Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:58:11 AM

Chapter 331: Companions

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Chapter 331: Companions

"So, why is everyone so hung up on a battle they know nothing about?" Hee-won tilted her head in confusion.

"It is exactly because we know nothing about it that it is so famous, On the night of January 10th was the 30th meeting of the Top Twenty-five schools of Seoul (One School from each district), They all met at Namsan Tower, That is when the Legendary battle took place, And the meeting hasn't taken place since then even after the unnies graduated, the best part about it is that no one knows what happened there since the people who were present there always deflect the questions and never answer them like they are scared of the topic itself, But it was clear that Alea Unnie and Jin-ah Unnie won as not one school came to challenge them, So now I want to hear what exactly happened there," Ji-hye was getting more and more excited as she explained.

"I remember that incident," They all looked toward Queresha as she spoke.

"Yeah, that was quite a mess indeed," Haru nodded with a somewhat strained smile.

"Queresha knowing that makes sense," Hee-won nodded as Haru had said they were like family so it would be normal for Queresha to know.

"So you are saying me knowing that doesn't make sense?" Haru asked with a frown.

"You are the last person I would expect to pay attention to what is happening," Hee-won said.

"What do you mean by that? I pay attention to everyone," Haru looked offended.

"I see, do you remember what I ate for breakfast?" Hee-won asked.

"20 pieces of grilled meat with 5 tuna mayo riceballs and 2 bottles of chocolate milkshake," Haru said as Hee-won was shocked.

"Are you a stalker or what? I am feeling scared for my body you know?" Hee-won shivered as she moved back trying to get away from Haru.

"I just pay attention to my group members, also stop doing that," Haru's eyes twitched because Hee-won was still moving away, looking at him warily as she covered her body.

"I need to maintain a safe distance, I also need to hide my things more carefully after checking if something is missing ....Wait! Don't tell me this is how you use your illusion ability?" Hee-won was looking through her bag frantically while keeping an eye on Haru.

"You know what I am not even going to waste my energy on this," Haru deadpanned as he looked away from Hee-won.

"I see, so things escalated to the point where everyone's family was informed, it looks like the battle was much larger than normal ones," Ji-hye speculated without hearing what Hee-won and Haru were doing, meanwhile Alea and Jin-ah felt uncomfortable as Queresha glanced at them.

'There is no way we can say what really happened, our reputation would be destroyed,' Jin-ah and Alea looked at each other as if they were thinking of the same thing.

'Making up a story it is,' They both nodded and started to make up a story in order to tell Ji-hye.

So that would mean that Jung-hyuk has been in the dungeon for nearly 12 hours now.

'It seems like something went wrong while he was clearing the dungeon,' Dok-ja thought as he knew that he'll need to make a move, but before that, he needed to do something first.

"You can go without asking me," But before Dok-ja could speak Haru had already spoken.

"...It wouldn't be good if I act like that," Dok-ja was thrown off course by what Haru said, he didn't expect he would accept it this easily.

"He is your companion, right? So it is only correct you go and help him if he is in danger," Haru said it like it was a matter of fact.

[The Constellation 'Demonic Judge of Fire' is nodding passionately and is happy to see a fellow comrade who understands her.]

[300 coins have been sponsored.]

"I see, Thank you for letting me do this, I will be going then," Dok-ja immediately left with Ji-hye, Gil-young, and Hyun-sung who wanted to help him.

'I wanted to bring Hee-won as well but she just won't wake up,' Dok-ja sighed as he didn't expect her to be in such a deep sleep.

"Is Master really in danger?" Ji-hye asked as they all ran upstairs to the exit of Chungmuro station.

"Most likely it shouldn't take him this long to finish the dungeon," Dok-ja said while remembering everything about the dungeon Jung-hyuk was trying to clear.

"Again how would you know that?" Ji-hye was suspicious as she didn't see Jung-hyuk talk to Dok-ja about the dungeon.

Ji-hye had been with Jung-hyuk the entire time he was at the station aside from last night but there was no talk between Dok-ja and Jung-hyuk about the dungeon, and Dok-ja talked as if he knows exactly how strong Jung-hyuk is and how much time it should take him to do certain tasks.

"It is because he is my companion," Dok-ja kept his answer concise wanting to save himself from the lengthy explanation and deliberations, he felt somewhat free right now so there was a new bounce in his steps.

'It is just me or Dok-ja-ssi talking a lot more than usual?' Hyun-sung thought as they all ran up the stairs inside on the first basement floor that led to the place where Jun-hyuk was currently.

It was the Dae-Han Cinema, which they could access easily even from the subway station, this was also the reason Ji-hye usually stood guard at this place on the First basement floor.

[You have discovered A Hidden Dungeon!]

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