Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:57:32 AM

Chapter 348: So Close To Death

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Chapter 348: So Close To Death

"Did you get this information about Da-bong Station from your Prophet group?" Haru asked making the stiffen in place, Haru didn't look easy-going as before even with the same smile. They could feel the change in mood as the air was a lot heavier for them.

'Don't lie, It will mess up everything,' Dok-ja wanted to say these words directly to the two but he couldn't, from the expression of the two it looked like Haru was using his skill on them.

'It looks like that pressure thing still happens when he does that, so it hasn't been used on me without me knowing,' Dok-ja felt a lot more relieved after knowing this, but even then he didn't take the chance to gesture at them since it could be bad if he was spotted. Right now he was betting on their wits because if they mess up here they won't be of no use in the future.

"Y-Yes, But we can't get any more information from there because he killed them, we kicked out their accounts from the chat group after the tyrant king started sending messages using their phones," Min-seob said truthfully since he could feel that his life was on the line right now.

"I see, Do you know anything about the 12 apostles?" Haru asked another question.

"No, we only know they are out there, most of us prophets do not know each other as well but the apostles are even more secretive," Min-seob was really careful with his words.

"B-But we can most likely find them if we have time," Sung-kook wasn't lying about this, the prophets were about to have a gathering tomorrow and they might find good information there.

This would also make keeping them alive in Haru's eyes. But sadly...

"There is no need for that," Haru said making Min-seob and Sung-kook's hearts sink. Dok-ja didn't interfere since he knew the outcome of this conversation from the start.

"Please don't kill us," Min-seob immediately bowed his head, this was his biggest concern, to hell with Jung-hyuk or whoever was Chung-muro's leader, if he could save his neck then it was all good, he didn't care what happened to anyone else.

"Please don't," Sung-kook also felt the same.

"Oh My, Has Your Majesty awakened to a new fetish I wonder," Right then Hee-won walked in looking at Haru while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Hee-won you're messing with my flow here," Haru's eyes twitched as he saw that cheeky grin on Hee-won's face.

"Oh, I am sorry, I should've come after they kissed your feet because they were on the brink of despair," Hee-won said walking towards Haru.

'What is happening? I mean we don't mind doing that if it can keep us alive,' Min-seob and Sung-kook were confused as they looked up after hearing Haru and Hee-won argue.

'Well, this works I guess,' Dok-ja shrugged since Hee-won's entrance really did break the flow.

[Some Constellation respect your tastes.]

[500 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'I Like Feet' is looking at you.]

[200 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is wiggling his eyebrows with a grin.]

[300 coins have been sponsored.]

'What is happening here?' Haru tilted his head not knowing what was going on, Alea's gaze was a lot more intense than normal.

"So, did something happen?" Haru asked Alea since she was just looking at him for a minute straight without a word.

"Ah, Yes, Boss sent a message," Alea said as Haru nodded signaling her to speak further.

"Chang-shin Station is in Kanae's possession so there is no need to worry about the scenario, and the preparations at Chung-muro station have also been completed," Alea was a little disappointed since nothing was happening as she thought it would.

"Ok, tell our group members to come here quickly," Haru said and Alea went out to get everyone.

A while later Dok-ja, Hee-won, Hyun-sung, and Ji-hye who came with the collection group to Dong-myo came into the tent.

An hour later Haru left the station and went back to Chung-muro alone leaving the others in Dong-myo with tasks they needed to do.

"I knew he'd rush back," No one was able to understand why Hee-won was laughing like that aside from Alea.

'Boss is too powerful, but I won't give up or Naruto would be ashamed,' Alea was getting more pumped to try harder as everyone was going about their tasks. It was already evening right now and everyone was moving busily.

"Well, let's do the task we were given quickly," Dok-ja said and the others nodded.

Dok-ja and Ji-hye were told to defend this station along with the fighters from Dong-myo till Hyun-sung, Hee-won, and Alea moved all of the non-combatants and resources from here to Chung-muro with everyone's help.

"I really thought I was gonna die," Min-seob sighed heavily as he went into the main tent with Sung-kook and Dok-ja.

"I feel like I aged a few years in those minutes," Sung-kook also felt the heat when facing Haru even though the end wasn't how he thought it would be, he never thought that he would be scared of such an easygoing person.

"Well, you really would've died if you said a lie to him," Dok-ja said making Sung-kook and Min-seob freeze in place.

"W-Why would we lie to him?" Min-seob laughed nervously.

"Y-Yeah there is no need for that," Sung-kook looked away as well.

"Let's stop pretending here, if not for that sudden change in the tone you would've definitely lied to him," Dok-ja didn't blame these two as he sat down on the bed, one might think that they can easily fool Haru because of the way he appeared.

"Well, I am more surprised with how things have changed from the original," Min-seob shook his head as Jung-hyuk was no longer the leader of Chung-muro, instead of him and the original cast there were a whole lot of new faces.

"Yes, how did he manage to become the leader? He doesn't seem like a reader of the revelation like us,"


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