Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:57:17 AM

Chapter 351: The One Who Made The Plans

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Chapter 351: The One Who Made The Plans

No. 763 glanced toward Dok-ja and his face suddenly stiffened.

"P-Perhaps... he is...?"

Jung Minseob nodded.

No. 763's eyes showed astonishment.

"I-It is really an honor. Yu Jung-hyuk-nim!" The uproar caused the scattered prophets to gather one by one. As it was confirmed that the protagonist has arrived, everyone arrived.

"Is that...?"

The prophets ran together and pushed in front of Dok-ja. There were also a few female prophets as well who were much more active than the males for obvious reasons.

"He looks better than I imagined! I am No. 998!"

"It is great to meet you, Yu Jung-hyuk-nim! I'm No. 1055!"

And it wasn't only Dok-ja who got the attention.

"Lee Hyun-sung-nim!"

"Steel Sword Lee Hyun-sung?"

Lee Hyun-sung blushed as he was surrounded by people.

"W-What are you doing? I'm not the Steel... I'm not that!"

"Wow, just like a real revelation. Look at those biceps!"

"Ohhh! So taut!"

Although it isn't talked about much, but Hyun-sung is actually quite good looking and his physique was also great, this attracted the female prophets' attention as they touched his body as he couldn't defend himself against them.

Dok-ja could easily see that Hyun-sung wasn't used to this kind of attention because...

'Hyun-sung went to an all-boys school, then studied engineering and went into the army....Poor guy,' Dok-ja felt like this was a good time for Hyun-sung since this was a new experience.

Ji-hye was also approached by a few people who looked interested since she was wearing her school uniform with track pants and a black vest under a grey hoodie.

"Are you the Naval Commander Lee Ji-Hye?" A man asked as he looked a little too excited about this.

"Yeah, why do you know me?" Ji-hye asked as she was suspicious of these people knowing of her, she was thinking that someone was spreading information about her outside.

"It is because you are quite famous in Seoul Dome, I am a big fan as well," the guy said as the people around him also nodded.

"Well, it can't be helped if that is the case, you want an autograph or something?" Ji-hye folded her arms looking at the people around her who were getting happy at her friendly behavior.

"Why suddenly the main scenario..."

The surface of the meteorite cracked and a red light poured out. The first thing the light touched was the prophet staring at the meteorite with wonder.

The body of the prophet who lost his head slowly fell to the ground like a broken doll.

"What is going on?!"

The prophets screamed and retreated, but they were already unable to escape the crisis. Today none of the Prophets will be able to leave this station.

'Please, don't let it be that 'disaster',' Dok-ja knew that this was supposed to be part of the Fifth Scenario but because of these guys' stupidity things became like this.

The meteorite cracked and red lava poured out as nothing was going Dok-ja's way right now.

'Is it because I betrayed Haru's trust? Yes, that might be it,' Dok-ja could only make a dry joke like this because a five-meter-tall dragon crawled out of the cracked meteorite looking at everyone like they were ants.

[The 5th-grade fire dragon species, 'Lesser Dragon Igneel' has appeared!]

"'Those Damn Apostles' I am pretty sure that bastard Jung-hyuk would be cursing us like that," A fat guy with a double-edged axe laughed as he walked down the train tunnel.

He wasn't alone as there were four people with him.

"Haha, I wonder what type of face he'll make when he finds out that he has to work for us from now on," Another guy who was dressed in a white dress shirt and black pants also found the situation amusing.

"Well, it is quite a shame the Naval Commander Lee Ji-hye is also at An-guk right now, It would've been a lot more fun if she was around," The Fat guy said with a weird smile.

"Well, that is if he comes back alive," A guy with neck shoulder-length brown hair with a bandana on his forehead spoke flatly ignoring the fat guy's comment.

"This is Jung-hyuk we are talking about, He'll surely come back alive," The only girl in the group spoke, she was holding a flute in her hands and looking at the three guys in the back laughing.

They only shrugged since it didn't matter, there were only two choices for Jung-hyuk currently. The first one was to die at An-guk station and the second one is working under the apostles. And the one who made these plans possible was...

"It has been five minutes let's go," The guy at the front of the group said coldly, he was wearing a cape with the roman numbering 1 on the hood that was covering most of his face.

They had sent a wave of subterranean monsters at the station using the Flute of Hamelin, so now it was time for them to go in and finish the job.

"Yes, leader," The other four said each with a different tone since their group was just like that. And each of them was wearing the same cape as the guy in the front but with different numbers from 2 to 5.

"Hmm? No one is here," The fat guy who had number 3 on his cape looked around the platform, the others were the same but they couldn't see anyone.

"Did they all run away or something?"


Where are your stones?

I am confisicating it.

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