Published at 3rd of April 2024 09:57:13 AM

Chapter 353: Got Eem!!

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Chapter 353: Got Eem!!

"This is interesting, I'll keep this," Haru picked up the spheres that were in front of his feet like it was nothing to be scared of.

The leader of the Prophets smiled since he knew this overconfident guy would do that, now he was finished...or he was supposed to be.

"I can see by that look on your face that you don't understand anything," Hee-won smirked making the leader look at her.

"Don't look at me, I am not going to explain what happened to you," Hee-won laughed looking at the angry look on the leader's face.

'As fun as this is, I should end this,' Hee-won thought as everyone else was finished, she was ready to rush in but...

"I surrender," Unexpectedly the leader raised his hands and threw his weapon on the ground.

"That works I guess," Hee-won shrugged as she took this guy in front of Haru alongside the other apostles. Nam-woon still hadn't come back yet and they could still hear the sounds of hits from the platform below, so it means that it'll continue for a while.

"Surrendering was a good move," Haru smiled looking at the leader's face, this guy was the only one who wasn't that injured.

The others that came with him were quite heavily injured and most of them ever barely conscious at the moment.

"These vines are a little tougher," The First Apostle said as his hands and legs were bound behind his back with vines, it was done by Alea to keep him from moving from his knees.

The same was done to the others who were caught.

"You really aren't scared that you might get killed if you act out of line, huh?" Haru spoke to the leader who was more occupied with looking at everyone present here more than thinking about his current situation.

"Do you have the authority to kill me without asking Yu Jung-hyuk? The fact that you caught me alive is suggesting otherwise," The guy scoffed looking at Haru who shook his head.

Haru could see that even though these four have lost they didn't have much fear in their eyes since to them unless they were facing someone like Jung-hyuk or Nam-woon the individuals who had a few screws loose. They had confidence in surviving by using the information they had.

"Are you still trusting the information you got from your spy?" The First Apostle's face twitched as he heard Haru.

'The information was missing on most of them and something is up with this guy as well,' The First Apostle thought looking at Haru, he could feel something was wrong about the situation in Chung-muro.

Even then there is no way he'll be killed because he knew it would be that way. No matter what Jung-hyuk wouldn't let such a chance go away, but he stiffened as he heard Haru's next words.

"Thank you for delivering the parcel here," Haru stood up grabbing the hilt of his katana looking at the First Apostle.

"You, Don't tell me you've go-SLASH*" The First Apostle's head was separated from his body with a single swing and flew in the air landing right in front of the other Apostles.

"W-what," The other three apostles were shaken by what had just happened right in front of them as they could only look on in horror as the first apostle's lifeless body hit the ground with blood spraying all over. The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

The previously building-up confidence was broken in less than a second as Haru had killed their leader even while knowing that this guy must have the most information.

[The Constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is saying 'Got eem!']

[200 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'I Am Worth More Than That' finds the situation funny.]

[200 coins have been sponsored.]

[The Constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is listening to the conversation with great attention.]

[400 coins have been sponsored.]

"...Damn it," The leader could only curse since this trick has failed twice in the last 10 minutes.

First Hee-won and then Haru, these guys had broken the unspoken rules of explaining your enemy how they were outsmarted, so that the defeated can make a new strategy to outsmart the victors and the cycle continues.

"You are really dumb for someone who made such a plan," Haru laughed looking at the head.

He had to give it to this person, they made a great plan by using the prophets to go after Chung-muro which would make Jung-hyuk go towards Dong-myo coming in contact with prophets there who'll take him to An-guk.

This person had set up a trap in An-guk in order to get Jung-hyuk under them, because since Jung-hyuk was trapped there with most of his powerful subordinates, these guys could take over Chung-muro and then they'll be able to control him.

But all of this was on the basis of Jung-hyuk being the leader of Chung-muro.

"You're speaking as if you have figured out everything," The First Apostle wasn't having any of it.

This person knew that Haru had some hand in what had happened but even then the latter's attitude was on getting on his nerves, Because it looked like Haru wasn't taking him seriously.

"Your head being here speaks for itself, I didn't have trouble in finding your clone that was hidden here when I first arrived, feeding you incorrect information and guiding your plan down the route I want was in fact easier than I thought," Haru shrugged like it was no big deal, it would've been better if his mouth wasn't full of cookies right now, but when has he ever cared about such things?

The only reason he agreed with Dok-ja playing as Jung-hyuk going into Dong-myo was because of this, The First Apostle would come to hear about Jung-hyuk's visit and him going to An-guk would also be told them since they surely have an informant in the Prophets Chat group.

Well, in reality, Dok-ja was the one who was impersonating Jung-hyuk and then he went to An-guk as bait. This plan mainly worked because Haru believed the First Apostle was thorough enough to do things this way.

The First Apostle didn't know how it all happened but he knew one thing...

"...I'll make you regret getting in my way,"


See you guys next week...

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!