Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:57:24 AM

Chapter 350: The Calm Before The Storm

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Chapter 350: The Calm Before The Storm

"Sucks to be you," Haru laughed annoying Hee-won since she knew damn well why he was doing that.

"So, did you quench your thirst with Queresha last night? I heard she left your tent a bit late last night?" Hee-won asked with a smirk as Haru sighed, he expected this would happen.

"I won't do something like that," Haru smiled wryly, there were many things on his mind right now, but not the one Hee-won was talking about.

'And even if I felt like that, I won't do it here,' Haru thought as he looked at the blue panel that appeared in front of him.

[Many Constellations are disappointed that nothing happened.]

[700 Coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'One Who Likes To Change Genders' is saying she is quite interested in seeing you do that.]

[200 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is saying that he'll destroy the earth if you do something like that.]

[100 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Noble Child Of The Sun' is telling you to think of Earth.]

[200 coins have been sponsored.] The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

[The Constellation 'Desserts For Days' is saying all you need is desserts everything else is an illusion.]

[500 coins have been sponsored.]

'At this point, I don't know which group is the weirder one,' Haru sighed as he looked away from the notifications.

"So, did we move everything from Dong-myo and Dong-Daemun?" Haru turned to Hee-won who was for some reason smirking while looking at him.

"Yes, and the people from there have also come here safety, I think Queresha is talking to them currently so that they know how things are done here, Also..." Hee-won paused for a bit thinking if she should say it or not.

"What happened?" Haru asked.

"Some of the people aren't back yet," Hee-won scoffed seeing Haru play oblivious to it, she was sure he knew of it already.

"Who is it?"

"Dok-ja, Ji-hye, Hyun-sung, That thin guy with a lot of accessories, and that annoying guy with a mask around his neck, They didn't come back," Hee-won didn't remember the name of the last two since she hadn't talked to them. Haru knew she was talking about Sung-kook and Min-seob who were part of the Prophet Group.

If Dok-ja could he would've brought Nam-woon as well since that would assemble the original group of Jung-hyuk, and would give him more credibility among the other prophets who are distrustful of him in the group chat. But...

'That guy is a loose cannon,' Dok-ja didn't want to risk it so he stuck with Ji-hye and Hyun-sung.

"Well, I guess using a mask is necessary, otherwise you would've failed before it even starts," Ji-hye said and Dok-ja had lost count of how many times he had been hit by this statement.

But it did hurt him every time he heard it, so he wasn't getting used to this anytime soon.

'That is the actual Naval commander Lee Ji-hye,' Min-seob was actually quite hyped to see Ji-hye, it was the same for Sung-kook since seeing fictional characters become reality was something way more interesting than he had thought before.

Even though the ones who came to life weren't their favorite characters, it was still interesting.

'It was a lot harder to get more stations, I am still a station short here,' This is what took most of Dok-ja's time today and yesterday, with the help of the prophet's chat group he was able to get some abandoned stations for himself.

He was using everything he could, originally he thought it would be harder because of the Tyrant king's group causing chaos but...

'He has gone silent since yesterday; did Jung-hyuk get to him? But isn't it too early for that, or did something else happen,' Dok-ja was curious about it since the Tyrant king was going to be one of the major hurdles in his plans for this scenario but he had already made a plan regarding that guy, so, for now, he was going to focus on what was in front of him.

"Dok-ja we've about to reach An-guk station," Hyun-sung said from the front as he looked at the sign on the right side of the tunnel.

"Alright, let's go ahead," Dok-ja knew that he was walking on thin ice currently, But...

'I can't sit back and just watch things go sideways, with this I'll be able to participate in the competition for the Throne of Seoul,' Dok-ja's target station was An-guk which was another reason he made this move.

This station was an unoccupied station according to what Min-seob said since the Prophets didn't really trust each other enough to meet at a station that is already claimed, as it posed many dangers for them.

Dok-ja and the others climbed onto the platform of An-guk station, No one was paying much attention to them since no one knew what Jung-hyuk and the party actually looked like.

Then a prophet approached and waved, he seemed to know Min-seob.

"Hey, No. 1089!"

"Oh, it is No. 763 hyung," Min-seob waved and welcomed the person, they were calling each other by the nicknames they had in the chat group, Min-seob being 1,089th which denoted the ranking of at which number he stopped reading TWSA.

"How have you been? Your face doesn't look good?" Min-seob asked the guy who looked a little stressed.

"Well spotted. The Tyrant King has suddenly gone silent and it is giving us more stress than when he was going around attacking different groups," The guy sighed since it looked like this was the calm before a storm, They didn't know what the Tyrant king will do, but they knew it would be something that'll cause many problems.

No. 763 glanced toward Dok-ja and his face suddenly stiffened.

"P-Perhaps... he is...?"

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