Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:57:57 AM

Chapter 340: As Expected of Your Majesty!

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Chapter 340: As Expected of Your Majesty!

"They are surely going to ambush us on the way," Haru said as the signs were all there.

'They seem to know our target station and it seemed that they were expecting someone else to be the leader,' Haru thought as Hee-won looked at him in disbelief.

"Then all the reason not to go, we should just take care of them here," Hee-won's face twitched as she didn't understand why Haru was playing dumb.

"That won't end the problem, their group has information on our station that had just opened, so we need to catch their leader and understand where this information is coming from," Queresha said making Hee-won understand why Haru planned on going, even if they take care of these guys their main force should be near. If left alone they'll only cause problems down the line since this information will keep on circulating.

Right now, their most important task is to understand how these guys know about their station and stop it from spreading further.

"I see, I am coming along," Hee-won said as they were up against a station, so there was no way she would back down.

"Ok, Hee-won, Sang-ah, and I will go with them," Haru said shocking Sang-ah as she didn't think she'll be going with them.

"Also Dok-ja, Hyun-sung, Ji-hye, and Nam-woon, you guys go and look in the direction of Myeong-dong and Eul-Jiro Sam-ga Stations to see if there are any groups there," Haru said looking at the group.

'I was planning on doing that, But now I can go without causing any suspicions,' Dok-ja thought as he nodded, this was the perfect opportunity.

"I wanna go with Hee-won Unnie," Ji-hye didn't seem even a little bit happy by this but she didn't say anything further since an important topic was being discussed.

"And lastly, the rest of you guys be ready to defend, Gil-young keep an eye on the tunnels," Haru looked at the people who would be defending the station while the two groups were away.

"Ok," Gil-young got to work immediately since he didn't need to do much.

'I needed to change things a bit because of this Dong-Daemun group, But it is ok since there isn't much of a difference to how things will play out,' Haru thought as he went down onto the platform.

Everyone got to work quickly since there was no time to waste.

"Sorry to make you wait," Haru said as he approached Il-hun and his group who were looking around at the people with a little shock.

"Ah, no need to worry about that, we did spring this on you guys. So, there are only three people coming with us?" Il-hun asked as he looked at Hee-won and Sang-ah who were following Haru.

"Yes, we would be troubling you," Haru smiled as Hee-won also copied the smile since it seemed fun.

"Haru-ssi would it be alright ...for me to come along?" Sang-ah whispered as she knew she wasn't that strong in the group for her to come with Haru and Hee-won if they wanted to deal with the Dong-Daemun group.

"We'll need your help Sang-ah, So let's do our best, Ok?" Haru said making Sang-ah surprised.

"Alright," Sang-ah became more motivated after hearing that.

"No words to motivate this loyal knight of yours?" Hee-won said with a grin on her face.

"That is an accurate assessment," Haru said as he snapped his finger and...


"W-What?!" Il-hun was shocked as he heard the sound of bodies hitting the ground, he looked around and all of his group members were on the floor knocked out.

'W-When did they?' Il-hun shrunk in fear as he saw Hee-won and Sang-ah walk back towards Haru after they took care of the last members.

"You seem perplexed for someone who has information about our station," Il-hun froze in place as he heard Haru's voice from behind him.

"Y-You..." Il-hun was paralyzed with fear looking at Haru who walked in front of him with a smile.

"So it can be either you didn't get the full information or the person you got information about didn't appear," Haru said as Il-hun's face became pale.

"Well, I don't think I need to hear a reply, Anyway let's go back and talk about this at the station,"

"Guh," Il-hun felt something hit his neck as his vision darkened after hearing Haru's words.

"So, how are we going to transport them back?" Hee-won asked after she knocked Il-hun unconscious, Sang-ah along with her had knocked out everyone while they were in an illusion, honestly, it was too easy but things were getting more challenging now since they'll need to carry them back.

"I see them, they right in the front," Hee-won looked back and saw 20 people from Chung-muro station coming their way. These were the group members who had fought with them against the monster wave on the first day.

"As expected from Your Majesty," Hee-won bowed with a smile with a hand on her chest.

"You're taking revenge for not letting you know about this in advance, aren't you?" Haru deadpanned.

"As expected of Your Majesty, You right through me," Hee-won said acting in the same knightly manner.

"...Sang-ah tie all of them up so that we can take them back without any issues," Haru just talked to Sang-ah who nodded and got to work quickly, she was the one looking the happiest since this plan worked smoothly without anyone dying.

And in less than 10 minutes the attacking team of the Dong-Daemun team and the motorbikes were back at Chung-muro.

"Dok-ja and the other left already?" Haru asked Queresha who was overseeing the people on the platform.

"Yes, Dok-ja said the faster they know about the surroundings the better," Queresha answered.

"That is correct, Which way did they go?" Haru asked as he nodded.


powerstones are great, they give you extra chapters, L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!