Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:57:58 AM

Chapter 339: Ambush

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Chapter 339: Ambush

"If I had read this much back at school I would've topped my class," Ji-hye sighed after reading the whole thing.

"Should've just cut to the chase, 'Defend your flagpole and plant your flag in other stations to win' way to make this hard for no reason," Hee-won complained but for the time being it seemed that everyone had understood what was going on.

"And, our target station is Chang-shin," Hyun-sung was noting down the details in his small notebook, this was a common sight since he did this every time something new was discovered wanting to keep a record just in case if they need it later.

"So the end, we have to fight other people," Sang-ah was a bit distressed at this point.

"It says here that we can get the people of the other group into our group if we win, so we may be able to win without killing anyone," Hyun-sung quickly said as he saw Sang-ah a bit lost.

"...That would be good," Sang-ah said slowly she knew very well that thinking like this wasn't ideal, and there was no way that there would be no deaths.

"...Yes, we'll try to do the best we can," Hyun-sung saw that his attempt to make Sang-ah not focus on the bad side of the scenario didn't end well, but it seemed that she was able to understand this well.

'There is no such thing as a deathless scenario in the world TWSA, but it seems like there is no need to intervene here,' Dok-ja thought looking at Sang-ah and Hyun-sung.

"So, on which line is Chang-shin station?" Hee-won asked to move on from the topic.

"Ah ...That would be on line 6, we would need to go back to Yak-su through the tunnel," Hyun-sung double-checked the route map before answering.

"I see, Chung-muro has stations on four sides, we don't really need to worry about one of those, But we'll need to scout the other three sides, We also need to have a team to defend the flag here," Haru spoke as he started to think of a way to divide the team right in order to maximize the progress as others were exchanging opinions.

[The activation of the scenario will turn off Chungmuro Station's safety borders.]

[You can now freely move to other stations.]

"So, how are we doing this? I want to go out and kill some monsters," Ji-hye was getting itchy for a fight, she couldn't stand sitting still after seeing those big monsters that were roaming outside on the streets.

"I feel the same," Hee-won also nodded as she was of the same opinion.

Haru had already made his plan so he gathered the main group and tell them how they are going to do things.

"Well, it is very simple wha- VROOOM*" But just then sounds of motorbikes came from the tunnels of line 4 and this alerted them as they rushed down to see what was happening.


There was a loud horn sound and headlights shone on the railway of line 4. There was a bike engine sound and an exhaust sound.

'There is already an invasion, the scenario has just started?' Dok-ja thought as he heard the sounds of the bike coming close.

Dok-ja saw Haru jump down on the tracks with Hee-won and Ji-hye, those two were looking ready for battle with their hands on their hilts.

"We finally made it to Chung-muro," A girl's tired voice came as the bikes stopped a little further away from Haru.

They seemed to have noticed Haru, Hee-won, and Ji-hye with Dok-ja and Hyun-sung joining them on the tracks as well.

"Welcome to Chung-muro, What can I help you with?" Haru smiled waving at the four people that dismounted the bikes.

'Are you standing at the entrance of a party to greet people?' Ji-hye thought while looking at Hee-won who seemed to be thinking the same thing as her.

"Well Well, What a welcome," The guy who seemed to be the leader looked at them and smiled.

"Yep, I agree,"

"Totally worth the wait,"

'Weren't you girls the most irritated about how long it was taking for them to finish the scenario?' The guy behind the leader deadpanned looking at the two girls in the back who seemed full of energy.

'Half of the group has already fallen, and we haven't even fought yet,' Dok-ja shook his head but this was good.

"Also ladies you can calm down, we are not here to fight you guys," The guy in the front smiled charmingly looking at Hee-won and Ji-hye.

'Did he just try to...?' Hee-won and Ji-hye deadpanned as they looked at this guy and it was the same for everyone.

Even his own group member was looking at him like 'What the hell are you doing?'

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of The Golden Headband' is shaking his head.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

"They are going to ambush us on the way,"


Hello, how is the fic going?

Are you enjoying it?

Or do you have some questions?

I think there is one question about this arc that might be the most prominent one.

Why isn't Haru just finishing it all since he is so powerful?

Well, I thought I'll explain that part today, I think I have mentioned it a few times before?

I don't know I'll do fucking do it again.

So, A really simple explanation would be.

Think of the ORV world as a bowl of soup and Haru as the fly that had fallen into this bowl. It is pretty simple, what would you do if you discover an insect in your food?

Of course, you'll remove it, But if you don't notice it you wouldn't even know If it was there ...Wait that is a bad thought.

Well whatever, So Haru is currently trying to not get discovered so that the world doesn't throw him out.

I mean you'll notice if a fly is floating on top of soup flapping its wings in your face.

And now let's go to the people who actually throw Haru out of the world.

It is the Dokkaebi Bureau and The Constellations, I am talking about the powerful ones in these two categories like myth-grade constellations and the upper-rank Dokkaebis.

You see these people have their hands on Probability which is also turned into Coins, which is why you can increase your physical stats with coins or instantly learn skills by purchasing them from the Dokkaebi bag.

As for what Probability is?

Well, if you have enough of it you can do anything in the ORV verse, and I mean it. You can pretty much force a person to die by manipulating fate and the guy can't do anything if you put enough probability into it.

And I am telling you the Dokkaebi and Constellations are petty, They are petty as fuck, so if they see you being an lv 100 in an area of noobs helping people, you best believe they will come for you because they didn't see enough blood.

I suck at explaining, well whatever, Now onto what Haru is doing to counter this.

He is not using his physical powers as much as he can, this is why he has been making use of illusion or he is using his group members or even his enemies to do things for him.

And currently, that is his plan to make sure to show the people who are watching over him that the increase in his strength is done steadily, On the chance that he breaks this all of the efforts would go to waste which isn't something he wants since there are a lot of things to consider.

In short, he has been trying to integrate himself into the world, and to do that he also needs to be known by many people, thus the reason he is saving a lot of them.

The concept of stories is actually very important in ORV, and most stories about a person are not told by themselves, it is done by others. If you are a person who no one knows that is the same as you not existing because there is no record of you.

And a lot of people talk about you, even if you aren't real you might actually become real.

This is how the world of Orv operates, the constellation who are people from myth and legend come to life because people around the world believe in their stories and know of them.

None of them have seen gods, and none of them had seen the monsters in the myth, but because a large number of people knew of the story in which these gods made them a reality.

Did I just go on a fucking tangent?

Well, whatever.

If you have any more questions just ask and don't gloss over them,

Well if you do not care about it then what can I say?

Also if there are any readers of orv, I would love to hear about the characters, like I really need feedback on them, like I really do.

help me out alright, thanks.

Well, I'll end this here before I go on another tangent for absolutely no reason.

Bye and don't forget the powerstones if you want bonus chapters.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!