Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:58:50 AM

Chapter 322: Excitement

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Chapter 322: Excitement

The entire Team B had run to the flanks as soon as they saw the freezing air pass by the ground, they were told to do so unless they wanted to be frozen as well.

'It is freezing the monster's blood and the corpses,' Dok-ja saw a sheet of ice forming on the floor leading to the hallway, the ice enveloped everything in the way.


With the sudden sound of Queresha's foot hitting the floor, the ice sheet trembled and cracks started to form on the ice before it completely shattered bouncing off the floor and started levitating in the air.

'Wind?' Dok-ja was a little taken aback as he felt a gust of wind brushing past his face, and it wasn't only for him everyone felt it but it shouldn't be possible since they were underground currently.

But they didn't have enough time to figure things out because the floating ice shards were sent into the hallway at full speed cutting apart the monsters and even breaking the walls in the hallway.


"That is one way to clean up the corpses I guess," Hee-won was amazed.

"It's a fucking cool way," Ji-hye grinned she was secretly a bit jealous since she didn't have cool spells like this.

What happened was when Jin-ah froze the ground she also froze the blood and monster corpses together encasing them into ice.

Then Queresha sent a shockwave into the floor breaking the ice and creating shards that she sent flying into the monsters who were trapped in the hallway by the net Alea made.

This not only created an opening for Team A to come back but also got rid of the blood and corpses in the area which was the main problem they were facing.

There was no need to use any high-level magic or spells, Queresha and Jin-ah have just been using the most basic ones with little mana cost to cause all of this carnage.

'Queresha-ssi has hidden too deep, to have such power, she hasn't shown even a little sign of slowing down after using magic for 2 hours straight now,' Dok-ja thought that Queresha's highest stat should be her Magic as her skills seem to only based around it.

Dok-ja also guessed that Jung-hyuk doesn't know about this or more like didn't think of Queresha was a threat given how she is always low profile and only keeps herself near Haru.

And people tend to get overshadowed when Haru is around, but in Queresha's case, she seems to want to remain that way.

'At this rate, she'll soon become the real Shadow,' Dok-ja thought this was correct because of the way Queresha tried to be the bad guy while convincing people.

"It is our turn now," Ji-hye's fighting spirit was roused seeing such a display.

"We can't let Queresha and Jin-ah show off like this, Let's go," Hee-won also didn't want to back down as the excitement went through the roof.

They didn't have to worry since they knew that there was a competent commander who had their backs in case they fall in danger. The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

They didn't have to worry about the west side since it was all taken care of, So now they could fight without any worry eating away at their mind.

"OHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The other 25 people shouted as they ran to their spot ready to meet the influx of the new monsters

"Look at them all pumped up," Alea laughed as Team B made it back to the backline to rest.

"It is really amazing that we are able to do this," Although Sang-ah looked tired she smiled knowing what they were doing.

"We already knew this would happen the moment all of us didn't ask any questions about the plan," Hyun-sung seemed to me full of life even if he had just come back from fighting.

"Everyone is giving their best that is the only reason we can do this," Alea looked at Sang-ah and Hyun-sung making them smile since this time they were also actively participating.

"Thank you for helping me before, I'll do better next time," Sang-ah knew she was holding them back because she wasn't a great damage dealer and Alea was picking up the slack for her.

[800 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'God of Storms and Tantrums' is praying for the dead so that their souls rest in peace.]

[100 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Lady Of Corn' is saying 'Don't make me come down there']

[600 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Desserts For Days' can't decide if he should have a chocolate parfait or a Macha parfait.]

[800 Coins have been sponsored.]

'They are very lively up there,' Haru thought as he looked at the messages that were popping left and right.

'Time to kick things up a notch,' Haru thought as he continued to kill the monsters.

Just like that, the night passed with Haru's group fighting the monsters.


9:00 A.M. Chungmuro Station,

Currently, an hour has passed since the monsters stopped coming into the station and everyone who fought was sitting down and eating grilled meat to fill their stomach.

[You have endured Chungmuro's night without the green zone.]

[You have accomplished the 'Never-ending Dawn' achievement at Chungmuro Station!]

[You have earned 1,000 coins as an achievement reward.]

Everyone who wasn't in the green zone got this achievement; Over a hundred people got this.

"Zero Deaths, Let's fucking go," Ji-hye shouted with excitement, there have been no deaths aside from injuries that were treated by Queresha, so nothing to worry about aside from that.

"Ah, I feel my hand will fall off," Hee-won looked burned out, she was just lying flat on the ground with black circles under her eyes. And it wasn't her alone Ji-hye, Dok-ja, and most of the people also had bags under their eyes and they looked fully spent.

They had no energy, even Ji-hye had spent her last bit of energy on that last war cry.

"You guys can sleep after you have some proper food," Haru said with a smile as Queresha was helping him by getting the food out.

"Where does he get his energy from?" Hee-won muttered.

"He is an alien I tell you," Ji-hye also said slowly since she didn't have the power to shout anymore.

"Well, it isn't him alone, Queresha, Jin-ah, and Alea are also something," Hee-won was in shock seeing the other three help Haru with the food.

"He is the only one who is an Alien,"


600 powerstones to go,

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