Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:57:50 AM

Chapter 342: Wrong

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Chapter 342: Wrong

[The hidden scenario has arrived!]

[The new king candidate has started to walk along his road!]

[The King's Road has begun!]

[Hidden Scenario – King's Road]

Category: Hidden

Difficulty: A The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

Clear Conditions: Take over a minimum of 10 stations within the time limit.

Time Limit: 10 days

Reward: The attribute of a 'king'.

Failure: If you can't take over a minimum of one station per day, you and your group members will all die.

'Taking over more stations to increase the rank of the flag and becoming a king, Huh,' Haru thought looking at the new sub scenario.

Just from this, the main point of the Fourth Scenario had become clear.

'The scenario is to find a leader or leaders that will command Seoul City,' Haru jumped down on the tracks and started to walk back towards Chung-muro, this could end in different ways depending on who the Scenario is played out later.

For now, he had done everything he came out to do, and things back at Chung-muro were also progressing how he wanted them to so there was no need to worry about it for now.

Half an hour later,

Haru was back in Chung-muro passing the group he sent there since he was running back, and as soon as he stepped on the platform, Haru found Queresha waiting for him.

"We found the ones who put the two groups on to us," Queresha got straight to the point.

While Haru was away she questioned Il-hun and that guy crumbled under pressure really quickly when Nam-woon got ready to cut him into pieces.

"Two groups?" Haru asked since he had only seen Dong-Daemun trying to attack them.

"Myeong-dong's group was also waiting to attack us as soon as the barrier went down, but they were killed en route," Queresha explained and Haru nodded since he understood who did that.

"Where are the others?" Haru asked since the main group wasn't down there.

"I think it would be a good idea to go and check out Dong-Daemun Station, maybe we could find something about this group from their leader," Dok-ja made his suggestion carefully and Queresha turned to look at him, this made him a little uneasy on the inside but it didn't show on his face.

"That seems like the best course of action," Queresha nodded as Dok-ja was relieved that his suggestion wasn't shot down, though he was certain it wouldn't be.

"Hmm, I was about to go there anyway but I thought about checking a few things out before," Haru nodded as he had the same plan but he delayed it a little.

"Were you planning on going out alone again?" Hee-won raised an eyebrow.

"...No," Haru looked away as Hee-won narrowed her eyes, she wasn't believing any of it, it was easy to see that he was about to do just that.

"We'll make a team that'll go with you, can't take any chances with this one," Hee-won shook her head as much as she trusted Haru to be strong.

It is not like she'll just leave all of the work to him. And who knows how powerful this group called 'Prophets' were, Being over-prepared is better than being underprepared, and since there were many unknowns about this group currently, it would be better to be as careful as possible.

"That's unfair Ahjussi you are hogging all of the fun, I want to go out as well," Ji-hye just wanted to get out of Chung-muro as there was nothing else to do here now.

'She is not going to leave the station now,' Jin-ah thought looking at Ji-hye as Queresha glanced at her.

"Alright, let's form the team that'll go," Queresha said and everyone nodded.

A few minutes later, Haru, Dok-ja, Hyun-sung, Hee-won, and Alea left the station going towards Dong-Daemun station.

'I wanted to go as well,' Jin-ah thought but she got to work quickly after she saw Queresha coming back up to the floor, Ji-hye also accepted that she won't be able to go and decided to help in guarding the station, She could see that Jin-ah and Alea both didn't question Queresha's decision.

Ji-hye was a bit confused about it at first and knew that there should be something that made them behave that way, But...

'I don't want to find out about it the hard way,' But unlike Ji-hye there was another person that didn't seem to get this memo.

"How can they go without me the Vanguard? Saint explain this to me," Nam-woon wasn't having it and he asked Queresha a question.

"..." Queresha stared at him for a while before his pompous nature vanished in thin air.

"...Noonim, why wasn't I sent out?" Nam-woon asked again speaking respectfully.

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is disappointed.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

'He talked normally?' Ji-hye was actually getting annoyed at Nam-woon's chunni speech, it was only funny for some time.

But Nam-woon didn't look like he was going to change it anytime soon and he wasn't one to listen to people anyway, but it seemed that she was wrong...

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!