Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:58:35 AM

Chapter 328: Breaking The Scenario

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Chapter 328: Breaking The Scenario

"Have you gone crazy? Everyone will die like that," Pil-du shouted seemingly more angered by what Haru said.

"Oi, don't make me sound like the bad guy here, I am doing this so that everyone doesn't die, There is a clear difference between the two," Haru corrected Pil-du since it wasn't good to make such allegations about people.

Pil-du gritted his teeth as he looked around and saw that his entire Landlord coalition was down here with him.

'He gathered us in one spot and smashed the ground beneath us, ...Next time I am shooting him no matter what,' Pil-du knew that all of this happened because they hesitated to attack him and were cornered.

"You guys finished the job?" Haru looked back at every one since they all gathered behind, and by all, he meant all aside from Queresha.

"Yep, all done," Hee-won answered since the job was easy, and no one was able to resist given their strength.

"Everything is done here as well," Hyun-sung replied, he was also the one who broke Pil-du's green zone by breaking the floor.

"What are you up to now Ahjussi?" Ji-hye asked a question rather than giving an answer, she was dragged into the mess again.

"I'll explain that to you in a bit, also we are done with the ones upstairs," Jin-ah pulled her back as she answered Haru.

"Is something wrong Dok-ja?" Sang-ah asked since Dok-ja was cupping his head like he was in pain.

"It is alright," Dok-ja smiled like it was no big deal as he talked to the reason this headache occurred.

[Stop shouting in my ears,] He said to Bi-hyung.

[Shouting is the least of your worries, are you guys crazy? What is this bullshit? Do you know how all of the Dokkaebis are panicking because of what your group has done?] Bi-Hyung seemed angry talking to Dok-ja. He wasn't amused by this in the slightest by what had happened.

[Why are you making such a big deal out of it? the constellation seems to be overjoyed, there is no need for you to be so angry,] Dok-ja said while looking around.

[The constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' likes your recklessness.]

[200 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The constellation 'Bald General of the Peasant's Army' likes your revolution.]

[100 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' likes the destruction and chaos.]

[200 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'I Am Worth More Than That' is smiling at your strategy.]

[300 Coins have been sponsored.]

It was true that the constellations were enjoying this very much, a bit too much if you will. Haru looked at the messages and didn't really have much of a reaction since the main reason he had done this starts right now.

"It is them,"

"They are the ones,"


People from the second and third basement floors started to gather on the second floor looking at Haru's group with hostile eyes since they had just destroyed all of the green zones in Chungmuro.

"Haru, I think I finally understand how you feel walking down the road," Hee-won laughed standing near Haru ready to defend if the need arises.

"I'll take that as a compliment," Haru spoke calmly at all of the hostile gazes that were directed at him, but even if they were like that, none of them had attacked yet.

"That is quite the amount, would you mind if I take a crack at it?" Ji-hye asked with a grin.

"Yes, I don't mind," Haru simply smiled, this alone took out all of Ji-hye's will to attack him.

"Haru-ssi, what do we do?" Hyun-sung lifted his shield coming in front of Haru looking around in vigilance.

"Don't worry they won't attack, Did you do what I asked for?" Haru said confusing them to a certain degree.

"Yes, that has been taken care of," Hyun-sung nodded.

A few more seconds passed as the people kept gathered around, they watched Haru who was surrounded by his group as they wanted to protect him. The people were thinking if they should attack or not. The only reason that held them back was Haru's ability.

The incident where Pil-du nearly shot himself was quite well-known around the station, this is what deterred them from attacking even when they had an advantage of numbers.

And that is all Haru needed as something he expected to happen, Happened.

[All green zones in this region have been destroyed and the main scenario has collapsed.]

[The difficulty is automatically adjusted according to the remaining schedule of the scenario.]

[The scenario content is updated!]

[Main Scenario #3 – Emergency Defense]

Category: Main

Difficulty: B

Clear Conditions: All the green zones in the region are destroyed and the monsters that were going to be created in the remaining days have suddenly run wild. Survive against the flood of monsters for the remaining time.

Duration: 8 hours.

Compensation: 1,000 coins.

Penalty for Failure: Death

'Not exactly what I expected, but at least this theory has been confirmed,' Haru looked at the updated scenario with quite a lot of satisfaction. This was quite the discovery.

'Even the Main Scenarios aren't fixed and can be changed if the main point of the scenario is destroyed,' Haru felt like all of the efforts that had gone into this were worth it.

What he was getting at was, The main point of this scenario was the green zones. So when they destroyed the Green zones which the entire scenario was based around. It got revised since the main focus of the scenario was gone, this can be used in Haru's favor in multiple ways if used correctly.

Like if they don't want to follow the direction the scenario wanted them to, they can destroy the scenario just like right now. Of course, it won't always be that way but the possibility was still there.

The scenario wanted them to kill others and occupy the green zones, but their group didn't do that, first, they defended the people by fighting the monsters and then broke all of the green zones so that no one else can acquire them.

Though the point is there was much more to this plan than just testing if he could break a scenario if he doesn't like it or if he wanted to change it.

'The backlash is also no problem, The Dokkaebis barely did anything to stop us or punish us for breaking the scenario,' Haru thought while looking at the panicked faces of everyone as they looked at the updated scenario.

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