Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:15:13 AM

Chapter 33: A Day Before The Raid.

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Chapter 33: A Day Before The Raid.

"HAH* hah* Hey aren't hah* being too hard on me,"

Kanae said breathing heavily.

"I don't think so."

"You are hah* being too rough hah*"


"Don't say shit people will misunderstand," I said to her as I stopped my sword near her neck as she raised her hands.

"hah* and whose fault do hah* you think it is." She said to me with a smirk.

I just shook my head.

I was having a spar with kanae to give her more understanding of her sword techniques.

After training in the afternoon we sat down on the floor Hae-in was busy with guild work today so it was just the two of us.

She was drinking some cold tea after practice.

"Oh, that hit the spot." She said with a satisfied smile.

"So I'll go back now," I said.

"You have something to do?" she asked.

"Not really," I answered as I would just train when I get back.

"S-so can you come with me?" she asked while blushing a little.

"My, My you're asking me out? how bold." I said while covering my mouth.

"Who is asking you out? I just wanted to go buy something and I don't know the shops around here." She shouted while throwing a water bottle at me. I caught it and said.

"Ok, Where do you want to go?" I asked her.

"Um Namdaemun market." She said.

"So you want to buy some souvenirs. Ok, then I'll pick you up at your hotel in an hour. Is that ok?" I said.

"Yes." Although she was trying to keep a straight face she was blushing a bit.

"Why are you blushing it's not we are going on a date or was that what you are thinking," I said with a smile.

"Y-you bastard who wants to go on a date with you?" she said while punching me with a red face. Looks like I teased her a bit too much. What can I do she is fun to tease.

"Ok let's go we don't want to get late," I said as I caught her hand she pulled her hand away with a light blush and stomped on her way out.

I shook my head and went back home to change.


Kanae's POV

This bastard does he like teasing me so much.

I reached my hotel room in a bad mood. Even though I don't mind him teasing me...

"What are going to do next?"

And I wasn't able to move away his voice made me unable to move if it goes on like this...

"Ok, now enough joking around let's go to eat." He said as he separated from me. and said with a teasing smile.

"I'll punch your face in," I said as I swung my fist towards his face and he just dodged. I was angry as this bastard teased me again I'll have my revenge on you just you wait. I won't give up.

After eating we came out as my mood was still bad because of what happened before.

"Hey, what is that place?" I said as looked at an overpass that was lit up with blue lights.

"Oh, that was recently made. It's Seoullo 7017 it is a tourist attraction with restaurants and dessert shops at the end it is also a good place to go for walk alone or with someone." He said.

"With someone? As in...." I muttered and looked at him he was looking away but then looked at me. I just looked away as I still remember what happened before dinner.

"Ok, let's go." He said as he dragged me along and I was also curious as well. We walked down the path lit with blue lights and had lots of plants decorating the sides of the path with benches in intervals then we stopped at Sweets shop and bought some as we walked a little and sat down on a bench a little far away from a couple. And as we ate our sweets I can see him looking towards the couple some times.

"You do have a habit of stalking?" I said.


'Hehe, I got back at him.' I thought as I saw him flustered.

"N-NO it's just that I know them so I was wondering how it was going for them." He explained as I looked at the couple with the man having Black hair and Grey eyes with a woman who has bright orange hair and blue eyes. I have seen that man before at the gymnasium.

But I didn't focus on him I'd rather look at the one next to me. who is still flustered.

'He looks so cute when he Is like this.' I thought as a smile appeared on my face.

"Aren't you having fun?" He said to me with a smile of his own. Which I seriously think Is unfair it should be illegal.

"Umm," I said we finished our sweets and made our way back back to my hotel. Along the way, I asked.

"Did you have fun?" I wanted to know how he felt spending his time with does he feel the same as I did.

"Of course who wouldn't enjoy their time with a cute and beautiful woman such as you." I looked at him expecting him to give me a teasing smile but when I saw him he had a sincere smile my face turned red and I looked away.

Then I punched him on his shoulder.

"Say the truth dammit."

"But I am, I had a great time with you. So you can call me if want to do it again." He said.

I nodded and said.

"I also enjoyed our time today, so thank you for coming here," I said to him as we reached the hotel I went in quickly. To hide my red face.

"Look who came back from a date." I heard Akari say and it only increased my blush as I shouted.


"Says the one who went on a date." Akari said with a smug look. As veins started to appear on my forehead. She just booked when she saw me angry.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT. THE FUCK YOU SAY TO ME..." I shouted while running behind her.


I wrote a review about this book so read it.

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