Published at 3rd of April 2024 10:15:12 AM

Chapter 34: Raid Starts

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Chapter 34: Raid Starts

We are currently on a helicopter heading towards Jeju island, with the Raid Team alpha which is consisted of all the Korean hunters with Tawata kanae, Izawa Ippei, 2 cameramen one man, and one female with someone I didn't expect to come.

"So why are you joining last second?" I said while looking at Jin-woo who was sitting next to me while wearing his usual clothes.

"Well, I talked with someone yesterday." He looked down while talking.

"Oh you mean miss Jo-hee," I said as he flinched and looked at me.

"I was just in the area so don't worry about it what did she say to get you to join in?" I shook my head while asking.

"She will be participating in defending the citizens if by any chance the ants reach the shore." He said looking at me.

I raised an eyebrow while saying.

"Wasn't she affected by the double dungeon incident from what you said it left quite the trauma on her?"

"Yes, but she said shell help with what she can. And I wasn't participating even after..." He was about to continue.

'Looks like their relationship progressed yesterday.'

"Ma, Ma leave it behind you are participating now that is all that matters, and congratulations on having a girlfriend," I said.

"Thank yo- Wait how did you find out?" he jumped on his feet but I just ignored him and went towards the exit as we were near just above the higher district of Jejudo.

Jeju island is surrounded by ships that have many A-Rank and B-rank hunters waiting for any ants that make it past us they will be taking care of it and the same thing is happening on the coast of China, Taiwan, and Japan.

I went near the opened door as the helicopter hovered. I then saw the female cameraman following me.

"Um, Min-ah-nim you are supposed to film the raid, not me you know," I said scratching my cheek.

"No I mean we have to take close-ups of the hunter in their gears so...." She said as she was blushing a bit.

I just nodded.

I was wearing my red-tinted demon slayer uniform and the Madara armor with an open back where 'Destroy' written in kanji can be seen. Everyone is in their hunter gear and ready to act.

Hunters began boarding the helicopter, as the spinning rotors issued deafening noises above their heads.



All three of them had a humanoid figure with a shiny black exoskeleton large claws and wings on their backs.

The three moved towards Jin-Woo, Hae-in, and Kanae who already had their weapons out fight.


The sounds of claws and weapon hitting can be heard then the ants were knocked back. the one in front of Jin-Woo vanished.

'So he specializes in speed.' Jin-woo was helped by Ishida Mari who was a close-range fighter, Kanae, and Fujiyama Tatsumi who uses a sword.

'That one specializes in strength.' BOOM* the ant that was 7 feet before was now 20 feet in height with a gigantic body and high Attack power just one of his attacks can kill a weaker S-rank.

Hae-in was fighting it with her swift movement with the help of Kei who has somewhat recovered alongside Kenzo, Jong-in, Dong-Wook, and Yoon-ho who was in his beast transformation turning into a white tiger with a long white mane. With Ippei joining as well

The last one was an unusual one he was able to use magic and the first ant or heard I have seen among ants. He was hiding behind the large one using lighting magic and healing the two ants who were fighting in the front. With Goto leading Minoru and Atsushi moving forward to kill the magician ant but it was able to move around and dodge them

Then the Akari, Tae-gyu and Byung-gyu were on the back lines with

Byung-Gyu was giving everyone buffs, Tae-Gyu was attacking the ants with magic arrows, and Akari was healing everyone who was injured.

Jin-woo was using his daggers to attack the speedy ant. And cut off its right hand. And kanae appeared behind the ant and attacked it with the sword in her left hand on its left leg, but she was only able to make a shallow cut then she used her second sword to cut on the same cut and cut through the leg leaving it hanging on some flesh.

As the ant staggered Ishida appeared on top of the ant and punched it on the forehead with her fist covered in mana. Blood started to drip from the ant's mouth and eyes and it got a bit wobbly. Tatsumi attacked the same spot and severed the ants leg. Then Jin-woo appeared in front of the ant and was about to cut its head off but it blocked it with its Other claw. And it tried to bite Jin-woo but he retreated a bit. And the ant was already healed.

TCH I can hear him clicking his tongue in annoyance as this was the scene on the other front as well no matter how much they damage the two ants they recover almost instantly with the help of the third one.

The giant ant was just ignoring the damage it took and swung its large claws. Which were blocked by Dong-Wook and Kenzo as they both specialized in defense and power. Dong-Wook has already turned into a giant as he was defending with a shield and Hae-in jumped over his shoulder and stabbed the ant in its back and used her weight to slide down with the blade leaving a large wound on its back.

Then Kei used his ice magic to freeze the ants legs in place with jong-in firing a huge fireball at the wound scorching its flesh and burning it from the inside. And Ippei appeared near the ant's eyes and stabbed which caused it to go into a frenzy and break all the ice.

Yoon-ho attacked and tore off one of the two pincers in front and as they were about to move forward it opened its mouth and spewed a green mist in all directions causing everyone to be paralyzed as Byung-Gyu debuffed the paralysis but by the time the ant was healed by the third ant.

The shell of this ant was extremely tough the only ones who can deal damage to it are hae-in and Yoon-ho. and want that they were powerful but they were a bit too tenacious as they didn't die and were able to get healed because of that.

I shook my head as I looked at the ant's nest and then said.

"Goto and Minoru help jin-woo with the speed ant. And Atsushi go towards the giant ant I'll deal with that one." They nodded and went towards the spots I said them and helped the teams fight.

'The third ant isn't simply healing them it is rather using it's power to speed up their recovery with magic while using their life span as a cost.'

'Let's end 'this' flamboyantly.'

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!