow, Dok-ja was of course angry but he didn't let it slip.

[I have more important things to do,] Jung-hyeok thought shocking Dok-ja for a moment and getting him out of his pissed state.

"So, if Haru-ssi takes action against Pil-du, you aren't going to do anything?" Dok-ja asked as he tried to figure out what Jung-hyeok was up to.

"You should know about that being a 'Prophet'," Jung-hyeok frowned slightly seeing Dok-ja smile.

"I see, weren't you standing nearby to intervene if Haru-ssi took action?" Dok-ja added the pieces together and they seemed to fit given Jung-hyeok's reaction.

"Talking about it with you is futile, as foolish as he is, he'll not move by the words of someone who doesn't trust him," Jung-hyeok said.

" you mean?" Dok-ja's smile faltered after what he heard.

"You haven't told him about your 'Future vision', have you?" Jung-hyeok asked making the smile on Dok-ja's face vanish but it reappeared again like nothing was wrong.

"I don't distrust Haru-ssi...rather I d-" Dok-ja had a sad smile on his face but it froze the next instant.

['Yu Jung-hyeok' has used the skill 'Lie detection Lv. 4']

[The 'Lie Detection' has verified that you are lying]

'Have a little trust in people you Emo bastard,' Dok-ja shouted in his head while looking away from Jung-hyeok's eyes.

[That annoying guy has become more annoying,] Jung-hyeok seemed to have figured out that there was surely a reason that stopped Dok-ja from telling Haru about his ability.

[Otherwise, he wouldn't let such an opportunity go, Also...] Jung-hyeok looked at Dok-ja.

"Don't project your fear onto me, you are the one who fears him not me," Jung-hyeok said flatly.

"Stop talking nonsense, why would I fear someone who promised to save me if I ever socked you in the face," Dok-ja said with a smirk.

['Yu Jung-hyeok' has used the skill 'Lie detection Lv. 4']

[The 'Lie Detection' has verified that you telling the truth.]

[I should just kill him right now,] Jung-hyeok eyes turned red as he placed a hand on his sword.

"H-haha, I'll take my leave first," Dok-ja ran away from there since he knew Jung-hyeok will really cut him down if he stays.

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of The Golden Headband' is disappointed in you.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

Dok-ja ignored the message since he didn't want to die so early.

"Master, should I chase after him?" Ji-hye asked with anger on her face.

"Just guard this place and don't let anyone else pass by," Jung-hyeok stated flatly as he turned around and walked in the exit that led outside.

*** This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

"I don't think I've seen a righteous person like Hyun-sung-ssi."

"Ah... that isn't the case. Still, thank you. Sang-ah-ssi."

[The character 'Lee Hyun-sung' has started to worry about justice.]

"Hyun-sung Hyung has the best muscles."

"Thank you kiddo,"

[The character 'Lee Hyun-sung' has increased his self-esteem.]

'How did I fail something that easy?' Hee-won was in shock.

'I didn't realize how low maintenance Hyun-sung is, He looks better even after just empty comments,' Dok-ja didn't know if he should be happy or not, but it seemed like it will take more than just this.

But just as he was about to ask for Queresha's help an unexpected challenger appeared.

[Intermission Scenario: Whale Done!~]

"It sure is a mess down there," Haru said as he sat down next to Hyun-sung.

"Is it really bad?" Hyun-sung asked since it was already bad when they were coming up.

"Yeah, everyone seems to have realized that the safe zones are vital," Haru tapped his thigh with his index finger.

"I see," Hyun-sung looked at the shield in his hands silently as he heard Haru speak his next words.

"It seems like we'll need to rely on you again Hyun-sung,"

"W-What? Rely on me?" Hyun-sung whipped his head to the left looking at Haru in shock but the latter only nodded.

"But I haven't really done anything..." Hyun-sung said slowly.

"Did someone tell you that?" Haru asked a bit perplexed.

"N-No," Hyun-sung shook his head, it was his own thoughts and Haru seemed to have realized it as well.

"Hyun-sung do you remember when we were on our way to the Geum-ho station?" Haru asked and Hyun-sung nodded, he clearly remembers bringing up the rear at that time.

"The reason I kept you at the back was that I trusted you more than the others in defending the rear properly," Haru said and Hyun-sung was stunned, he actually thought that he was sent to the back because he couldn't attack like Nam-woon. But it seems like the reason was something else entirely.

"It was also because of you that I was able to go out and look for food with peace of mind since I knew you would protect others, it was also thanks to you that I was able to focus on teaching Hee-won and Sang-ah at the front while leaving the back and Nam-woon to you," Haru continued on talking about different accounts where Hyun-sung helped.

Even in the recent incident with the Landlord coalition Hyun-sung was kept out of the illusion so that he could respond to an unexpected situation.

"Do you still feel like you haven't done anything?" Haru asked Hyun-sung.


600 Powerstones to go,

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